Sunday, April 9, 2017

"I Started Sewing At Age Six"

Pantsuit I finished today. Not a good display but was rushed for time. 4-9-2017 Perryton, TX
The shoes that caused me all this trouble. Python purse needed some accessories also. 4-9-2017

I have been busy the past three days designing, and sewing a pantsuit for myself. It would have gone faster but I had sewing machine problems. My sister in Albuquerque spent some time on the internet trying to help me fix it, but I think it needs some major overhaul work. I had not used the machine in several years. I had finished all the garment but the sleeves, when the machine took a turn for the worse and locked completely up. I had three other machines here, but none of them were working either. My sister suggested I try one of them anyway so I did. After about an hour of working with the one I like best, I finally got it to working. I completely finished the pantsuit, and considering all the sewing problems I had it looks very well.

I thought I had to make this pantsuit because I couldn’t find anything in any of the dress shops that would look good with a pair of shoes I just recently purchased. I have been out of the garment making for years, but looks like I may be back in it. I didn’t take any pains in displaying the outfit, because it was getting late, and I wanted to put it on my blog tonight. It really does look better on my body than hanging. At least I haven’t lost all my sewing skill, just part of it. Between my art work, and sewing, my house looks like a cyclone has hit it.

I think the good Lord wanted me to find something to get my head out of the television for awhile. I was obsessed with all the news that just kept sounding worse all the time. It finally got me thinking that I was being too involved with something I couldn’t do anything about. I still know that our country is in a state of disarray, but that doesn’t me I have to be that way myself. The more I watched, and read on the internet, the more I began to realize that some good people are surly loosing their minds. I find it shocking to hear what some have to say when it is the total opposite of what they’ve been saying. They outright say they’ve been misled when I’m sure they have not. The agitation is becoming compulsive for so many. It is best to walk away and tell God it’s in His hands. I will continue to keep occupied with my hobbies, and run my own business, leaving everyone else’s alone. Of course I will keep paying attention to what is going on in the world, but I will not let it take over my life completely. My prayers will forever be going up for all the hurting, and desperate persons who are trapped in evil and despair. God hears, and answers prayer or I wouldn’t be wasting my time on it. I am positive, and not probably, on that one thing. I know how to trust Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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