Monday, April 24, 2017

"All Hail Broke Loose"

Myself and my three sisters. Left to right in blue Myrtle Jean, Shirley, Colene, and Betty. $-24-2017 Perryton, TX.

I returned home this morning from a four day trip to Norman, Oklahoma. I am tired, but very happy to have spent several days with my loving sisters. We had a great time just living it up. My niece took pictures of us, and I have posted one on this blog. I am the oldest of the four. Our three brothers have all passed on so we girls are pretty close together now. My sister from Albuquerque, and her two daughters came early for Memorial Day to decorate the graves. We visited our mother’s grave in Norman, Oklahoma, and stayed three nights at the River Wind motel there. The last night of our stay the Casino was giving away $11,000 at 12:00 p m. by a drawing. We all were anxiously awaiting for our name to be called, but no such luck. One man walked away thousands of dollars richer. It was still fun just talking about what we would do with the money. I did not visit all the other gravesites in several other areas that my sister and nieces were going to because I was very worn out. I came home today, and have been resting every since. I would liked to have stayed longer, but the time does come for everyone to go home. I will be looking forward to doing this again.

On June the 10th our family will be having a reunion at Thunderbird Lake about 10 miles out of Norman. I am not for sure if I can make it or not since it’s so close to this trip I’ve just made. Several family members have made plans to go, but several had already made plans for vacations such as cruses, and Island trips before they were informed of the reunion. I know the lake reunion will be lots of fun, but for older people water skiing, and boating isn’t as much fun as it used to be, not to mention the heat. It’s always nice to see family that we’ve not seen for years.

There just isn’t any place like home, and I’m so glad to be back. I have missed a lot of news which I will be trying to catch up on, and it came a big hail storm while I was gone. I will be having to replace the roof on my house, and clean up a lot of limbs and other stuff off my yard. The fruit on the trees doesn’t seem to be hurt, but the yards look real shaggy. After a couple days of rest I will be ready to tackle the task of cleaning up the mess. It will take me awhile to get back on my schedule since I am still excited about the trip, but I will calm down and be normal again soon. I still have several unfinished tasks to get to working on. Maybe  the change of atmosphere will help to get the projects finished. Tomorrow will be a new beginning for me I hope.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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