Thursday, April 6, 2017

"A Mother's Love Is Indispensable"

This mother rabbit just delivered her babies. She is not getting very far away from them. 4-6-2017 Perryton TX

This mother rabbit just delivered her babies. Usually she would hit the exit out of my yard as soon as I opened my door, but this morning I walked up close to her and she never moved. She is positively protecting her babies. Animals are sometimes better mothers than humans are. My daughter-in-law is the director of a foster care facility. It breaks my heart to hear about some of the saddest stories of when little children have been taken out of abusive homes and brought to her facility to be cared for until they can be placed in a foster family provider home. Many times the little angels will be adopted out to good parents, but not until they have cried many of nights for their mommies. I’m too soft-hearted to listen to these sad, sad stories. I rise to the point I want to go find the mothers, and fathers, of these children and tell them how sorry, and no good, they are. Then I’m reminded of how many little children were not fortunate enough to be put in foster care before they were brutally murdered, after being tortured for most of their lives. How thankful I am for dedicated men, and women, who give their love, and time, to these precious little ones. Their heavenly reward will be great since they are really caring for God’s little children. I mention them in my prayers each night.

I have accomplished a lot today. The sun is shinning finally, and the rain-soaked ground is drying fast. I spent several hours paying bills and doing some shopping. I cooked lunch for Chuck and I, and I feel like I have earned my pay today. I did spend some time talking with my sister on the phone, but that too I feel was important. For so long I was in a rut and didn’t go out much or do anything at home either. It has taken me four years to get to this, “better outlook on life,” since I lost my life-long husband. I’m now finding more things to do than I have time to do them. Thank God, he never gave up on me. I sure wasn’t going to give up on Him. Happy, happy, am I as I keep traveling this long road to eternity. I lost another friend this past Sunday. She was several years younger than me, but had battled sickness for a long time. She said she was ready to go. I have two more friends who are struggling with health issues. I bought both of them a recovery card today. I will mail them with my best love, and blessings, tomorrow. I have already waited too long about doing it. I do pray that I will be more prompt in doing things that I feel compelled to do. Sometimes we just need to forget our own pain and think about others. I can, and with God’s help I will do that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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