Thursday, April 27, 2017

Fear Not I Am With You Sayeth The Lord"

                 Wicked clouds look like more hail for Perryton, TX.4-27-2017 Perryton, TX

While driving home from the grocery store I saw these heavy black clouds in the north west. It could possibly be more hail for Perryton. We had a great damaging hail last week, and people are trying to get their roofs replaced, but maybe they should wait awhile. So far this has been a bad season for our area. First we had a major ice storm that did thousands of dollars worth of  damage. Then we had a vast grass fire that destroyed some homes, and human lives, and thousands of head of livestock. Now we have had a major hail storm that has caused lots of damage to homes and vehicles and other property. How long it will continue is everyone’s guess. The people in our area have always felt blessed for not having any bad storms of any kind for many years. We are now made to wonder what has changed that. It has showed us one thing for sure. No matter who we are, or where we live, we are all made to suffer great loses just because we are human. Only those who have Jesus in their heart will be able to smile after the storm. “Because He lives we can face tomorrow.” Let us give thanks every day for what we have. It could always be worse.

I was able to take care of several bits of business today. In these times of change it takes a constant awareness to keep up with all of it. One must realize that companies who are in the business of making money from you are going to make all they possible can, even though they don’t always tell you why your premiums have gone up. It’s not like we pay what we owe, but we pay what everybody else owes. The company gets their money no matter who they get it from. And most of the time they get a bonus to boot. I have faith in our President Trump that he is going to change a lot of this greed and rip-off. There is one thing for certain about the dishonest companies. They end up loosing much more than they ripped off. Some people will just never learn this lesson.

I still feel blessed to be living in this little city of Perryton, Texas. Most of the people are honest, and will do anything possible to help you. The majority of the people are living on common ground, and have few  disagreements about their religious belief. Yes, there always is a minority, but it is so small that nothing of great concern lies within them. They are only harming themselves, but bless their hearts, they don’t even know it. We pray that someday they will be delivered from their ignorance. While so many small cities in America today are just remains of what used to be a city, Perryton has grown and prospered to a nice larger middle-class city  with  signs of continued growth all around. We are not a pistol-packing city or a bomb manufacturing site, but we do have something more protective that either of those. We have faith in a great, almighty God, whom will never leave nor forsake us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


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