Wednesday, April 26, 2017

"Precious Memories How They Linger"

My sister, Betty, and her two daughters are placing flowers on our mother's grave. They came early from New Mexico, to Oklahoma for memorial Day. 4-26-2017 Perryton, TX

My trip to Oklahoma City to see my doctor made cause for my sister in New Mexico to decide to celebrate Memorial Day early. She and two of her daughters met me, and my other two sisters in Norman and we spent three days together. Our mother’s grave site beside her husband was the setting for this picture I have posted. The cemetery is very beautiful, and so well kept. Our mother would be 93 years old the fourth of May. 2017. It was hard to stand and look down on the sweetest mother anyone could ever ask for, but God helps our heart to heal again and again. Our mother remarried after our dad died, and her husband is buried beside her. I am glad to be back home, and am slowly getting back to normal. I did have a wonderful time with my three sisters and three nieces. Together we laughed, we cried, we recalled old times, and enjoyed good food and craziness. Now I am living on leftovers of the three days of great fun. It’s time I clear my memory, and start my normal routine again. I think I can do that, but I’m not sure. Nothing seems the same since I’ve been back home. Give me a few more days and I will be the same old me.

If I get the urgent sum of business done the two days left in this week I will be 100 percent. Some things I just don’t enjoy doing anymore, but it must be done. Life without any hassle is not possible. The truth is the older we get the more hassle we have. All my friends agree with me on that. We make each other laugh when we’re trying to be serious. It’s all part of our make-up; it just don’t go on as smoothly as it used to. I am as positive as ever that God still hears and answers my prayers. As long as I can keep this positive feeling I can’t go wrong.

I was able to spread weed and feed on my backyard today. I have had to wait for the right kind of weather, and today was the day. It is suppose to be on the grass several hours before it’s wet down, but it looks like rain might happen tonight. I am extremely excited about all the fruit on the trees. The branches are already bending downward, and the fruit isn’t even a third grown. I should have enough fruit for everyone in the neighborhood. I have planted lots of flower seed so hopefully I will have a pretty yard full of flowers. When the weather warms up the flowers should pop through the ground.

One thing more. Is anyone else confused about what’s going on with Fox News? I think they are going to the dogs. I have watched almost no other channel for twenty years, and I am suddenly let down. Not with the anchors, but with the owners of the company. I believe they are totally political anymore, and not interested in giving the news and letting people make up their own minds. That’s ok Fox, join the evil world of fake news.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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