Saturday, May 2, 2020

"My Neighbor's Big Blue Eyes"

    My neighbor's big blue eyes Oh how they scare me. 5-2-2020 Perryton, TX

It's nice to see these big blue eyes peeking through the fence at me this morning. At least I can pretend. I sat out in the yard under a shade tree, and thoroughly enjoyed the warm weather. The birds, and a few flowers just starting to bloom was my only company. But it is refreshing just to get out of the house, and breath fresh air. I have noticed a few jets starting to fly again after it had bee three or four weeks since I had seen any. The battle is not over yet, but it is becoming to simmer down. The evil leftists are already planning another try at destroying our country. While they are mostly destroying themselves they are successfully destroying a few innocent, ignorant people also. That is just how life is. Those who believe in God, and his Almighty Power will never be defeated. Even so this Great Almighty Power will teach the surviving wounded believers how to adjust to a tremendous change that will have been made. I believe all of God's followers will be wounded in some way, but He is the Healer of them all. Victory is just a few more battles away. I hope more people will get their eyes opened to what is really happening to this Great Creation. Satan was able to win over a multitude of what used to be good people,  and God had to stop it once and for all. This is part of what President Trump called, “cleaning up the swamp.” It is happening, but few people realized how huge was

We have no idea what this world will look like once the swamp has been drained, but we do know God is the Master of all things, good or bad. “Trust Me, Trust Me,” is His advice to us. I have no problem with that. He does require great respect from us, and I praise Him for that. I'm reading in the Old Testament where people who committed unintentional sin had to still be forgiven, because sin is sin whether unintentional or not. That should make us all stop and think a little more seriously. In the book of Leviticus Aaron's two sons were killed by fire from heaven because they presented a burnt offering to the Lord, but the offering was not Holy because God had not told them to do so. This is after the two sons had offered burnt offerings with their father, Aaron, several times. No doubt this was an unintended sin, but they died without being forgiven of it. Aaron was very saddened, but kept silent. Family members were ordered to take the two dead priests by their clothes and carry them out of the sacred place and outside the camp. Read Leviticus chapter 10. I understand when God sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to die for all sins, it was supposed to do away with all other sacrifices, but I believe we still have to follow the command of the Holy Father, respect, and give praise unto Him only.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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