Tuesday, September 3, 2019

"I'm Walking Straight Today"

 The sun that always shines. My Heavenly Father watches over me. 9-3-2019 Perryton, TX

The sun was peeping through this tree while it slowly moved toward the ground. Another hot, late summer, day is about to end. I will never have another day like today, but not saying I won't have one worse than this one. I mentioned a few days ago how I had worked so hard to make an apple tree straighten up. It was not a large tree, but it was growing bent over almost to the ground. I felt so proud of myself when I finally got an iron pole driven in the ground, and with a stout wire pulled the tree almost straight, and tied it to the pole. I could already see a pretty, straight, apple tree next spring. This was Chuck's tree, and he had planted it a few years ago, but never took care of it. Since he had ordered the tree from some grafting place it was suppose to bear a special kind of fruit that nobody around here had. It did produce a few apples a time or two, but didn't have any this year. The apples that did come on it were not what I would call a good tasting apple. They did seem crossed with some other kind of fruit. So I decided to fertilize it, keep it watered good, straighten it, and see what happened next year. I was expecting a super kind of apple that would make everyone ask, “what is this?” What a let down today. I decided to tighten the wire a little more today. I pulled the four or five inch trunk as hard as I could when snap. I landed on the ground backwards so hard till the next door neighbor who was in her shop heard a commotion, and came over to see what happen. I had already gotten up, but she was alarmed at the loud sound. At the very bottom of the tree was a perfect brake with no green showing at all although, the branches had nice green leaves, and looked healthy. Was I a dumb butt, or did this tree live and grow without any sap? I went in the house to tell Chuck what happened, and he so intelligently explained that it was a grafted tree. What did that mean? I didn't ask, but he was not upset for me braking his special little apple tree . I am still trying to figure that one out.

I have been reading in the bible about Gentiles being grafted into the Israelite family, and wondering just what it meant. Are we Gentiles dead to whatever we used to be, and subject to break if pressured too hard? I am very unlearned about the nature of how God created, and recreated His people. I am always so quick to quote the scripture that says, “it is not meant for us to know the mysteries of God.” I believe my son, Chuck, could tell me a lot, but he chooses not to talk about the bible. Anyway I am so thankful that God protected me again, and I was not injured at all, although the fall I took aroused the neighbor who was working in her shop several yards from where I fell. There is no fence between us so she came sailing right over. I plan to someday ask Chuck what he meant when he explained to me that the tree was grafted. Obviously he though I would know why the tree broke smack into near the top of the ground when he told me it was grafted.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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