Sunday, June 30, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Longer It Flies The Louder It Speaks"

Jean's Comment's: "The Longer It Flies The Louder It Speaks":                      Get your flag out early. The 4th of July is near. 6-30 2019 Perryton, TX Four more days after today is the 4 th o...

"The Longer It Flies The Louder It Speaks"

                     Get your flag out early. The 4th of July is near. 6-30 2019 Perryton, TX

Four more days after today is the 4th of July. The day America became independent over 250 years ago. We must continue to fight to keep our dependency. Every American citizen should have a red, white, and blue flag waving at this time. The longer we show our flags the louder they speak. Let us all show our pride by waving our flags. Too many of us has had it too easy for too long. We are going to have to shed some sweat drops now if we expect to keep our Great American traditions. I was made more aware of the need for all people to take part in speaking up for America at church this morning. The first song sung was “My Country Tis Of Thee.” The second was “America The Beautiful.” The last song was “Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus.” We may be a small church, but we have a lot of Christians thanking God for our Country, and our freedom. The Communion song was, “In The Garden.” The song of Benediction was “I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb.” We should not be guessing which country we are living in. We should not be guessing the gender of fellow worshipers. We should not be guessing if we are in a ladies restroom, or one of mixed sexes. We should not be guessing if we are in God's house or Satan's. This is not an exaggeration. It is 100 percent true. The disgrace shown against Jesus is only going to broaden if all Christians don't take great action to stop it. Our own elected Congress members are voting against everything America has stood for for years. Who is to blame for that? They were voted in by ballets, but how many illegal voters marked a ballet just like many that were legal voters but chose to vote against America. In defense of our Lord, and Savior, I say “Christians sharpen your swords.” We are either for Him or against Him.

I have had a full week of going, and enjoying myself with friends. It has been a blessed week, and I plan to do the same this next week. I have been made aware that we cannot let bad news get us down, but at the same time we must admit that times are bad, and work to help change things the best we can. We must identify with Jesus by letting our lights shine for Him. Not by words, but by our deeds. The fruits of the Spirit are our tools. Love, gentleness, compassion, long suffering, thereby offering the poor a welcome to our circle. There are many poor people who have not had to use homeless shelters, but who are barely surviving. Most of us can help them in many ways that don't cause us hardship. The worst thing we can do for them is make them feel unequal. “Teach us Lord to serve, and not to be served.” We will never be poor if we learn from the Master how to treat others like we want to be treated.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Apples For The Pigs"

Jean's Comment's: "Apples For The Pigs":                     Apples which only the pigs will eat. Find out why. 6-29-2019 Perryton, TX   I glance out my kitchen window this mor...

"Apples For The Pigs"

                    Apples which only the pigs will eat. Find out why. 6-29-2019 Perryton, TX
I glance out my kitchen window this morning observing an apple tree hundreds of feet tall, and hundreds of feet broad. The tree is loaded with green apples each with a worm inside for a lack of spraying. Due to the huge size of the tree only a professional tree spraying service could have treated it. For many years the tree provided delicious apples for canning for making pies. Those were the years when the tree was yet small enough for me to spray. The apples are mostly going to waste now because I have no need for them. I make an apple pie only occasionally. I go to the store and buy three fresh apples when I want to make a pie. It seems as though everyone else chooses to do the same. No one wants to can or freeze fresh apples however, that does not keep the apples from falling to the ground. When they are ripe every day or two I am out raking apples up to take to the dumpster. This last for over a month, and I am not enjoying this back-breaking job. The next owner of this tree will cut it down I'm sure.

So it is with the tree of life. For many years we provide love, and support for our growing families, and for others as well. Although our body structure may not grow taller, or wider, it does increasingly require more treatment from our doctors. Heart failure, arthritis, hearing, and eyesight loss, diabetes, bone surgeries, and all other kinds of treatment. We live on and produce some good fruit, but like the apple tree our best fruit is in the past.

I am 86 and I know I am close to the front of the line for my death call. Last night I was sure that call had come. I was sleeping sound when suddenly a great ball of fire engulfed me. It was not hot, but I was inside it. I said to myself, so this is the way I was to go. I wasn't afraid, but I was saying, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus. Then I said, save me, Jesus, save me. I wasn't asking for life to continue on earth, but to save me from hell. When I said the last two words, save me, I immediately woke up. I had a hard time for awhile believing this was not real, but some kind of revelation to me. I couldn't believe I was still in my bed. I had never in my life had something like this happen to me before. I have had bad dreams, and nightmares, that left me shaking when I awoke, and it would take sometimes days to get over them, but never nothing so peaceful as this. This was real even though I am still sitting here today. I think maybe God was letting me know what my death call would be like. Being a caregiver for years I had watched a lot of people struggle with breathing while they left this world. It was very hard for the dying, and the living. I had always thought I might have to suffer a lot of the same distress, but now I am thinking differently. I truly believe I had a revelation instead of a nightmare. It lasted only seconds. I was able to go back to sleep quickly in perfect peace. I thank God for His loving, merciful kindness,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, June 28, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Cowgirl Myrtle Jean"

Jean's Comment's: "Cowgirl Myrtle Jean":                          My cowboy dress-up night at the Center. 6-28-2019 Perryton, TX   What a great time I had last night at the “C...

"Cowgirl Myrtle Jean"

                         My cowboy dress-up night at the Center. 6-28-2019 Perryton, TX
What a great time I had last night at the “Cowboy Dinner” at the Center.” A nice crowd was present to eat grilled burgers, with all the trimmings. The entertainment was enjoyed by everyone. The atmosphere was simply Western Style with loads of fun, and crazy stuff. Every hippie, and rock and roll stuff, was locked out. It was just good ole western fellowship, with freedom to be a plain, American lover. I appreciate the privilege to still be able to have such get-to-gathers like we had last night. All ages were welcome, and we did have a good mixed crowd.

I wore my pretty black hat again this morning to the Friday luncheon. A friend gave the hat to me, and I promised her I would wear it often. It helps to cover the bald part of my head. What a blessing. I have had a full week of going, and blowing since I came home from vacation. I'm trying hard to keep the good thing going. I think home is a place to be when there is no other place to go. Speaking as a widow that is. Tomorrow I will be going to the Widower's dinner at The China Gardens. There has been something to attend every day since I've been home. Of course I will admit I am having to push myself, but it's easier now than before my vacation.

I cannot deny that the news I hear on Fox is still my most important matter. What is happening today certainly has something to do with what is going to happen tomorrow. It helps to shape me for the rest of the day. Sometimes I have to say out loud, “thank you Lord” at something I just heard. Sometimes I have to say out loud, “God I still believe.” The enemy of worry, and fear has to go when I do these “thank you's” to my God. The state of contentment is the most relaxing part of anyone's life. I have always found it easy to fit that blessing into my own life. However, I believe it can also be a wedge between happiness, and boredom if we don't keep it under control. I pray I will never be content if I ever have to depend on someone to take care of me. It will be time for me to go if that ever happens. Of course we cannot tell God what to do, but I believe He does hear and answer prayer. The Word tells us when we no longer have any work to do for Him, it is then that He will take us home. I trust my work is still ongoing. I can't say what, where, or how, but I know I am still being used by God in some way. It's a good thing to be employed by God. The benefits are mounting up. “Work on for the night cometh when no man shall work.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "My Self Careing Flower Garden"

Jean's Comment's: "My Self Careing Flower Garden": With all the rain we've had the flowers are blooming so beautifully. The Tropical grass is extra lovely. 6-27-2019 Perryton, TX   ...

"My Self Careing Flower Garden"

With all the rain we've had the flowers are blooming so beautifully. The Tropical grass is extra lovely. 6-27-2019 Perryton, TX
Today is one of my busiest days. I had to work then come home and write this blog. I have to be at another happier event in less than an hour and one half. I have to bath, and get dressed for that. My blog may be lacking in some detail, but I want to try to stay on schedule. I took the picture I've posted last evening of these flowers in my flower garden. The Tropical grass has grown so high, and is constantly waving in the wind. I'm letting it take over my flower garden because it requires no care. It won't allow weeds to grow, and that is a blessing. I am staying busy going places that I had stopped attending. I think it it is more important to be with friends than stay home and work to keep your place free of weeds. I feel so thrilled that the vacation I just had has given me new ambition, and excitement. In a little over a week I have accomplished more than I was doing in a month. I am sleeping better, and I am not condemning myself for every little mistake I make. I've decided age is not going to catch me again. Fun, and laughter are the best medicines one can take. Without them you might as well go ahead and die. I'm in no hurry to do that.

I am having to skip my two hour painting job today, but tomorrow I will have more time to work on that. The family portrait I'm painting is coming along nicely. Nothing makes me happier than to be pleased with a person, or persons I have painted. I own them, and they have to be what I've made them to be. My sincere thoughts goes with every stroke I use to put character into the portrait. And the character of the persons I'm painting now are beyond extreme love, and intelligence. I must do them justice while putting my honest feeling on the canvas.

With these few words I must stop writing, and get ready for a good evening at Cowboy Cook Out. My Tony Lama boots are anxious to be worn since they have not been out of my closet in years. My 13 year old son at the time he wore the cowboy shirt I'm wearing is now 38 years old, but it still looks new. He only wore it one time while auditioning for a part in a live musical called, “TEXAS.” He got the part, and maybe I can be lucky tonight in some way. I cannot snap the shirt because of my big bosom, but I will wear it over a knit top. I will be wearing a lot of precious memories to the gathering tonight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Get Those Flags To Waving"

Jean's Comment's: "Get Those Flags To Waving":  I arrived at Kent's house on flag day. I was shooting for flags, but they don't show much. 6-26-2019 Perryton, TX   I arrived...

"Get Those Flags To Waving"

 I arrived at Kent's house on flag day. I was shooting for flags, but they don't show much. 6-26-2019 Perryton, TX
I arrived at Kent's house on flag day. I was so impressed to see so many flags being displayed in the area of my son's place. I thought I could get four or five flags in the lens of my camera, but I can see only two. If you zoom in you can see them better. I think every house as far as one could see had a large flag standing close to the street. This was one of the things that sold me on Sherman more than anything else. Some people on the homeland as well as on the battlefield, are still holding onto the ownership of America. Now that I'm back home I will be flying my flag on Independence Day, the 4th of July. Come on people, get those flags flying. We as a nation are too important, and too blessed, to let the enemy rob us of our freedom. Every flag is showing strength of who we are. It is a sign of never giving up our great country. So you are afraid of being attacked or harassed, possibly so, but we must be brave warriors if we are on God's side. Just using our flags for our identity is not bullying anyone. It is just a sign for a Passover if the enemy comes to try and win us over. The enemies know by that flag that we have been redeemed. Thank God for the Passover in olden days, and still holds true today.

I am feeling encouraged this evening after having had a nice lunch at the Center with friends. A good crowd attended, and everyone was talking about the fun night we expect to have tomorrow night called, “Cowboy Night.” I don't have a lasso, or spurs, but I have a cowboy shirt, levis, boots, and hat. I can still mount a horse if one happens to be there. After all I was raised on a farm. I had my own horse. Hamburgers with all the trimmings will be cooked on the grill by the board members. Believe me they are good cooks. If I'm lucky enough to get my picture taken I will post it on my next blog. If anyone is needing a change of pace come join us Thursday night, June 27 at 6 o'clock p m. You won't be sorry, I promise.

I still have my two hours of painting to do so I must move on, and say the rest of what's on my mind fast. I have to say something good is about to happen to me. I don't know what it is yet, but I am sure it's coming. I feel too excited for nothing to happen. I hope God gives me wisdom to know when the offer comes, whether it is good or not. We all can be fooled easily, sometimes. I have been tried before, but I've never been fooled beyond regret. We are living in dangerous times, and without God we are sure losers. And that concludes my sermon for today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 24, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Is It A Candle Or A Chemical Flame"

Jean's Comment's: "Is It A Candle Or A Chemical Flame": No mosquitoes  with this candle. A blazing flame of get gone really does the job. 6-24-2019 Perryton. TX   It was amazing how fast t...

"Is It A Candle Or A Chemical Flame"

No mosquitoes  with this candle. A blazing flame of get gone really does the job. 6-24-2019 Perryton. TX

  It was amazing how fast the mosquitoes left us after this big candle was lite. If it's been invented my kids have one. I learn a lot of new stuff every time I go to see them. I know that lawn blowers are not new, but I couldn't believe how fast my daughter-in-law cleaned off the large patio area that large leaves from a magnolia tree had covered solid. It was almost like magic. I enjoyed watching the kids work. The most work I did while I was there was brush my teeth, and get my pajamas on. It was hard for me to change back after I got home. Finally I am moving a little faster now, and I'm starting to make myself a schedule. My two week vacation has given me a big boost. I would recommend it to anyone. I may not get any more dusting, and vacuuming done, but I sure am going to go out more. Also I am going to put more time into painting. These are my two main priorities now.

I had a nice lunch today at the Center. All my friends looked so happy, and full of life. I appreciate them so much. Nothing can be more healing than getting together with friends, and letting the gab take over. We discussed what we will be wearing this coming Thursday night for a cowboy get together night. I had everything I needed to dress like a cowgirl except a hat. I have a fancy shirt, levi's, and boots, but I didn't have a hat. My dear friend offered to let me wear her loving brother's cowboy hat that he was identified by to everyone who knew him, and that included almost everyone in Perryton. I will be made proud to wear this handsome friend's hat, but at the same time will be a little sadden. If I wear this hat I feel like I will be honoring one of the best men that Perryton ever owned. I am looking forward to this event.

After I finish writing this blog I will be giving two hours to my painting, then make enchiladas for Chuck's lunch tomorrow. I feel like when that's all done I will have made a big accomplishment today. Hopefully I can keep on this track for a long time before crashing again. After a day like this I am always ready for bed which otherwise I never want to go to bed because I can't go to sleep for hours. I'm just now realizing lazy people can't sleep because they are too lazy to close their eyes. They want to keep on being lazy. What a shame to be in that shape. I have been rescued for now, and with God's help I will not be captured again. Thanks to my children, my sisters, and my friends. And thanks to the Lord of my life.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "In Case I Wanted A Midnight Dip"

Jean's Comment's: "In Case I Wanted A Midnight Dip": While at my children's house at Sherman my bedroom door opened onto the swimming pool. 6-23-2019 Perryton, TX   While I was visiti...

"In Case I Wanted A Midnight Dip"

While at my children's house at Sherman my bedroom door opened onto the swimming pool. 6-23-2019 Perryton, TX
While I was visiting my son, and daughter-in-law's home in Sherman, Texas the door of the bedroom I was sleeping in opened onto a nice, large swimming pool. The first morning I was there I woke up at 6 o'clock and went out and relaxed on one of the large chase loungers until the children woke up. I took a lot of pictures of the early morning beauty of the pool, and the surrounding area. Two high- pressured fountains kept the water circulating at all times. A little like Niagara Falls. Tall trees, of all kinds, and shrubs framed the pool except where the house was framing. Honeysuckle vines covered part of the tall fence around the pool. Beautiful blooming flowers, and exotic plants filled the ground area. It was interesting to explore the large yard area of this lovely home. I am so happy I got to spend a week there with my children. I thank God for blessing them so much.

This being Sunday I attended church, and heard the sad news of one of our old talented members passing away while I was gone. She was such a good piano, and organ player, and had taught music for many years. She was a widow, but had continued to use her talent up to her death. I will miss her a lot. I was impressed with the enthusiasm of the crowd this morning. The congregation is growing both in number, and in spirit. The Pastor even preached a longer sermon. Not to mention a lady in front of me standing in line to shake hands with the Pastor after church, kept holding up the line talking to him. As I finally got to shake his hand I said to him, some women just talk to long, don't they? He answered back with a big smile, “yes but some men lead them on.” The lady is one of our favorite, humorous, best Christian members. I love her to pieces. She has overcome many health issues because she trust God for her healing. I was with her and two other friends last night for a women's night out. We drove to our nearby lake, ate a nice dinner, then drove around the lake for quite some time. We had are share of laughs, and putting on the acts of 'The Golden Girls.” I'm so glad to have friends like these jolly ole gals. At least two churches share in these four undignifiedies. My church got two of them. We are the gold, and silver, girls of our time, although I dye my silver hair. I'm just gold now.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I will again be joining the special group who eat lunch at the Senior Citizens Center. I have been absent from there for several weeks. If I don't renew my membership by the end of this month I will be a lagging member. Not me, I will renew tomorrow. Of all the times I missed my heart was there. I have also renewed my attitude, so I am now brand new again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Thankful Widow With Two Mites"

Jean's Comment's: "A Thankful Widow With Two Mites": Waiting for shish kebab's to cook on the grill. Some of my family at my son's house. 6-22-2019 Perryton, TX The following eveni...

"A Thankful Widow With Two Mites"

Waiting for shish kebab's to cook on the grill. Some of my family at my son's house. 6-22-2019 Perryton, TX
The following evening after myself, my daughter, my son-in-law, and one of my grandsons arrived at Kent, and Angela's house shish kebabs was grilling while the family sat around the pool visiting. It was a lovely evening, and the dinner was scrumptious. We had traveled several hundred miles to be there so we were treated with the best of everything. We all had had breakfast that morning at a nice restaurant. To say it truthfully I ate more than I should while there, and I gained five pounds. But I would do it all over again if I could. I had lots of fun, and the time I spent with family was priceless. I came home ready to get going again. Before I made this trip I had almost stopped going out anywhere, It was definitely time to get away for awhile. I got home yesterday, and already I went out tonight with the Widowed Group for dinner at our nice Lake Restaurant. It was an evening of relaxing with some very wonderful people. Tomorrow morning is church, and the next morning is Senior Citizen's lunch at the Center. Yes, I think I have recuperated from my addition of political news, and now I am free to go and do the things I've always enjoyed doing. I don't mean that I have withdrawn from all the important world news, but it will be second on my priority list. My painting will be first, then a little news, with dress up time for going out next.

My bedtime prayers will continue for out President as he fights to keep our country safe. That is about all I can do for him, but that will be enough. God is the answer to all our problems, and it doesn't take long to ask Him to help us. What I can't do, God has someone else who can. That's the way He works. We all are his helpers, and He uses us all in some way. Hallelujah, to His name. We should all be shouting instead of worrying. Someway, somehow, I plan to stop worrying, and start claiming His blessings even though I may be blind to them now. We live by faith, and not by sight. That is to say I will be humble, not foolish. I will be patient, not overzealous. I will be content, not wish-washy. At least that will be my goal. I do feel like we sometimes mistake our blessing for something someone did for us that we were not expecting, and thought it just to be out of one's love for us. We thank the person instead of God. We should thank them both. I usually do, but still remember the person's gift longer than God's gift. How can God bless us lest it come from earthly means? Even healing comes through the hands of doctors. Of course I know there has been healing without doctors, but remember Jesus was a Physician while here on earth. I still believe He is the great Physician over all others. Trust Him now, and always. Amen.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "My Bag Of Faith Is Packed And Ready To Go"

Jean's Comment's: "My Bag Of Faith Is Packed And Ready To Go": You won't be seeing any more flowers from my yard for two weeks. Vacation time is here. 6-11-2019 Perryton, TX   You won't be ...

"My Bag Of Faith Is Packed And Ready To Go"

You won't be seeing any more flowers from my yard for two weeks. Vacation time is here. 6-11-2019 Perryton, TX
You won't be seeing my blogs for probably two weeks. I will be leaving tomorrow on vacation. I have waited impatiently for this time to come, and I hope I am in a better mood when I return home. It is pretty hard for me to leave my daily routine, but God knows I need to do just that. Pleasure, and relaxation are part of what keeps us sane. We need to claim them more often. I'm sure the world will still be here when I get back. If not the vacation will have turned into an eternal peace, joy, and happiness, like I've never known before. I am free, and will not need to think about what I should take with me. Doesn't that sound unbelievable, and wonder if it could really be so? Yes it does, but I believe the Word of God, and He tells us that is what is going to happen most any time. When I feel like I have sinned I don't wait till bedtime to ask God for forgiveness, I ask Him on the spot. Then at night I ask Him again along with forgiveness for the sins I didn't feel, but know I am guilty. No one is without sin, and I want to feel forgiven of my sins, and be forgiven by others, as I forgive them with God's help. I want to have a childlike memory, and forget my anger quickly regardless of the hurt I may have been given. We can be that strong if we are serious about pleasing God. I am dead serious, and nothing could change that belief.

Yesterday I fumed for a moment, then I felt guilty, and asked God to immediately forgive me. He did just that, then I had to ask Him to let the person who made me fume to forgive me. I'm sure He answered that request also. What a life we all have to live, and none of us understand why. We just know that some day it will all be over, and heaven will be our reward if we are faithful to Him.

It's getting late in the evening, and I still have lots to do because I'm leaving at 7 o' clock in the morning. I will not forget all the nice things my readers have said to me, and I will surly be keeping them all in my prayers. I trust they will keep me in their prayers also. We all need each other now like never before. Please don't forget to pray for our President, and vise President and their families. They fight a battle every day, and only God is the reason they are gaining back our great country. God hears our prayers, and sends strength to our leaders if we ask.

Until you hear from me again be kind to everyone, and treat them like you would like to be treated.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Future Painting Of These Flowers"

Jean's Comment's: "A Future Painting Of These Flowers":               My annuals are blooming so pretty. I love their color. 6-9-2019 Perryton, TX   My flowers are still cheering me on. More...

"A Future Painting Of These Flowers"

              My annuals are blooming so pretty. I love their color. 6-9-2019 Perryton, TX
My flowers are still cheering me on. More are starting to bloom each day. I planted some seeds that make a tall wide, multi-color leaf. They are up now, and I am anxious for them to grow and dominate my flower beds. I think they are so beautiful. It has been too rainy, and the weather is too cool for the flowers to do their best. We still have a long summer ahead of us so I know they will be able to take off soon. The rain has been a blessing to the wheat farmers, Our local paper predicted the greatest crop that the farmers will have had since 2007. They have shouted out for several weeks now for all the rain. If nothing happens the combines should be in the field the last of this month. Our county is known as the Wheat Heart of the nation. We have a Wheat Heart beauty contest every year. Our daughter participated in it her senior year of high school. She made her dad, and I very proud. She is still beautiful.

I have put in my two hours of painting today. The portrait I am working on is beginning to please me, but I have a lot more work to do on it. I have vowed to paint two hours every day except if I just can't squeeze it in because of other things. It's hard for me to get started, but once I do start I am all into it. After a night's rest, the next day I can see so many things I need to correct. Sometimes this goes on for months, but I hope it don't take that long with this one. I am painting four faces on one canvas, and it takes a lot of maneuvering to get them placed just right; But oh my, how I love to paint portraits. I would like to compete with President George W. Bush. He painted at least a dozen famous men in the political world including his dad. They were shown on a tour of the Bush Library on television. While they were all recognizable, it was so fun to view them. It was obvious that the artist had used his own feelings of each one's personality. George W. showed the one of his dad for the first time to his mother while the world was watching. Barbara Bush, asked, with a puzzled look on her face, and that's suppose to be my husband? Everyone in the room roared, and I'm sure everyone in the television audience did also. I know I did. It was such fun. I understand those George W. Bush portraits still hang in the Bush Library. I have hopes of some day getting to visit that Library. I am a charted member of it. I do have somewhat disapproval of the way the Bush's treated President Trump, but they were just a few of the RINO's that disappointed me. I'm praying for their souls.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "I Go Prepared For A Surprise"

Jean's Comment's: "I Go Prepared For A Surprise":                                     My great bargain day yesterday. 6-8-2019 Perryton, TX I went shopping yesterday instead of writing ...

"I Go Prepared For A Surprise"

                                    My great bargain day yesterday. 6-8-2019 Perryton, TX
I went shopping yesterday instead of writing my blog. It was my lucky day for finding boots and shoes that I couldn't pass up. I have posted all five pairs. I also found several other things that set me off. I've never had such a good day for shopping. I just love those kinds of days. I shopped in a bargain store, and oh my did I ever find some bargains. I won't say how much I spent, but it was less than $60.00, I knew I was doing good on my diet for some reason. I don't remember ever losing six pounds in five days, without being hungry. I rewarded myself yesterday, and I feel so excited. I am ready for my vacation trip in four more days. My day of shopping yesterday put me over the dread of trying to get everything ready for ten days living out of my luggage. I'm going to see two of my sisters for two days then on to visit with my son, and daughter-in-law, and a daughter, and her husband and one of their sons. Chuck will be here to watch my house, and water my flowers.

This being Saturday I have watched a review of all the exciting news that happened this past week. I am so pleased with all the great things our President Trump is getting accomplished. I've heard he only sleeps four hours a night, but I don't see how he could ever get that much sleep. It's a mystery to say the least. He has helped make my life more blessed, and giving me good things to look forward too every day. I believe God gave us a miracle when He gave us President Trump. If I never did anything else I think I could be content to watch the news all day long, and see this President winning all the battles he has to fight. It's real television stories, and not make believe. I love to see all the lovely attire our First Lady. Melania Trump, wears every time she is seen in public. She makes me want to go shopping, which I used to never want to do. Yesterday I saw a pair of pants at the store where I shopped that the label read, Ivanka Trump designs. I liked the pants, but even with the bargain price they were more than I wanted to pay. Ivanka has a multi-million dollar business with her clothing designs. I never pay big prices for my cloths. I look for bargains, and that is much more fun for me. My money goes a lot farther when I shop conservatively. It's just in my blood, and I count it one of my talents. I am one of those that know they like something before I buy it. I never buy things that I never remove the tags from, like I know a lot of people who do. Nor do I have a habit of taking things back once I buy them. I don't have a title for people like me, but I know there must be one. I'm not looking for it thought.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Some Things Are Pretty Some Things Are Pretty Ugl...

Jean's Comment's: "Some Things Are Pretty Some Things Are Pretty Ugl...:                          Some more of my annuals are coming to life. 6-6-2019 Perryton, TX   I've been waiting too long for these f...

"Some Things Are Pretty Some Things Are Pretty Ugly"

                         Some more of my annuals are coming to life. 6-6-2019 Perryton, TX
I've been waiting too long for these flowers to bloom. Finally they opened up a little today. This is my favorite flower, next to the roses. The bright orange they chose to wear make me so appreciative of them. I think they are the queen of my flowers. They have been set out for several years, and the tropical grass that grows in abundance is about to hide them. So far it makes a nice surrounding for these pretty flowers. The rain is still coming daily so the flowers have no excuse but to grow and show. Although it would be nice if the mosquitoes would drown. They cover us every time we step out. We had no mosquitoes before it started raining so much. I know I should be thankful as I hear on the news that floods are causing deaths, and forcing people out of their homes in a lot of places. The rain we have had has been a blessing except for the mosquitoes. We have had to run our air conditioners very little, and no heat at all has been needed. This saves on electricy, and gas. Our vehicles are having to stay dirty because it would do no good to wash them. Almost every day for three weeks it has rained some. Pools of water are scattered everywhere.

Nancy Pelosi says she wants to see our President in prison. Naturally she would like to see that because she is afraid of him putting her there. She has reasons to be put in prison, and President Trump does not. All of those traitors who have all but destroyed America are fearing for their life. I'm for our President cleaning up that filthy swamp. He is wasting no time doing it while at the same time he is making America great again. All the other countries are like our Democrats. They fear their time is coming fast when they cannot no longer be given trillions of Americans tax dollars. Our God has raised up a man who will fight for His people, and send all the evil deadbeats to their hiding places. I have no doubt but what our President will be superior to all those who tried so hard to form a coup against him. This makes me even happier than my flowers do. I say pull them up by the roots, and throw the trash into the lake of fire. If it takes this, I'm for doing it. Weed killer just kills the weeds for a short period then they grow back. Either set fire to them or hire a full time sprayer to keep the ground clean. There is no chance of a pretty green lawn as long as weeds are let go. They eventually take over, and that is exactly what our Democrats have done to America. “President Trump, do what you have to do. You have the majority of the American people behind you. Don't give in to fake news and polls.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Just Me And The Birds Peaceful And Thankful"

Jean's Comment's: "Just Me And The Birds Peaceful And Thankful": Two birds came to check on the details of these bird houses. I hope they decide to move in. 6-5-2019 Perryton, TX   I think I may be g...

"Just Me And The Birds Peaceful And Thankful"

Two birds came to check on the details of these bird houses. I hope they decide to move in. 6-5-2019 Perryton, TX
I think I may be getting some new neighbors soon. A couple of birds came to check on the details of my two bird houses, and they seemed interested. I don't think the squirrels can get into the houses so that is a plus for the birds. I see a lot of pretty, colorful birds in my front yard, and I'm hoping for some beauty queens to choose this location. The little houses are even water proof, and just been installed new. If I were a bird I would love them. My son, and daughter-in-law, know how to spark my interest. They know me better than I know myself. I love than so much.

I have learned of several things this week that I count as blessings. I feel so sure that bigger blessings are in store for me. A few weeks ago I was going through a time when I felt totally confused. I could nor determine what God was leading me to do. Every move I made I felt like it was not God guiding me. I wondered how, and when I became so far from God. I had not had that feeling in many years, and it keep me worried that God had forsaken me. Then I remembered Jesus, God's own Son, when in the last hours of His life He felt totally forsaken by God. I don't believe anyone, not even Jesus, can shout for joy when they are fixing to die. Like Jesus, I felt all alone, but never did I stop trusting God. Now I am being blessed with all kinds of goodness. The human's we are make us fail from time to time, but I hope I will always remember God's own words when He said, “I will never leave nor forsake you. Jesus was left alone for awhile, less He could not have fulfilled God's plan for coming to earth in the first place. I felt somewhat left alone, but I too wanted to do God's will for my life. I do not know what my loneliness was all about, but I am sure it was for a reason. Those who crucified Jesus had to pay a great price, according to God's word, even though it had to be done. Those who did not seem to accept me as I felt, I believe will pay a great price also. I do believe they were doing what God wanted then to do. No one can understand the bible, because it wasn't meant to be understood. But I know in my heart that I am still loved by my Heavenly Father, and He will give me that shouting spirit again. What I had hoped to happen was not God's will, therefore I was treated in such a way that I realized it and accepted it. I don't feel like I've ever been used By God for a Judas, or a murderer of Jesus. I count that a very great blessing to me. I was spared the horrible deeds that someone had to do. Thank You Lord.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "My Joy My Love My Fear"

Jean's Comment's: "My Joy My Love My Fear":                               The Holly Hawks are blooming nicely. 6-4-2019 Perryton, TX The Holly Hawks in my back yard are blooming s...

"My Joy My Love My Fear"

                              The Holly Hawks are blooming nicely. 6-4-2019 Perryton, TX
The Holly Hawks in my back yard are blooming so nicely. I like them because they never quit blooming till fall. Each stalk has many beautiful flowers on them. They bloom from the bottom up, and as the stalk gets taller the blooms keep coming on. We had a hard rain last night, but it didn't disturb the Holly Hawks. The roses were not so lucky. They look pretty sad this morning. The ground is covered with rose petals. Some of my other flowers are refusing to open up until it quits raining on them. They are too fragile, and are simply beautiful when it's not raining on them. I will enjoy them all when the time is right. In the meantime a plague of mosquitoes are keeping us inside. We had none before all the rain started. They are tiny, but waste no time getting to your blood. They even bite through your clothing. Every good thing is bound to have some bad connected to it. We are not in heaven yet.

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching all the glamour, and honor placed on our President, and First Lady while they have been visiting the Royal Palace in London. I almost feel like I am there taking part in this great celebrating. And to see the US President and the UK Prim Minister doing a press conference together was encouraging. Everyone knows that the UK is plagued with great problems even more so than the US. The now mayor of London. Sadiq Khan, is unbelievably set on bringing our US President down. He has done the worst of worst to embarrass, and humiliate President Trump, and the American people. I dare say that Mayor is no match for our President. He will either come clean, and make a deal with President Trump or be removed from his position. This is another chapter in our history that will forever be made known. Any American citizen should be watching these every day happenings with great excitement. I wonder how anyone could ignore such important events like we have been having every since President Trump took over the White House. To me it means either do or die. No sleeping on the job. I am positive the day is coming when every human will bend before Jesus, but does that mean they will be forgiven? The bible does speak about unforgivable sin. Some of the news I've been seeing makes me believe that many will not be forgiven for the rotten things they are doing to our God fearing people. God is a loving God, but He will not be mocked. Neither will He allow His people to be mocked such as President Trump is being even today. June 4, 2019. It is not who is a Democrat, or Republican, or neither that will be saved, it's those who do not have an evil heart. That includes all I mentioned. God bless America, God bless the United Kingdom, and God bless Israel.

God bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 3, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Simple Life Like The Birds Is What I ask"

Jean's Comment's: "Simple Life Like The Birds Is What I ask":                Dinner time for the baby birds under my patio eaves. 6-3-2019 Perryton, TX   I sat out and watched this mother bird wit...

"Simple Life Like The Birds Is What I ask"

               Dinner time for the baby birds under my patio eaves. 6-3-2019 Perryton, TX
I sat out and watched this mother bird with a worm in her mouth fixing to fly under the eave of my patio and feed her babies. She builds her nest there every spring, and hatches babies. With all the rain we have had the birds don't have any problem finding worms. Every summer I see a few baby birds that the cats have killed while they were learning to fly. I suppose nature has a way of keeping the bird population from becoming too great. The squirrels always throw eggs out of the bird's nest also. Sometimes a baby bird can be seen in the egg that breaks when it hits the ground. Poor mother birds grieve just like humans when something happens to their babies. I watch them, and it makes me sad to see those mothers hanging around their dead babies.

I've been too busy to watch much news today, but I did see President Trump, and First Lady visiting the Queen of England. The First Lady looked gorgeous in her white dress trimmed in black with a wide brim matching hat. I am one proud lady of the President, and First Lady who America now has in the White House. They cannot be beat. It is such a shame that they have to take all the evil fun-making that goes on everywhere they go. I believe that every one of those who partake in this kind of evil will pay a dear price even in this world. I have to say I will not feel sorry for them, for they know what they are doing. They belong to the party of Satan, and that is why they act this way. The crowds are growing bigger every time the President schedules an open speech. The news media will not show these huge crowds because they too are Satan's best workers. But some news media gets it out anyway. Fox News is one of the best for being fair. However, it appears that the enemy is working hard to stop Fox News from continuing to be fair. We true Americans need to pray daily for the Fox contributors who are working around the clock to keep the public informed on the true news. They are surly risking their lives to bring this news to us.

Just a few more small jobs and my day will be finished as for work. I will enjoy my recliner while I catch up on what I've missed. I have accomplished a lot today which makes me pleased with myself. I am fighting hard to keep my spirit high, and not be deceived by any demon spirit that attempts to destroy my faith. I am finding it harder every day to discern between good people, and evil. Let's face it, the world is becoming more evil by the hour. We often miss out on what could have been a blessing, but was afraid to take the chance. I trust God with my life.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Do You See What I See"

Jean's Comment's: "Do You See What I See": My favorite rose of the day. You can see a face if you look hard enough. first see the two ears on either side of the rose, then one eye i...

"Do You See What I See"

My favorite rose of the day. You can see a face if you look hard enough. first see the two ears on either side of the rose, then one eye is very plain the nose is right above the mouth. It seems to be eating something. Fun to observe art in all things. 6-2-2019 Perryton, TX

I'm always looking for a message from heaven. I get a lot of them. How grateful I am for the little things that cheer me on. Of course I look forward to bigger, and more exciting things any time I can have them. I think it's called good sanity. At least I like to think of it as such. I have enjoyed a beautiful day today. A trace of rain last evening just barely showed on the rain gauge this morning. The sun has been shinning all day. I have found things to keep me busy today, and that is a blessing in it's self. At least I am getting back a lot of the interest I had lost. Having your children to come and spend three nights with you means a lot. I never fail to thank God for my children, and grandchildren every day. In just 10 more days I will be spending some more time with several of them. I can hardly wait. I know it makes God happy when we are happy. That's why I'm so excited.

I have spent two hours painting this morning. I am very pleased with the way my painting is shaping up. I can't wait from one day to another to work at it again. Yet the paint has to dry some before I continue after about two hours. I'm mentally already searching for the perfect frame for it. Not just any frame will do. I love hunting for frames for my paintings. I will not spare any expense for the portrait I'm painting now of my son, and his family while they were having boo coos of fun on a beautiful Island. This painting will bring laughter even if you are not in the mood for fun. Every home needs some fun kind of paintings, especially those who are showing nothing but the latest metal art, and hard rock type of decorations. Let's decide to be a bit more personal, and let our personalities fill our homes.

Tomorrow I will start a busy week. Getting ready to leave on a 10 day vacation requires a lot of preparedness in addition to the normal routine. There is always a million things to remember to do. Packing, and unpacking is the worst things about vacations. I always take cloths that I don't want to wear after I get there, and wish I had brought something else. I usually dress according to the mood I'm in, and I don't know from one day to the next what mood I will be in. Sometimes while on vacation I wear the same outfit two or three times, and some things I took I don't wear at all. I hope I'm not the only one like that. Anyway I will get the job done, and make out with what I take. I don't plan on buying any cloths while I'm gone, as I have done in the past. I do plan to take a lot of pictures, and maybe I can post some of them on my blogs. May blessing to all of you be many.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Enjoying Life Is A Gift Of God"

Jean's Comment's: "Enjoying Life Is A Gift Of God":           Yellow roses are blooming greatly. Yellow with white tent. 6-1-2019 Perryton, TX   While the rain is good for my roses it als...

"Enjoying Life Is A Gift Of God"

          Yellow roses are blooming greatly. Yellow with white tent. 6-1-2019 Perryton, TX
While the rain is good for my roses it also knocks off many of the petals. We are now fixing to get another good rain within a short time. I managed to get a few flowers, and some Coleus seeds planted today. The Coleus are beautiful large plants. The leaves are what is beautiful. The ground was very wet still, but I put the seed in the ground anyway. It will be a miracle if they come up because those seed are so tiny you can barely see them. I have a nice variety of annuals that are starting to bloom. My flowers cheer me up so much. I also picked a few ripe cherries today, but the cherry trees didn't produce much this year.

We are under severe weather watch so I rushed to the store to get a few things I needed. It seems like this bad weather is not going to let up. We have had a tornado or two touch down in our county and do some damage to building's. One hit just a few miles from Perryton in the country. Our local paper showed Perryton people going there to help clean up. There has been a lot of nervous people around here for several weeks now. I'm sure the wheat farmers are sweating it out. A bad hail could clean them out. Even a hard rain or high wind could do a lot of damage to wheat. I have my candles and lighters ready in case the electricity goes off.

Today is the first day of June, and I wonder how the year is going by so fast. It seems like we just got Christmas over with. I have slowed down a lot, but the time hasn't. Maybe it's because I'm not getting as much done. Not that I don't plan to do more tomorrow, but my plans never materialize. Before I know it several tomorrows have passed, and I'm still waiting for tomorrow. My mother never told me it would be that way, and I just didn't see any change much in her older days. She passed away with an massive, unexpected heart attack at 78. She was still enjoying life, and had a trip planned to Las Vegas with my brother. She couldn't hardly wait for the few more days till time for them to leave. We were all hit hard by her passing. My three sisters and I are trying to stay positive, and follow our mom's teachings. We miss her so much, but know life has a way of tearing us apart. I don't think I could keep up my faith, and courage if I didn't have so many of my mother's memories with me daily. My sisters are the next best thing to me apart from my mother. That is because they have the same memories I have of our mother. She was not perfect, but to us she was the best mother in the world. I do hope that what I've been taught about knowing our loved ones in heaven is true, but for some reason I am made to think that may not be the case at all. I just trust God for all good things.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp