Sunday, June 23, 2019

"In Case I Wanted A Midnight Dip"

While at my children's house at Sherman my bedroom door opened onto the swimming pool. 6-23-2019 Perryton, TX
While I was visiting my son, and daughter-in-law's home in Sherman, Texas the door of the bedroom I was sleeping in opened onto a nice, large swimming pool. The first morning I was there I woke up at 6 o'clock and went out and relaxed on one of the large chase loungers until the children woke up. I took a lot of pictures of the early morning beauty of the pool, and the surrounding area. Two high- pressured fountains kept the water circulating at all times. A little like Niagara Falls. Tall trees, of all kinds, and shrubs framed the pool except where the house was framing. Honeysuckle vines covered part of the tall fence around the pool. Beautiful blooming flowers, and exotic plants filled the ground area. It was interesting to explore the large yard area of this lovely home. I am so happy I got to spend a week there with my children. I thank God for blessing them so much.

This being Sunday I attended church, and heard the sad news of one of our old talented members passing away while I was gone. She was such a good piano, and organ player, and had taught music for many years. She was a widow, but had continued to use her talent up to her death. I will miss her a lot. I was impressed with the enthusiasm of the crowd this morning. The congregation is growing both in number, and in spirit. The Pastor even preached a longer sermon. Not to mention a lady in front of me standing in line to shake hands with the Pastor after church, kept holding up the line talking to him. As I finally got to shake his hand I said to him, some women just talk to long, don't they? He answered back with a big smile, “yes but some men lead them on.” The lady is one of our favorite, humorous, best Christian members. I love her to pieces. She has overcome many health issues because she trust God for her healing. I was with her and two other friends last night for a women's night out. We drove to our nearby lake, ate a nice dinner, then drove around the lake for quite some time. We had are share of laughs, and putting on the acts of 'The Golden Girls.” I'm so glad to have friends like these jolly ole gals. At least two churches share in these four undignifiedies. My church got two of them. We are the gold, and silver, girls of our time, although I dye my silver hair. I'm just gold now.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I will again be joining the special group who eat lunch at the Senior Citizens Center. I have been absent from there for several weeks. If I don't renew my membership by the end of this month I will be a lagging member. Not me, I will renew tomorrow. Of all the times I missed my heart was there. I have also renewed my attitude, so I am now brand new again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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