Sunday, June 9, 2019

"A Future Painting Of These Flowers"

              My annuals are blooming so pretty. I love their color. 6-9-2019 Perryton, TX
My flowers are still cheering me on. More are starting to bloom each day. I planted some seeds that make a tall wide, multi-color leaf. They are up now, and I am anxious for them to grow and dominate my flower beds. I think they are so beautiful. It has been too rainy, and the weather is too cool for the flowers to do their best. We still have a long summer ahead of us so I know they will be able to take off soon. The rain has been a blessing to the wheat farmers, Our local paper predicted the greatest crop that the farmers will have had since 2007. They have shouted out for several weeks now for all the rain. If nothing happens the combines should be in the field the last of this month. Our county is known as the Wheat Heart of the nation. We have a Wheat Heart beauty contest every year. Our daughter participated in it her senior year of high school. She made her dad, and I very proud. She is still beautiful.

I have put in my two hours of painting today. The portrait I am working on is beginning to please me, but I have a lot more work to do on it. I have vowed to paint two hours every day except if I just can't squeeze it in because of other things. It's hard for me to get started, but once I do start I am all into it. After a night's rest, the next day I can see so many things I need to correct. Sometimes this goes on for months, but I hope it don't take that long with this one. I am painting four faces on one canvas, and it takes a lot of maneuvering to get them placed just right; But oh my, how I love to paint portraits. I would like to compete with President George W. Bush. He painted at least a dozen famous men in the political world including his dad. They were shown on a tour of the Bush Library on television. While they were all recognizable, it was so fun to view them. It was obvious that the artist had used his own feelings of each one's personality. George W. showed the one of his dad for the first time to his mother while the world was watching. Barbara Bush, asked, with a puzzled look on her face, and that's suppose to be my husband? Everyone in the room roared, and I'm sure everyone in the television audience did also. I know I did. It was such fun. I understand those George W. Bush portraits still hang in the Bush Library. I have hopes of some day getting to visit that Library. I am a charted member of it. I do have somewhat disapproval of the way the Bush's treated President Trump, but they were just a few of the RINO's that disappointed me. I'm praying for their souls.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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