Saturday, June 29, 2019

"Apples For The Pigs"

                    Apples which only the pigs will eat. Find out why. 6-29-2019 Perryton, TX
I glance out my kitchen window this morning observing an apple tree hundreds of feet tall, and hundreds of feet broad. The tree is loaded with green apples each with a worm inside for a lack of spraying. Due to the huge size of the tree only a professional tree spraying service could have treated it. For many years the tree provided delicious apples for canning for making pies. Those were the years when the tree was yet small enough for me to spray. The apples are mostly going to waste now because I have no need for them. I make an apple pie only occasionally. I go to the store and buy three fresh apples when I want to make a pie. It seems as though everyone else chooses to do the same. No one wants to can or freeze fresh apples however, that does not keep the apples from falling to the ground. When they are ripe every day or two I am out raking apples up to take to the dumpster. This last for over a month, and I am not enjoying this back-breaking job. The next owner of this tree will cut it down I'm sure.

So it is with the tree of life. For many years we provide love, and support for our growing families, and for others as well. Although our body structure may not grow taller, or wider, it does increasingly require more treatment from our doctors. Heart failure, arthritis, hearing, and eyesight loss, diabetes, bone surgeries, and all other kinds of treatment. We live on and produce some good fruit, but like the apple tree our best fruit is in the past.

I am 86 and I know I am close to the front of the line for my death call. Last night I was sure that call had come. I was sleeping sound when suddenly a great ball of fire engulfed me. It was not hot, but I was inside it. I said to myself, so this is the way I was to go. I wasn't afraid, but I was saying, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus. Then I said, save me, Jesus, save me. I wasn't asking for life to continue on earth, but to save me from hell. When I said the last two words, save me, I immediately woke up. I had a hard time for awhile believing this was not real, but some kind of revelation to me. I couldn't believe I was still in my bed. I had never in my life had something like this happen to me before. I have had bad dreams, and nightmares, that left me shaking when I awoke, and it would take sometimes days to get over them, but never nothing so peaceful as this. This was real even though I am still sitting here today. I think maybe God was letting me know what my death call would be like. Being a caregiver for years I had watched a lot of people struggle with breathing while they left this world. It was very hard for the dying, and the living. I had always thought I might have to suffer a lot of the same distress, but now I am thinking differently. I truly believe I had a revelation instead of a nightmare. It lasted only seconds. I was able to go back to sleep quickly in perfect peace. I thank God for His loving, merciful kindness,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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