Monday, June 24, 2019

"Is It A Candle Or A Chemical Flame"

No mosquitoes  with this candle. A blazing flame of get gone really does the job. 6-24-2019 Perryton. TX

  It was amazing how fast the mosquitoes left us after this big candle was lite. If it's been invented my kids have one. I learn a lot of new stuff every time I go to see them. I know that lawn blowers are not new, but I couldn't believe how fast my daughter-in-law cleaned off the large patio area that large leaves from a magnolia tree had covered solid. It was almost like magic. I enjoyed watching the kids work. The most work I did while I was there was brush my teeth, and get my pajamas on. It was hard for me to change back after I got home. Finally I am moving a little faster now, and I'm starting to make myself a schedule. My two week vacation has given me a big boost. I would recommend it to anyone. I may not get any more dusting, and vacuuming done, but I sure am going to go out more. Also I am going to put more time into painting. These are my two main priorities now.

I had a nice lunch today at the Center. All my friends looked so happy, and full of life. I appreciate them so much. Nothing can be more healing than getting together with friends, and letting the gab take over. We discussed what we will be wearing this coming Thursday night for a cowboy get together night. I had everything I needed to dress like a cowgirl except a hat. I have a fancy shirt, levi's, and boots, but I didn't have a hat. My dear friend offered to let me wear her loving brother's cowboy hat that he was identified by to everyone who knew him, and that included almost everyone in Perryton. I will be made proud to wear this handsome friend's hat, but at the same time will be a little sadden. If I wear this hat I feel like I will be honoring one of the best men that Perryton ever owned. I am looking forward to this event.

After I finish writing this blog I will be giving two hours to my painting, then make enchiladas for Chuck's lunch tomorrow. I feel like when that's all done I will have made a big accomplishment today. Hopefully I can keep on this track for a long time before crashing again. After a day like this I am always ready for bed which otherwise I never want to go to bed because I can't go to sleep for hours. I'm just now realizing lazy people can't sleep because they are too lazy to close their eyes. They want to keep on being lazy. What a shame to be in that shape. I have been rescued for now, and with God's help I will not be captured again. Thanks to my children, my sisters, and my friends. And thanks to the Lord of my life.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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