Friday, June 28, 2019

"Cowgirl Myrtle Jean"

                         My cowboy dress-up night at the Center. 6-28-2019 Perryton, TX
What a great time I had last night at the “Cowboy Dinner” at the Center.” A nice crowd was present to eat grilled burgers, with all the trimmings. The entertainment was enjoyed by everyone. The atmosphere was simply Western Style with loads of fun, and crazy stuff. Every hippie, and rock and roll stuff, was locked out. It was just good ole western fellowship, with freedom to be a plain, American lover. I appreciate the privilege to still be able to have such get-to-gathers like we had last night. All ages were welcome, and we did have a good mixed crowd.

I wore my pretty black hat again this morning to the Friday luncheon. A friend gave the hat to me, and I promised her I would wear it often. It helps to cover the bald part of my head. What a blessing. I have had a full week of going, and blowing since I came home from vacation. I'm trying hard to keep the good thing going. I think home is a place to be when there is no other place to go. Speaking as a widow that is. Tomorrow I will be going to the Widower's dinner at The China Gardens. There has been something to attend every day since I've been home. Of course I will admit I am having to push myself, but it's easier now than before my vacation.

I cannot deny that the news I hear on Fox is still my most important matter. What is happening today certainly has something to do with what is going to happen tomorrow. It helps to shape me for the rest of the day. Sometimes I have to say out loud, “thank you Lord” at something I just heard. Sometimes I have to say out loud, “God I still believe.” The enemy of worry, and fear has to go when I do these “thank you's” to my God. The state of contentment is the most relaxing part of anyone's life. I have always found it easy to fit that blessing into my own life. However, I believe it can also be a wedge between happiness, and boredom if we don't keep it under control. I pray I will never be content if I ever have to depend on someone to take care of me. It will be time for me to go if that ever happens. Of course we cannot tell God what to do, but I believe He does hear and answer prayer. The Word tells us when we no longer have any work to do for Him, it is then that He will take us home. I trust my work is still ongoing. I can't say what, where, or how, but I know I am still being used by God in some way. It's a good thing to be employed by God. The benefits are mounting up. “Work on for the night cometh when no man shall work.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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