Thursday, June 27, 2019

"My Self Careing Flower Garden"

With all the rain we've had the flowers are blooming so beautifully. The Tropical grass is extra lovely. 6-27-2019 Perryton, TX
Today is one of my busiest days. I had to work then come home and write this blog. I have to be at another happier event in less than an hour and one half. I have to bath, and get dressed for that. My blog may be lacking in some detail, but I want to try to stay on schedule. I took the picture I've posted last evening of these flowers in my flower garden. The Tropical grass has grown so high, and is constantly waving in the wind. I'm letting it take over my flower garden because it requires no care. It won't allow weeds to grow, and that is a blessing. I am staying busy going places that I had stopped attending. I think it it is more important to be with friends than stay home and work to keep your place free of weeds. I feel so thrilled that the vacation I just had has given me new ambition, and excitement. In a little over a week I have accomplished more than I was doing in a month. I am sleeping better, and I am not condemning myself for every little mistake I make. I've decided age is not going to catch me again. Fun, and laughter are the best medicines one can take. Without them you might as well go ahead and die. I'm in no hurry to do that.

I am having to skip my two hour painting job today, but tomorrow I will have more time to work on that. The family portrait I'm painting is coming along nicely. Nothing makes me happier than to be pleased with a person, or persons I have painted. I own them, and they have to be what I've made them to be. My sincere thoughts goes with every stroke I use to put character into the portrait. And the character of the persons I'm painting now are beyond extreme love, and intelligence. I must do them justice while putting my honest feeling on the canvas.

With these few words I must stop writing, and get ready for a good evening at Cowboy Cook Out. My Tony Lama boots are anxious to be worn since they have not been out of my closet in years. My 13 year old son at the time he wore the cowboy shirt I'm wearing is now 38 years old, but it still looks new. He only wore it one time while auditioning for a part in a live musical called, “TEXAS.” He got the part, and maybe I can be lucky tonight in some way. I cannot snap the shirt because of my big bosom, but I will wear it over a knit top. I will be wearing a lot of precious memories to the gathering tonight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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