Nancy Pelosi says she wants to see our President in prison. Naturally she would like to see that because she is afraid of him putting her there. She has reasons to be put in prison, and President Trump does not. All of those traitors who have all but destroyed America are fearing for their life. I'm for our President cleaning up that filthy swamp. He is wasting no time doing it while at the same time he is making America great again. All the other countries are like our Democrats. They fear their time is coming fast when they cannot no longer be given trillions of Americans tax dollars. Our God has raised up a man who will fight for His people, and send all the evil deadbeats to their hiding places. I have no doubt but what our President will be superior to all those who tried so hard to form a coup against him. This makes me even happier than my flowers do. I say pull them up by the roots, and throw the trash into the lake of fire. If it takes this, I'm for doing it. Weed killer just kills the weeds for a short period then they grow back. Either set fire to them or hire a full time sprayer to keep the ground clean. There is no chance of a pretty green lawn as long as weeds are let go. They eventually take over, and that is exactly what our Democrats have done to America. “President Trump, do what you have to do. You have the majority of the American people behind you. Don't give in to fake news and polls.”
God Bless
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