Saturday, June 1, 2019

"Enjoying Life Is A Gift Of God"

          Yellow roses are blooming greatly. Yellow with white tent. 6-1-2019 Perryton, TX
While the rain is good for my roses it also knocks off many of the petals. We are now fixing to get another good rain within a short time. I managed to get a few flowers, and some Coleus seeds planted today. The Coleus are beautiful large plants. The leaves are what is beautiful. The ground was very wet still, but I put the seed in the ground anyway. It will be a miracle if they come up because those seed are so tiny you can barely see them. I have a nice variety of annuals that are starting to bloom. My flowers cheer me up so much. I also picked a few ripe cherries today, but the cherry trees didn't produce much this year.

We are under severe weather watch so I rushed to the store to get a few things I needed. It seems like this bad weather is not going to let up. We have had a tornado or two touch down in our county and do some damage to building's. One hit just a few miles from Perryton in the country. Our local paper showed Perryton people going there to help clean up. There has been a lot of nervous people around here for several weeks now. I'm sure the wheat farmers are sweating it out. A bad hail could clean them out. Even a hard rain or high wind could do a lot of damage to wheat. I have my candles and lighters ready in case the electricity goes off.

Today is the first day of June, and I wonder how the year is going by so fast. It seems like we just got Christmas over with. I have slowed down a lot, but the time hasn't. Maybe it's because I'm not getting as much done. Not that I don't plan to do more tomorrow, but my plans never materialize. Before I know it several tomorrows have passed, and I'm still waiting for tomorrow. My mother never told me it would be that way, and I just didn't see any change much in her older days. She passed away with an massive, unexpected heart attack at 78. She was still enjoying life, and had a trip planned to Las Vegas with my brother. She couldn't hardly wait for the few more days till time for them to leave. We were all hit hard by her passing. My three sisters and I are trying to stay positive, and follow our mom's teachings. We miss her so much, but know life has a way of tearing us apart. I don't think I could keep up my faith, and courage if I didn't have so many of my mother's memories with me daily. My sisters are the next best thing to me apart from my mother. That is because they have the same memories I have of our mother. She was not perfect, but to us she was the best mother in the world. I do hope that what I've been taught about knowing our loved ones in heaven is true, but for some reason I am made to think that may not be the case at all. I just trust God for all good things.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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