Wednesday, June 5, 2019

"Just Me And The Birds Peaceful And Thankful"

Two birds came to check on the details of these bird houses. I hope they decide to move in. 6-5-2019 Perryton, TX
I think I may be getting some new neighbors soon. A couple of birds came to check on the details of my two bird houses, and they seemed interested. I don't think the squirrels can get into the houses so that is a plus for the birds. I see a lot of pretty, colorful birds in my front yard, and I'm hoping for some beauty queens to choose this location. The little houses are even water proof, and just been installed new. If I were a bird I would love them. My son, and daughter-in-law, know how to spark my interest. They know me better than I know myself. I love than so much.

I have learned of several things this week that I count as blessings. I feel so sure that bigger blessings are in store for me. A few weeks ago I was going through a time when I felt totally confused. I could nor determine what God was leading me to do. Every move I made I felt like it was not God guiding me. I wondered how, and when I became so far from God. I had not had that feeling in many years, and it keep me worried that God had forsaken me. Then I remembered Jesus, God's own Son, when in the last hours of His life He felt totally forsaken by God. I don't believe anyone, not even Jesus, can shout for joy when they are fixing to die. Like Jesus, I felt all alone, but never did I stop trusting God. Now I am being blessed with all kinds of goodness. The human's we are make us fail from time to time, but I hope I will always remember God's own words when He said, “I will never leave nor forsake you. Jesus was left alone for awhile, less He could not have fulfilled God's plan for coming to earth in the first place. I felt somewhat left alone, but I too wanted to do God's will for my life. I do not know what my loneliness was all about, but I am sure it was for a reason. Those who crucified Jesus had to pay a great price, according to God's word, even though it had to be done. Those who did not seem to accept me as I felt, I believe will pay a great price also. I do believe they were doing what God wanted then to do. No one can understand the bible, because it wasn't meant to be understood. But I know in my heart that I am still loved by my Heavenly Father, and He will give me that shouting spirit again. What I had hoped to happen was not God's will, therefore I was treated in such a way that I realized it and accepted it. I don't feel like I've ever been used By God for a Judas, or a murderer of Jesus. I count that a very great blessing to me. I was spared the horrible deeds that someone had to do. Thank You Lord.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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