Wednesday, June 26, 2019

"Get Those Flags To Waving"

 I arrived at Kent's house on flag day. I was shooting for flags, but they don't show much. 6-26-2019 Perryton, TX
I arrived at Kent's house on flag day. I was so impressed to see so many flags being displayed in the area of my son's place. I thought I could get four or five flags in the lens of my camera, but I can see only two. If you zoom in you can see them better. I think every house as far as one could see had a large flag standing close to the street. This was one of the things that sold me on Sherman more than anything else. Some people on the homeland as well as on the battlefield, are still holding onto the ownership of America. Now that I'm back home I will be flying my flag on Independence Day, the 4th of July. Come on people, get those flags flying. We as a nation are too important, and too blessed, to let the enemy rob us of our freedom. Every flag is showing strength of who we are. It is a sign of never giving up our great country. So you are afraid of being attacked or harassed, possibly so, but we must be brave warriors if we are on God's side. Just using our flags for our identity is not bullying anyone. It is just a sign for a Passover if the enemy comes to try and win us over. The enemies know by that flag that we have been redeemed. Thank God for the Passover in olden days, and still holds true today.

I am feeling encouraged this evening after having had a nice lunch at the Center with friends. A good crowd attended, and everyone was talking about the fun night we expect to have tomorrow night called, “Cowboy Night.” I don't have a lasso, or spurs, but I have a cowboy shirt, levis, boots, and hat. I can still mount a horse if one happens to be there. After all I was raised on a farm. I had my own horse. Hamburgers with all the trimmings will be cooked on the grill by the board members. Believe me they are good cooks. If I'm lucky enough to get my picture taken I will post it on my next blog. If anyone is needing a change of pace come join us Thursday night, June 27 at 6 o'clock p m. You won't be sorry, I promise.

I still have my two hours of painting to do so I must move on, and say the rest of what's on my mind fast. I have to say something good is about to happen to me. I don't know what it is yet, but I am sure it's coming. I feel too excited for nothing to happen. I hope God gives me wisdom to know when the offer comes, whether it is good or not. We all can be fooled easily, sometimes. I have been tried before, but I've never been fooled beyond regret. We are living in dangerous times, and without God we are sure losers. And that concludes my sermon for today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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