Sunday, June 30, 2019

"The Longer It Flies The Louder It Speaks"

                     Get your flag out early. The 4th of July is near. 6-30 2019 Perryton, TX

Four more days after today is the 4th of July. The day America became independent over 250 years ago. We must continue to fight to keep our dependency. Every American citizen should have a red, white, and blue flag waving at this time. The longer we show our flags the louder they speak. Let us all show our pride by waving our flags. Too many of us has had it too easy for too long. We are going to have to shed some sweat drops now if we expect to keep our Great American traditions. I was made more aware of the need for all people to take part in speaking up for America at church this morning. The first song sung was “My Country Tis Of Thee.” The second was “America The Beautiful.” The last song was “Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus.” We may be a small church, but we have a lot of Christians thanking God for our Country, and our freedom. The Communion song was, “In The Garden.” The song of Benediction was “I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb.” We should not be guessing which country we are living in. We should not be guessing the gender of fellow worshipers. We should not be guessing if we are in a ladies restroom, or one of mixed sexes. We should not be guessing if we are in God's house or Satan's. This is not an exaggeration. It is 100 percent true. The disgrace shown against Jesus is only going to broaden if all Christians don't take great action to stop it. Our own elected Congress members are voting against everything America has stood for for years. Who is to blame for that? They were voted in by ballets, but how many illegal voters marked a ballet just like many that were legal voters but chose to vote against America. In defense of our Lord, and Savior, I say “Christians sharpen your swords.” We are either for Him or against Him.

I have had a full week of going, and enjoying myself with friends. It has been a blessed week, and I plan to do the same this next week. I have been made aware that we cannot let bad news get us down, but at the same time we must admit that times are bad, and work to help change things the best we can. We must identify with Jesus by letting our lights shine for Him. Not by words, but by our deeds. The fruits of the Spirit are our tools. Love, gentleness, compassion, long suffering, thereby offering the poor a welcome to our circle. There are many poor people who have not had to use homeless shelters, but who are barely surviving. Most of us can help them in many ways that don't cause us hardship. The worst thing we can do for them is make them feel unequal. “Teach us Lord to serve, and not to be served.” We will never be poor if we learn from the Master how to treat others like we want to be treated.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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