Tuesday, April 2, 2019

"An Awesome Sunrise Called Out To Me This Morning"

            An awesome sunrise greets me this morning. 4-2-2019 Perryton, TX

Another morning to be greeted with an awesome sunrise. I had to go to work, but all day long I have been blessed. The day looked beautiful before I left for work, and it continued to lift me up until I got off to come home. I called my sister in the hospital, and she was much better. I had to leave my workplace to go pay a bill, and it was there that my heart skipped a beat or two, but I won't say why. I just got an unexpected glimpse of secret person whom I am interested in. He did not see me, or at least I don't think he did. What a surprise. I have known for some time that our relationship could never be anything but causal, but I still like to dream. I could not accept this acquaintance as anything else even if I was bowed down to. Wisdom won't let me think of it any other way. Just the same I was momentarily excited. I am often reminded of the saying, “if they don't wear diapers you can't change them.” From what I see there would have to be a change, and they are far from being a baby. I have ignored this heartbeat from the first time I was shown interest from him. I did the same thing with my choice for marriage when I was being noticed by two young men. Both were special to me, but the one I liked best was also the one my wisdom wouldn't let me chose. Only God knows why. The guy I married was good to me, and we were married for 63 years, but I always felt like he was second choice. Even to this day I feel guilty for standing the other guy up, and taking second choice. I truly believe wisdom is the best counselor anyone could possibly have. I see nothing wrong with having secret lovers.

So now it's time to kick back and relax. I've put my day in, and written my blog. I will spent the evening watching Fox News. Not because it is an interesting thing to do, but because there is nothing else better to do. At least it keeps me out of trouble. Oh yes I could go out with friends and have a glass of wine, and visit the evening away, but then my wisdom would feel unnecessary, and leave me sitting. Wisdom will always be first choice for me no matter how much I would like to make another choice. I've come too far on this journey to divorce it now. But that is not to say I can't still have fun. I have sisters, and plenty of widowed friends to enjoy being with. As long as I'm free from pain, I can laugh as loud as anyone. And sometimes I do that even with some pain. We must take some pain pills, and keep on smiling.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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