Monday, October 31, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Sign Of Birth And Growth"

Jean's Comment's: "A Sign Of Birth And Growth": On May 22-2016 I posted this Robin nest with 3 newly hatched Robins in it. See pic below. Today October 31--2016 I took a pic of the same ...

"A Sign Of Birth And Growth"

On May 22-2016 I posted this Robin nest with 3 newly hatched Robins in it. See pic below. Today October 31--2016 I took a pic of the same nest, but empty.The birds grew and left the nest. Now that the leaves on the tree are shedding I can see the old nest. 10-31-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The 3 baby Robins hatched in this nest on May 22-2016. Same nest, but Robins grew and flew away.  10-31-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I was surprised today when I noticed this old Robin nest fully intact and visible. This is the same nest that a Robin built last May and laid her eggs. At that time the tree was so heavily covered with green leaves till I barely noticed it. There wasn’t any eggs yet, but I watched it daily until the eggs were laid. The nest was about a foot above my head with me standing on the ground. Then a few weeks later I noticed blue egg shells lying on the ground. I went for my camera and held it over the nest to get a picture of three baby Robins barely out of the shell. The mother and father Robins watched me with anger expressions while I was messing with their babies. They stayed on the ground a few yards away, and let me know I was not welcome. I never bothered them again after I took the picture. I was viewing the naked trees today and noticed the same nest was still as intact as when it was built. I had thought it would be destroyed by now. I had to rewrite the story of the Robins being born in my small plum tree just a few feet from my office window. I am sure the old nest won’t be used again, but I don’t intend to destroy it. It serves as a joyous reminder of my welcome spring season this past year, and a reminder of what I will see again this next spring.

I have watched news all day today. I don’t see how anyone could leave their television at a time like this, except for those who have to work. This country is fully engaged in a civil war, even though many don’t realize it yet. How long it will last no one knows. I feel like we’re in for a long haul. I don’t think this is a light-weight fight. The blows are coming faster and more furious every day. Only those who will put their complete trust in God will be protected by his Almighty Power. We must be willing to die for Him, just like our service men and women are willing to die for their country. There is no age limit to God’s warriors. All must listen for His voice and obey His command. Only those whose minds have been brain-washed will have no chance to be redeemed. That is because they refused to listen to God for too long. They never believed who God was, nor that He would do what He said He would do. It would take nothing short of a miracle to change these kinds of weak-minded people. Some of us older people are having to lift up the younger because they cannot believe we are bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus. This declaration of faith is not given to unworthy seekers. Only those whom God can trust can obtain a contract to always be heard in times of trouble. The old nest is still there but the babies grew up and left. Many babies in Christ never grew up and left the nest. They still depend on the ones who bore them for their spiritual food. We must keep feeding them, because we love them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Day Before Halloween"

Jean's Comment's: "The Day Before Halloween":              Part of my neighbor down the street Halloween decoration. 10-30-2016 Perryton Tx. One-half block both directions aro...

"The Day Before Halloween"

             Part of my neighbor down the street Halloween decoration. 10-30-2016 Perryton Tx.
One-half block both directions around this cornet lot yard is decorated with ghost and goblins. 10-30-2016 Perryton, Texas
                                             A hell of a ghost. 10-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.

A neighbor who lives down the street from me always decorates to the hilt on Halloween. She lives on a large corner lot and decorates both front and side of her yard. There are so many ghosts and goblins around that place till even an adult would be afraid to walk up to the yard. She has ghosts hanging from trees, poking heads up out of trash barrels, reaching out to catch someone, and all kinds of other spooky threats. There are witches, skeletons, black cats, and weary creatures of all sorts. It really is an interesting sight to behold, but I don’t go close to it after dark. This neighbor lady is a good friend and since her children are all grown now she keeps decorating for her grand children and neighbor kids. She still has lots of spunk and enjoys telling a spooky story with her many ideas and items of Halloween related objects. I have to envy her a bit. I need to be more humor spirited instead of so serious all the time. I drive by her place slowly, and sometimes stop and take a picture. I do smile and will admit it’s a great lot of fun to view it all. Thank you neighbor for making things funny around our block. Hope you keep doing it for a long time. Thanksgiving is next, then Christmas, and the same decoration for those occasions will be put on display also.

Chuck and I had a rack of baby-back pork ribs today for dinner. I roasted  them slowly for four hours after basting them several times with my own B-B-Q sauce. They were tender and tasty. We also had baked beans and potato salad. Since this was Sunday we went whole hog. We had sandwiches most of the week since we were working on Chuck’s house. I love to cook, and I have to force myself to stay out of the kitchen because I also like to eat. Somehow the weight seems to pile on me If I don’t stick to a low calorie   diet. That would be going against my doctors advise. Sometimes I still go whole hog, and eat the whole hog. I can spend one day putting on two pounds, and four days taking it off. That doesn’t seem fair at all.

I’m counting the days till election. It’s been a long year and one-half with so much corruption going on all around us. I am ready to declare it a win for Donald Trump, and his millions of supporters, and get on with our lives. I think he will go down in history as being the hardest, and longest, worker as a presidential candidate in America. He is doing his work honestly, and not by lying and cheating like his opponent. He has equally honest, and intelligent people behind him who will never give up and join the corrupt, murderous, and artless-gullible of the other side. There are two colorless races in this world. The black and the white. The white represents snow, and the black represents tar. You and I are one of the two. Which one do you belong to? I would like to claim I belong to the white as snow like Jesus died to afford us. Washed clean by his blood.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Work While It Is Still Day"

Jean's Comment's: "Work While It Is Still Day":                          Chuck's house is getting a new face lift. 10-29-2016 perryton, Texas. Our helpers and Chuck, and I, are get...

"Work While It Is Still Day"

                         Chuck's house is getting a new face lift. 10-29-2016 perryton, Texas.

Our helpers and Chuck, and I, are getting close to finishing the paint job on the house. It has been a very long tiring scrape and paint party-pooper. However the new-look makes it all worth while. We were fortunate to get some real nice guys to do this hard work. My blessings are being said for them each night. It’s been my pleasure to fix lunch for these workers every day they have worked for us. They always seem to enjoy the food so much. I feel a special concern for the entire family. They are such nice people, but seem to be always down on their luck, even though they are truly Christians. I know their blessing will start to flow soon. This family almost seems part of my own. It really hurts me to see them in such financial need. If anyone reading this feels led to remember them in your prayers, please know that it would be appreciated.

There is only nine more days left till a new President will be elected. I am believing today more than ever that God has not only heard our prayer, but has already answered it. He is not ready to destroy the greatest nation on earth yet. I believe Donald Trump will be elected even with all the rigged corruption that’s been going on. God had a plan from day one, and He is putting it in place day by day. I will never quit thanking Him for saving us from a terrible death. Some people will be quick to forget after the worry is over, but as far as I am concerned the worry never is over. God expects us to keep Him in our lives, and give praises unto him daily. He could turn the tables on us in a moments time. He kept reminding the children of Israel how he delivered them from the hands of their enemies, but they still kept forgetting. God’s patience finally ran out, and only the off-spring except a few were allowed to enter the Promised Land. I have been believing in my God for many years, and every day I get older I believe Him more. I have been so blessed, because I did not fail to thank God for saving me from my enemies. I have not had wealth and fame, but neither did Jesus. Yet He actually owned all the wealth in the world. I have never gone hungry, nor had to sleep on the street. I have never been addicted to a drug that is all that keeps me alive. Neither by self addiction, or by a doctor. Although I will say It’s always been a battle to make some people leave me alone while they thought I needed a lift by a simple pill or a dose of wine. I am not condemning neither of these helpful things. I am just saying I have never depended on anything of the kind. I take only the drugs my doctor gives me for normal blood pressure, and lower cholesterol. If I should need more drugs later on for health reasons I will be ok with that. I refused before and will continue to refuse any drug, or drink, that will make me addictive just so I can be more happy or forget my troubles. I believe we must bear our own cross. If the cross becomes too heavy, then let us lift our voices unto our Lord. That is what Jesus did.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 28, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Blowing In The Wind"

Jean's Comment's: "Blowing In The Wind": The pretty little butterfly escaped before the camera clicked.  10-28-2016 Perryton, Texas. So proud of this one little pin wheel. It h...

"Blowing In The Wind"

The pretty little butterfly escaped before the camera clicked.  10-28-2016 Perryton, Texas.
So proud of this one little pin wheel. It has blown faithfully since early spring. The others blew to pieces. These little gadgets kept the birds away from my grapes and berries. 10-28-2016 Perryton, Texas.

What a windy day! Leaves are piling up everywhere. The only little pinwheel I have left is blowing it’s head off.

Yes the leaves keep falling,

 and I keep bawling,

 cause I don’t want to rake,

 for heaven’s sake.

If only I could be young again,

I would love this blowing wind.

I would be catching leaves as they fell,

and never be thinking of hell.

Too bad we have a conscience that grows with age,

for my mind keeps going back to daddy’s rage,

 for we were never on the same page.

Now I fear like I should have then,

cause after all sin is sin.

Whether we’re young, old or in between,

our deeds are recorded and they will be seen,

 by my own eyes, I hope I wasn’t too mean.

If I were young again I don’t know what I would change,

Cause I still like the people that were in my range,

I think I did the best I could, With what I had to do,

Although it wasn’t always what I wanted, I made out and lived to see

beyond the blue.

Many dreams I left behind,

but they are still on my mind.

Someday I hope to find,

The joy I gave up because I was blind,

To my real self and opted to decline.

What will heaven be to me?

Peace throughout eternity. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "I Love This Halloween Display"

Jean's Comment's: "I Love This Halloween Display": One of the stores downtown had this happy little man displayed all ready to go trick or tweeting. 10-27-2016 Perryton, Texas. I got my H...

"I Love This Halloween Display"

One of the stores downtown had this happy little man displayed all ready to go trick or tweeting. 10-27-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I got my Halloween spirit lifted a while ago when I saw this little guy sitting on two bales of hay with pumpkins. I was reminded of how excited my children used to be around Halloween time. As for me it’s not as exciting as it used to be, but I still like to see the funny stuffed manikins warning us that we better stock up on candy. There is something about holiday’s that never leave us no matter how old we get. Most everyone smiles when they see a display like this one, but they also take it very seriously. They would never poke fun. The Halloween celebration is one of several that we as American citizens have always known, but I think we are about to lose all of those memorable times. Americans customs and laws are threatened by other such beliefs that are very scary to we first-fruits Americans. I feel strongly that we should not compromise out traditions for any other countries. If other countries want o come and be part of our great nation then they should accept and obey the ways we have always been proud of. Otherwise stay at home. I guess I am just not that liberal, and I hope I am never forced to be. I stand with Donald Trump to keep America safe, and make it great again. I am with him lock, stock, and barrel, with the hammer cocked ready to defend our country.

I was grateful for face book putting on several of my post one after another today. I wonder if it’s because I complained about some changes they had made on my blog shares. I am still not able to figure out what they are doing and just why, but one thing I do know they are at the mercy of a mighty big God. I would be very careful if I were they not to abuse peoples promised rights when they signed onto face book. I am not leaning toward a liable idea at all, because our justice system stinks any more, but somebody bigger and more just than the USA’s Department of Justice  is standing by. I am still appreciative of face book, but something improper is going on, I am sure. I know they have a right to edit, but if no rules have been broken by the face book member then they should leave things as promised. I have seen some terrible, vulgar words and pictures posted on this media site, I wonder if the editors ever consider those kind of inexcusable posts. Let me make it clear. I am not at odds with face book. I just think they are doing some things that are not appropriate to some people. I think face books asks for comments occasionally, and I for one have never truly commented yea nor nay. At that regard I need not complain. I expect to be satisfied as ever in due time. Thank you face book for disagreeing with me, but still letting me post.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Walking And Talking With Donald Trump"

Jean's Comment's: "Walking And Talking With Donald Trump": My open mouth snake planter holder trying to swallow a pot of snapdragons. 10-26-2016 Perryton, Texas. I’m feeling good today. I did two...

"Walking And Talking With Donald Trump"

My open mouth snake planter holder trying to swallow a pot of snapdragons. 10-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I’m feeling good today. I did two hours of hard work and have rested twelve hours. I can’t go wrong like that. I still have times of frustration, but it usually works it’s self out. All in all I am a happy, lucky, and blessed person. I know I’m getting too anxious for the day of voting which will decide which of the two candidates will be our next president. I think I am strong enough to accept whatever the results produce, although I am positive there is much voter fraud going on right now with early voting. It has already been reported in several areas, and many people are trusting the system and not really paying attention to their ballet after punching it in. How could we expect anything else with such a proven corrupt government? If Donald Trump is denied the presidency, I am concerned about a civil unrest that I think might follow. That is because millions of people are going to take the rigged system personally, and rise up against it. That may be what it takes to clean up a rotten, stinking government that has almost destroyed America. I believe by far there are more people with Trump than are against him, but the system is so evil that fairness won’t be the deciding factor. Law breakers have been  getting away with murder by the thousands including some of the most high-government officials in our land. America has no justice system any more. The only hope I have is the power of an Almighty God who is very merciful, and He surly will protect His own.

While I’m on this subject I want to stay on it. I am loaded with warnings to a disgraceful, devil-minded, God ignoring people who still can’t be awaken from a mental delusion. Oh! How sad when the hell fire is raining down on you, like it did to Sodom and Gomorrah. Never doubt that it isn’t going to happen. Those of you who have walked all over Jesus Christ’s bloody body will definitely pay a price. If you win this election with Hillary Clinton, you will be automatically held accountable. If you don’t try to stop her and her throne of colleagues by voting, and spreading the message, then you will no doubt fall into the group of walking in Jesus blood. This may be the time that the bible speaks of when “many martyrs will be taken for the sake of Christ.” 2 Timothy 3:12. Yes, the Word says those who live Godly in Christ will be persecuted. Many with their lives. Can we not grasp just what this means?  Stand with Donald Trump and all the millions of Christians who are supporting him, and vote to put him in control of all this ungodly garbage. I believe our lives are at stake, and soon, if we don’t keep Hillary out of office of the presidency. We can reclaim our freedom and keep believing in Jesus Christ if we help get Donald elected.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Jean's Comment's: Happy Halloween Tricker's"

Jean's Comment's: Happy Halloween Tricker's": Trick or treat. This was a trick the camera played on me. Don't need a costume. 10-25-2016 Perryton, Texas. I was trying to adjust my...

Happy Halloween Tricker's"

Trick or treat. This was a trick the camera played on me. Don't need a costume. 10-25-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I was trying to adjust my camera today, and when I unloaded the pictures this is what was on it. My face, beyond all imagination. It almost scared me when I finally figured out it was my own face. Oh, for the love of cameras. My pretty picture of white snapdragons growing in a planter stationed in the mouth of my snake tree root will have to wait to be posted later. I just had to show my Halloween picture the camera decides to take. If it hadn’t been for the sky I wouldn’t have been able to tell if my head was upside down or not. This time the joke is on me.

I have had a good day. The guys got a lot of painting done on Chuck’s house, and I fixed them bar-b-q burgers for lunch. The work is coming along nicely. I’m so thankful for this small crew of good workers. Again I have been blessed to have them work for me. If anyone ever needs some good all-around workers for your home or yard let me know and I will recommend them to you. The man and his two sons are Christians and are satisfied to live on whatever the Lord gives them. There is not too many of those kind around any more. However, because of another job and some health issues the dad cannot work but two days a week, and just four hours a day at that. His boys are young and do not work without dad to instruct them. They do get a lot done in the four hours they work.

As far as I know I will be staying home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am not sure if I will have company or not, but I am not up to going away from home for awhile yet. I have friends here who can share with me my hopes and expectations. If nothing else we can go out to eat the most wonderful Thanksgiving dinner you ever tasted right here at home. It is a yearly happening sponsored by businesses and churches who want to share there blessings with those who do not have family close by to share with.
I have never participated in one of these dinners yet, as I usually go to be with children, but several of my friends have gone every year to enjoy good food and fellowship. I think it would be fun to change the style of celebrating Thanksgiving for once. I remember when my children were young we always went to our parents house for Thanksgiving and Christmas. But after they grew up, got married and had children of their own, it was like when their children grew up they wanted to come back to their home for Holidays. So the time does come when grandparents have to travel to their children’s homes or stay at their own home. When one has three or four children it’s better to stay at home and go out to eat someone else’s good food. I think I will do that this year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 24, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Are Those Who Make Good Things Happen"

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Are Those Who Make Good Things Happen": I voted today for Donald Trump. I've done my part. 10-24-2016 Perryton, Texas. I made it to the polls today in time to register th...

"Happy Are Those Who Make Good Things Happen"

I voted today for Donald Trump. I've done my part. 10-24-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I made it to the polls today in time to register the 89th vote, I voted a straight republican ticket. I am proud to let everyone know that. Not that I’m proud of what our republican congress has done to us, but because I believe its by far the most decent party we have. It just needs to be over hauled. Donald Trump can fix it if we can get him in. I want to see our great nation come back to what the founding fathers made it to be before I say good bye to it. I want my children and grand children to have as good of life as I have had. I have seen enough blood shed these past few years right here in our own country. It will only get worse unless we can change our corrupt government. Donald Trump is that change. This is a short, but sweet blog, but I just wanted to remind everyone that your vote does count. Don’t put it off. Rush as fast as you can to the polls and vote. You will feel guilty later on if you don’t.

God Bless All, and God Bless our country.
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Plants With Sunshine In My House"

Jean's Comment's: "Plants With Sunshine In My House": The little orchid by my desk will keep me smiling all winter. It never quits blooming. 10-23-2016 Perryton, Texas. Sunday praise and glo...

"Plants With Sunshine In My House"

The little orchid by my desk will keep me smiling all winter. It never quits blooming. 10-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Sunday praise and glory to my Lord and Savior. Feeling so much better today. As the leaves keep turning yellow and falling to the ground, I keep looking up instead of looking down. Yes, I’ve already been tempted today to through a punch, but by the grace of God I won’t do it. God told us that the battle is His, and not our own. I believe that, and I will let Him fight for me. It’s really nice to have a security guard with me 24-7. It may not be so nice for those who try to harm me, but my security guard is merciful. Can I get an amen from other Christians out there. We are protected from all evil that surrounds us if we don’t try to protect ourselves. There may be times when we have to hide out, but never doubt we will rise and shine in due time. As far as friends or relatives to depend on, it just does not always prove out. God never fails us, believe me. He will tell us when it’s safe to surface. I know my worse mistake, and I think it’s others also, is to try and take vengeance on those whom have wronged us. “Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord, I will repay.” If we never had anything to hurt us, whether physical or mental, we couldn’t be so happy when the pain is gone. The doctor can’t help us without hurting us some. I believe the Great Physician has to do the same, even if it means taking our joy for awhile. I will listen to the voice of my greatest security guard, and I will suppress my feelings in some way, somehow. 

Yes, I’m back on track and I only gained two pounds while trying to fight my own battle. I am doing good today since I only ate a biscuit, one egg, and four strips of bacon as thin as a shoestring. It’s 3:15 pm and I will only have a small bowl of chili with pork skins for my last meal today. A few chunks of pineapple to supply my sugar need. I have weighed the same as when I was a new bride, now for nearly a year. My health is good at this time, and I plan to keep it my number one priority.  I get plenty of exercise along with social activities, so I should be on the right path to happiness. Thanks to internet, and some very good political minded friends and relatives, I get lots of opinion sharing. I consider myself a player in the game of life, not just a bystander. I have always liked competition, although I was taught at home and at school to be considerate of others. Obey the rules, but play to win. I am glad to say I am playing in a game now that depends upon our winning or losing to the most evil team that ever lived on earth. Vote for Donald J. Trump to make America great again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Fool Is Without Honor"

Jean's Comment's: "A Fool Is Without Honor":                        Fall flowers have taken over. Very pretty. 10-22-2016 Perryton, Texas. Just a glimpse of white Daisy’s perked me ...

"A Fool Is Without Honor"

                       Fall flowers have taken over. Very pretty. 10-22-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Just a glimpse of white Daisy’s perked me up this evening. I have been resting a lot today since I did too much yard work yesterday. I went to sit out in my back yard for awhile, and as usual the pretty flowers lifted my spirits. I watered them all, and came inside to write about how much better I felt after sitting with Jesus in the garden of flowers. Always when I am feeling tired, or dissatisfied is when I miss my loved ones who have gone on to Glory Land. I just need to talk to them for a minute, but it never happens. As long as I can look upon the flowers I become so calm, and feel as though I have talked with my dear mother and husband. Only Jesus knows all about our troubles and trials. He will always meet us in those dreadful times. When my body pain subsides I will be rejoicing again.

I believe the Lord lets me go through these painful times occasionally so I can better understand the pain of those who live continuously in these conditions. Our compassion for the less fortunate should never waver. We all have something in common. That is the promise of God that some day there will never be any more pain or sorrow. No more tears, no more trials. All will be joy and peace. Let us share one another’s burdens, by holding each other up in prayer. I am speaking to the Christian believers. I do feel like we have a duty to denounce any who try to trample on our Lord and Savior. While they too have a soul they do not accept the fact that Jesus came to earth and died for their sins, therefore they are trampling in His blood. Also they are desiring to put to death any who do believe in Christ. What a terrible situation that puts us all in. We have to declare those kind of humankind as enemies, both to the Christian and to Christ Himself. We still love them but cannot befriend them. This alone can cause a person to become distressed and lose their victory at times.

In this day and time we are being deceived  by the most highly seeking candidate running for president of America, Anyone who has been keeping up with the news can see through this deceit. The Lord has let His people find out just what this woman candidate is conspiring to do. Never again will we have one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. Never again will be worshiping openly Jesus Christ. One religion or none at all if this person is elected. I truly believe this person thinks she is right to think this way. But how could any American possible think this is the right way? “A fool in their own skin is worse than a fool without a skin.” “Seek the Lord while He still may be found.” Vote Trump, Pence, for president.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Who Is To Blame"

Jean's Comment's: "Who Is To Blame":            Sweet smelling crimson red rose. Late October beauty. 10-20-2016 Perryton, Texas. Hanging on till the last minute this deep r...

"Who Is To Blame"

           Sweet smelling crimson red rose. Late October beauty. 10-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Hanging on till the last minute this deep red, crimson rose is so lovely. The last part of October is still allowing me to enjoy several of my pretty flowers. Leaves are steadily falling, but lots of flowers are still looking great. What a mess of dead stalks I will be looking at to clear away before long. It’s not a job I look forward to. Until such time I will keep smelling the roses, and watering the rest of the multi-color flowers. I am really getting tired of caring for them for this season. I’m ready to let them care for themselves.

I was delighted to watch the presidential debate last night between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Trump pulled the covers off Hillary, and what a shame she had been covering up. Even with the rigged election system I believe Donald Trump can come forth as gold. That’s how much faith I have in God. I am glad to be living in one of the most drastic change periods that America has ever known. I truly believe that this large radical American population could escalate into a civil war possible bigger than the American Civil War that finally freed the blacks from slavery. It was the bloodiest war in U.S. history. I feel so fearful that America is headed for another civil war even more bloody than the first. I see no way a present war could be fought in America by dividing the states like the eleven slavery states did in declaring their secession. An American civil war today would include all fifty states fighting for continued freedom as we’ve always known it. All fifty states are split with half wanting to uphold our constitution, and the other half wanting to abolish it. Half want to remain to be free to worship the way they chose, the other half want to let the most hatred people of our Lord, Jesus Christ, take control and be forced to worship only one way, the Jihad, translated as “holy war.” The sad thing about it the half that are fighting against our constitution don’t realize what they are doing. It’s like they have been turned over to a reprobate mind. We are already seeing blood shed every day among our police officers, and others who won’t agree to accept the evil way of the beastly vultures. Many are dying because of no control over the unruly. How could anyone not see this. I would be surprised if anything short of a bloody civil war will ever unite our country again. I would call all truly born again Christians to unite in their churches, homes, and any other place where they could cry out to God for mercy. Only the power of Almighty God will save this great nation. How many people can he find who truly serve Him? I hope its more than seven like the case of Sodom and Gomorrah. Wake up America! You have sleep too long.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Where Are Our Roots"

Jean's Comment's: "Where Are Our Roots": Amazing! The neighbor has a hollyhock growing through a tiny crack in the fence. My son, Chuck shares this nice fence of white metal fence...

"Where Are Our Roots"

Amazing! The neighbor has a hollyhock growing through a tiny crack in the fence. My son, Chuck shares this nice fence of white metal fence with a cinder block foundation. A very small crack is between the two elements of fence. 10-19-2016 Perryton, Texas.
From the bottom of the metal fence the cinder blocks are about 3 feet up for ground. From Chuck's yard it looks like a flower hanging on the fence. 10-19-2016 Perryton, Texas.

As I have expressed my amazement at how a beautiful single hollyhock could grow through a tiny space approximately ½ inch wide and produce a beautiful, pink flower with six or eight large, healthy-looking, leaves I want to elaborate. As a child I grew up in a Christian dominated home with much of the usual daily talk being centered around God. Common remarks around our house was because of God everything happens like it does. Whether something turned out to be good or bad that we wanted to happen, and it didn’t happen, we were always told God knows best. We as children accepted that with delight, just as we accepted the things that did happen to our most hopeful delight. We were always reminded of the scripture that states, “God works in mysterious ways.” And, “Happy  are those who wait upon the Lord.” These two motto’s are why I am still living a happy, and blessed life well passed my day of life expectancy.

When I noticed the beautiful wide-open hollyhock flower hanging on a metal fence with not one single stem,  I had to go inspect to see if it was fake. It was very much real and Chuck pointed out that it was the only live flower left on the tall hollyhock stalk. He could see over the neighbors fence from which the stalk was planted, and all the other flowers had died. My childhood memory immediately flashed back. “God works in mysterious ways.” I actually wanted to have a seat and just enjoy the flower that was so mysteriously living. It happened to be the only thing in Chuck’s back yard that was pretty. All of his garden, flowers, and trees had died and we were cleaning up the stubble. Actually I think this was a sign to me that God knows best. We had gotten news yesterday that something we had been excited about, and really hoped would happen, wasn’t going to happen. The single little flower was lifting up my spirits. God knows how much flowers enlightens my heart. I am now past the disappointment, and feel delighted. “God knows best.”

I am still holding out for a miracle to happen with our country. In three weeks I will know if our God is still for us, in spite of all the evil most of us have been a part of in some way. I hope that whatever happens I can still say, “God knows best.” Like my parents taught me I hope I will not worry about it and, accept it as the will of God. We must never lose faith in our God, even if it means giving up our life, or seeing our children or grandchildren giving up theirs. I’ve experienced a lot of pain in my life in seeing terrible things happen that I didn’t want to accept, but somehow God kept His promise to me, and never left me to bear it alone. He will reign forever first in my heart.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Pinwheel And I Blowing In The Wind"

Jean's Comment's: "Pinwheel And I Blowing In The Wind":      The wind is so high today this pinwheel is turning like crazy. 10-16-2016 Perryton, Texas. A hard, hot wind is blowing today over P...

"Pinwheel And I Blowing In The Wind"

     The wind is so high today this pinwheel is turning like crazy. 10-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.

A hard, hot wind is blowing today over Perryton, I took this picture of my next-door neighbor’s patio with pinwheel turning like crazy in a flower pot. It is so pretty, and the entire patio is really nice. The little lady who lives there is a natural born home interior and exterior major, magic-touch, specialist. She keeps everything in her yard looking beautiful. It’s just been in recent years that she has started having her yard mowed. She does everything else inside and out. She is 90 years old, and her husband is 92. They make me feel ashamed of the way I neglect my home and yard. They certainly have something I am missing. Both of them have had hip replacements and knee replacements, but it didn’t seem to slow them down much. I have had neither, but I don’t have the magic touch that they have. Everything I do I have to pray for God to pick me up out my recliner, and encourage me to get it done. If He ever gets me up then I do enjoy making things look better. I think I have a slight case of laziness, yet I hate an un kept house and yard. It’s a touch and go for me. I keep thinking how good I will feel when I go through seven cloths closets and throw away dozens of garment that I haven’t worn in years. Also when I haul dozens of my deceased husband’s cloths to a give-a-way house. I bought most of his cloths for him, and I still love them so much. None of them could be thought of as being out of style or old-looking. My own dress that I wore to my daughter’s wedding, then to my 25th  wedding anniversary, then to my 50th wedding anniversary is still as aqua blue as new. I need to get separated from this long memory of love and satisfaction, at the same time I don’t want to get Alzheimer’s. Just pray for my children if I never do get past memory lane, and they have to get rid of all my precious memories.

No one will ever know how hard it is to live alone after being married to the same man for 63 years, until they go through it themselves.  I do go some, but not as much as I did when my husband was living. The desire to leave home is simply not with me, yet I want to go. Can anyone explain that? A friend who has been single much longer than I told me I will never get over it. I will just have to live with it. Maybe if I take his cloths to someone who can use them I might forget somewhat. I just haven’t been able to move him out yet after nearly four years. Something keeps telling me he will be back. Any day now I expect to conquer that sickness. I hope to be normal again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Putting On My Red PJ's"

Jean's Comment's: "Putting On My Red PJ's":            Good night sun light. you are beautiful in your red PJ's. 10-15-2016 perryton, Texas. This beautiful red sunset was a thr...

"Putting On My Red PJ's"

           Good night sun light. you are beautiful in your red PJ's. 10-15-2016 perryton, Texas.

This beautiful red sunset was a thrill to look at tonight. I couldn’t have asked for a better inspirational moment. I said the sun had put on it’s red PJ’s and was going to bed. It was tucked in before I realized it. Then complete darkness covered the part of the world I live in. It is almost time for me to put on my red PJ’s and go to bed. I have had a “hard work day.” I am still helping work on Chuck’s house. Just two days a week, but it’s hard work for an old lady like me. I have to say I do enjoy it though. It’s amazing how nice an old house can look after giving it a complete make over.

When I got home I caught up on my face book news, and watched Fox News for awhile. Most of it was what I had already seen yesterday. I get more late news from my computer on week-ends than what’s on television. And more extensive, correct news. The kind that most of the television media don’t want you to hear. When it is evident to the major media that the news is out they usually will pick up on it somewhat. I’m so thankful for computers. I believe I’m right when I say this. I think Fox News is slowly becoming like all the other news channels. When it does then we concerned ,American citizens can weep even more than we do now. No Fox, no important fair and balanced news. I read an rumor that Bill O’Reilly was fixing to retire. When he was asked about it he replied he might. He said it was very hard anymore to do his job. I also heard him say journalism is dead in America any more. What he was really saying was if he couldn’t report the news like he’s done for the past twenty years then he’s quitting. Then I heard that Shaun Hannity was getting fired. Shaun has very clearly supported Donald Trump all the way. I along with thousands of others wrote to the Fox manager saying if they fired Shaun Hannity  It would be good-bye Fox News for us. Greta Van Susteren has already quit Fox. Except for Judge Jeanne the rest of Fox anchors is just as biased as all the other liberal news anchors. It’s as plain as the nose on your face we, the American people, are like a bunch of sheep heading for the slaughter. I keep praying that God will have mercy on us and allow Donald Trump to become our next president. He can and will make America Great again.

I believe with all sorrow that many people have ignored God and His teaching for so long that He has turned them over to a reprobate mind. The dictionary defines “reprobate mind” as a person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation. This if found in the bible. Romans 1:28. I hope everyone will find out for themselves whether God has rejected them or not. I had to do it many years ago. To my wonderful surprise, God still loved me and saved my soul. I never took the risk of losing that great blessing again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 14, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Will We Become A Martyr For Christ"

Jean's Comment's: "Will We Become A Martyr For Christ": Just a glimpse of how close frost is to my flowers. Beautiful golden leaves are all over. 10-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.       Two of the ...

"Will We Become A Martyr For Christ"

Just a glimpse of how close frost is to my flowers. Beautiful golden leaves are all over. 10-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.
      Two of the many butterflies swarming through the Marigolds. 10-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I’m living in one of my better days today. I’m so thankful for the peace, joy, and happiness I have felt today. I believe it’s because my mind has been taken back to when I was much younger and going to a spiritual church that was filled with praises and love for everyone who entered. This was my model church for many years, then somehow it began to feel a blow from Satanic attacks that eventually divided and destroyed the church. Now for several years I have been living with faith, and even expectations that the same divine spirit I shared with others will return. However, each day I am finding it harder to hang onto that hope. My assumption is that the days of religious freedom are over, and all must live on past experiences and risk being killed if we don’t comply with the religion of unbelievers of Christ.

This will be difficult for me to explain, but I think the faith of our father’s and mother’s genealogy has been ditched. It started when some of the less scholarly, both academically, and spiritually, started throwing darts to everyone who wouldn’t agree with them. Like some of the religious groups today who are steadfast on making everyone believe like them, the professing Christians in the above described category became too obnoxious for the sincere Christians to  worship with, It does seem to me like any time a church starts up with an entirely unified group of people, it never last long because of the still unscrupulous, obnoxious few who will invariably come to declare their way or no way. This often, too often, fit’s the pastor’s character. The few obnoxious in the congregational membership sides with the pastor which eventually destroys the church. How do I explain how a church with a group of board members will let this happen? Simply by placing them in the unscholarly board membership which is usually influenced by the pastor. I have seen this happen many times. A dictator  by all means.

I see America being pushed into the same level of dictatorship. Our great nation has been over ruled by greedy citizens who will do anything for power and money. One cannot put this kind of leadership in the category of unscholarly or just plain ignorance. It falls under the veil of dictatorship. Of course one can claim that because of so many citizens who are unethically relating to the unscholarly the end results will be the loss of a Great Nation.  It starts at the top and goes down. It started in America eight years ago, and has progressively grown to a powerless country. I hope everyone who reads this will pray fervently, maybe even fast a meal or two and let God show you what you need to do to save our country. Everyone needs to do something to help.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers Of Blessings"

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers Of Blessings": Fall flowers are still giving me encouragement. Small butterflies are feasting on their sweetness. 10-12-2016 Perryton, Texas. Today has...

"Flowers Of Blessings"

Fall flowers are still giving me encouragement. Small butterflies are feasting on their sweetness. 10-12-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today has been about as cold as it gets before the frost. Amazing how nice the flowers still look. This flower garden has blessed me all spring and summer, but it depresses me to know that it will be gone soon. The way I know that I’m depressed is when I see something on face book that is unbearably painful I go into a quick crying spell while praying for the sad victims of great distress. This past week someone posted twin babies who were joined at the top of their heads. They were probably three months old, and had beautiful little faces, but the frustration on those tiny faces were almost more than I could bear. On the same page a picture was posted of an Alzheimer mother lying on a bed with her daughter lying beside her trying to make her mother remember who she was. The mother was looking straight into her daughter’s eyes with a big smile on her face, but with not any idea who she was. Of course I see things like this a lot, but at times it really gets the best of me. I start asking God again why, why, does these things have to happen. Then today I saw a little Syrian boy being dug out of the rubble after a bomb had been dropped on the country by another country trying to take it over. (I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not, nor do I believe anyone else knows.)The child looked lifeless, but just maybe he will pull through. Some people are not touched by these awful tragedies, but I feel great pain every time I see this. I am thankful that I do feel great compassion because I know Jesus felt pain for every human on earth so much that he suffered himself, and died just so we might be saved in the end.

Speaking of Siamese twins, I saw a picture recently of twin brothers at age twenty one who were handsome, and living a normal life after being separated at birth by Dr. Ben Carson who is now working in a campaign for Donald Trump. This doctor is a brain surgeon, and has now retired after many years of successful surgeries. He is one of many smart, intelligent, understanding, and lovable, people helping Trump to get elected for the next US president. The world is filled with evil people, but there are still many unbelievable good and honest people who are working and praying  for God’s mercy on the best. So many people have closed their eyes and ears on the actual evil that has almost overpowered our Christian founded nation. Let us not give in, nor give up on the battle to win back our great country. Let the evil ones keep their blood money, and know that we, the Christian minority will be richer by far if we continue to trust God who owns all the wealth on earth. Pain and suffering may not leave us, but neither will our God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 10, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Donald J. Trump For President"

Jean's Comment's: "Donald J. Trump For President":                              Myrtle Jean Sharp recent picture. 10-10-2016 Perryton, Texas. Most of you don’t know me, but I am a pers...

"Donald J. Trump For President"

                             Myrtle Jean Sharp recent picture. 10-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Most of you don’t know me, but I am a person of great concern for the future of our country. This last year and one-half I have devoted a lot of time to help keep our country from falling into the hands of Satan’s evil power of destruction. I have spent hours upon hours trying to watch as much news as possible, then many more hours praying and trying to sort it all out. I feel very strongly that America is definitely under siege. I am one of the millions who feel the same way, but for some reason millions more fail to see the seriousness of the danger we as a nation are facing.

While reading about the Israelites in the book of exodus, and how God is speaking to Moses every day to ask Pharaoh to let his people go out of Egypt, I get stymied. The point is, God tells Moses He will harden Pharaoh’s heart so he won’t let the people go. Then God sends a terrible punishment to Egypt that is unbearable. Why does God harden Pharaoh’s heart if He is helping them to leave Egypt? Pharaoh is willing for the Israelites to go, just to get rid of the plagues, until after God lifts the plague, then He hardens Pharaoh’s heart and he won’t let them leave. God keeps sending plagues, and Pharaoh keeps hardening his heart after God lifts the Plague. This goes on for quite some time before Pharaoh finally lets the Israelites go.

Is it possible that God is hardening some American’s hearts so they won’t vote for the right person to save our country? It seems like a lot of people are changing their mind a lot. Many still haven’t made up their mind who to vote for with just four weeks left to vote. What is going on with America? God is definitely involved in this huge process. I fear many people have been hardening their own hearts till now they don’t know what to do. What a sad time for such a thing to happen! I have known from day one of the nomination who I was supporting, and I have never changed my mind nor will I ever. I expected to weather the storm of getting my candidate elected. It is never easy, but for people to not stick with their first choice is a mystery to me. I still have faith that God will save His righteous people, but possible not before much blood is shed. Egypt lost great numbers of people, cattle, and other kinds of necessary crops for living, before they finally let the Israelites go, then they decided to go after them and bring them back. Many more of the Egyptians died while pursuing the fleeing Israelites. If anyone can unravel this mystery please let me know. I do have my ideas, but I don’t like them. I believe far too many people have played around with sin too long. Run to the alter before its too late is my message to you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "An Agressive Life Can Be Seen"

Jean's Comment's: "An Agressive Life Can Be Seen": My car in the driveway. All other cars are parents of little league football players across the street from me. 10-8-2016 Perryton, Texas ...

"An Agressive Life Can Be Seen"

My car in the driveway. All other cars are parents of little league football players across the street from me. 10-8-2016 Perryton, Texas
                  Part of the crowd watching little league football. 10-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Saturday little league football is a sight to behold at Perryton, Texas practice field. I can hardly get out of my drive most of the day. This is the case every Saturday come rain or shine. I’m so proud of parents who totally support their children while growing up with love and enthusiasm. Most parents have Saturday off from their work, but they never fail to come and sit out most of the day watching their little boys play football. How proud we all should be to still be living in a freedom blessed country where everyone can chose their own way of life. At least part of America is still a land of the free and the brave. We must join together to fight for a still free and proud country of the blessed. I try every day to throw at least one stone in support of my “Country Tis of Thee.” We have not one day to lose if we expect to keep our freedom.

Some days like today I did very little to say I have done a lot. But the little I did do will be multiplied ten times in the name of Jesus. Tomorrow I hope to do more. We are climbing the ladder of success one step at a time if we put forth a little effort. Most of us haven’t gotten too far off the ground, but with determination we will finally get high enough not to want to fall off and hit the hard bottom beneath us. Maybe we just might reach heaven where there is no more steps to climb. I love to dream of that. This life was destined to be hard after the great sin, but we did have the promise of God to help us if we helped ourselves. Some have clung to that promise while others didn’t want to hear it. Donald Trump made a statement today that really gave me more hope. After all the evil and lies that have been thrown at him he said to those who are asking him to drop out of the race, “there is 0 chance that I’m dropping out, that’s why” he said, “so many republicans don’t win, because they are not willing to ride out the rough tide.”  I agree with him 100 percent. Don’t fall off that ladder, keep on climbing. Victory for God’s people will come soon or later. The bible history backs that up. Miracles still happen, and I am believing for one now more than ever before. I don’t have to be on national TV to be heard by God. I have a direct line to Him, and He hears me every time I ask Him for help. His eye is upon me, and He watches over me. If I fall off the ladder He will catch me and put me right back where I was standing. So life goes on if we stumble and fall occasionally. If we fall accidentally He will catch us, but if we fall willfully be prepared to break a bone or two. “Hold onto God’s unchanging hand.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 7, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Puzzle Of Life"

Jean's Comment's: "The Puzzle Of Life":                                Back yard beauty fading away fast. 10-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.                 Butterfly still eating fro...

"The Puzzle Of Life"

                               Back yard beauty fading away fast. 10-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                Butterfly still eating from the first flower to the left. 10-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.

A cool day with bright sun visited Perryton today. I’m still enjoying the last fruits of my flowers, although I am a little depressed to see so much of them  dead. The grass is mostly all dead too. I must start adjusting to a shut-in winter. I won’t be getting out much because I don’t like to make long trips by myself in the winter. The weather is too uncertain for that. In our small town there isn’t many places to go to mingle with friends, especially when the weather is cold.

I have always been a self-made, artificial physiologist. I believe most of us fall into that category. Life would be void without at least some of it. The brain needs to work like a cross-word puzzle. Lots of pieces need to be put together to form a distinct scene. The mental puzzles of my brain bring great pleasure, but it only happens when I make myself active to the game. There are many ways I can put a puzzle together. One is to work with paint covering a canvas. Another is to be still and let a thought come to me  that is totally off the wall. We need to start working on that puzzle quickly before the train pulls out. Puzzles from the brain are a continuous effort. It may take a life time to complete some, but we need never to leave them stranded. It’s called “The pursuit of happiness,” and unless we pursue to capture an image we will never be happy. That is saying some puzzles are never completed, but enough is showing to enjoy the fullness there of. Another way to play the puzzle game is to go to bed after a short prayer and bible reading, start mentally singing the old gospel songs that you grew up with, then fall asleep and let your dreams work on the puzzle. The following morning is always so enjoyable, and the day begins with a purpose.

One of my favorite puzzles is the writing of my blog. I never know what I am going to write when I sit down at my computer, but because God told us not to worry about what we will say, He will put words in our mouth or minds, I take Him at His word. Hopefully someone was able to see enough of the puzzle to make a connection. I don’t always see it, but I trust it made sense to someone. So now you see that I have a lot of work to do through the winter. One might call it, “an inside job.” Just hope I can be productive, because I feel like when I am no longer productive, God will call me home. I am trying very hard to follow my calling, and to do it well. I only have to please my Lord. I think I am pleasing him otherwise, I would not be enjoying my life so much. I am aware that I always need to be doing more for Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Jean's Comment's: Nature And The Creator Of It All"

Jean's Comment's: Nature And The Creator Of It All": The orange flower is sporting two butterflies in harmony with each other. 10-5-2016 Perryton, Texas. Someone must have opened the gate t...

Nature And The Creator Of It All"

The orange flower is sporting two butterflies in harmony with each other. 10-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Someone must have opened the gate today for the butterflies. They were flying by leaps and bounds on all the flowers. White, brown, and multi-color, were making an exciting circus performance to behold. I got a picture of two on the same flower who seemed to be trying to enter-act with each other. These can be better enjoyed if double clicked on. Its almost impossible to get a shot of one with wings open because the moment they land they close their wings. Some are absolutely beautiful with wings open wide. Such thrill sometimes nature has to offer. Just wish I had a bigger yard with more attractions for more natural insects and beast, birds, and creepy creatures. Nature is the best art of all. The sun and the breeze are what makes it all so wonderful. Of course the rain and the dew adds a lot of beauty to all of God’s great displays of artful nature. I will never stop loving every once of the natural beauty of God, whether on land, air, or sea. What great man or woman could have ever matched the art work of the Great Creator? May His blessing forever be with all of us.

I would hate to count the times in a day I say, “thank you God.”  Not just mentally, but verbally. The bible tells us that from the heart the mouth speaketh. Matthew 12:34. Words spoken are not words written. There is a great difference. Had you rather get a letter from someone you love, or see them in person? When we talk to God, it is talking to a person. We may not hear Him talking back, but we can count on him to answer our prayers, because He is not deaf, nor is He untruthful when He said in his word, “ask and ye shall receive.” I encourage everyone to keep pressing on toward the prize of the high calling God. If ever we think He has forgotten us, we are totally wrong. In time He will answer all our prayers. Sometimes I cry when I know that certain things that are happening now are an answer to prayer. I think if much time has elapsed since we made the request maybe some of us sometimes changes our minds. Let us be cautious not to accuse God of mistreating us. He did answer, but maybe not until He was sure it was best for all involved. “All things work together for the good of them who love the Lord.” I must admit I am shocked at some of the things that are happening to me today. Then I remember it’s just what I asked for several years ago. I failed to hold out to the end, or maybe I am a different person now than when I asked. I accept everything God is doing for me now regardless of the elapsed time. His ways are perfect, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Praises be to His holy name.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 3, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Game Can't Be Won Without Practice"

Jean's Comment's: "The Game Can't Be Won Without Practice": Big boy football practice at one side of the field and midget boys practice at the other side. Both teams are pumped up. 10-3-2016 Perryto...

"The Game Can't Be Won Without Practice"

Big boy football practice at one side of the field and midget boys practice at the other side. Both teams are pumped up. 10-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.
These little guys are taking orders just like the big guys. It's all about serious playing. 10-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I sat out on my front porch and watched the football boys practice for the next game. Such energy as I’ve ever seen. I have to admire them for their energetic effort. The coaches for the high school team gets paid well for their hard work to teach the players how to play to win, but the coaches of the little guys does it all voluntarily. What good fathers some of the little guys have. Hats off to them. I’m sure some of these little ones don’t even have a father around, but they are strong enough both mentally and physically to fit into the fighting team of football.

I gained favor today with two of the goofed-up jobs that I had been complaining about. The lumber company is fixing the door problem in the morning at no extra expense to me. The plumber came today and took care of their mistake. Just a few more corrections and I will be caught up on careless abuse by people who I paid to do a good job. I remember when we didn’t have to hassle with workers who did a job for us. Their work was done to  perfection the first time, but not so any more. What changing times we are now living in. All in all we still have a lot to be thankful for. We have the almighty hand of God to help us out. I work myself very hard to keep up with jobs that I can do, even though it takes a lot of will power to endure. I have done hard work all my life, and I can’t imagine not being able to do it anymore. I love to get the job done and praise myself for doing it. I don’t know If I inherited that trait or whether it was taught me. Probably a little of both. I had good parents who also worked hard and loved every minute of it. I wish I still had them.

I am feeling blessed to have four children of my own who have worked hard all their lives. Also six grandchildren and three great grandchildren who have hung in through thick and thin, some of which have made me very proud. I have great expectations for all of them. A few are down at this time, but I know they will get back up. I love them all very much. I am much happier now than I was a year ago. I expect to grow in peace, joy, and happiness the rest of my life. It all depends on our attitude, and I will not be taken for a sucker. I have the right to claim victory over every attempt to dismantle me. I don’t even have to miss the things that I had to give up because of my determination to stay strong in the Lord. It may have hurt at the time, but God always gives us victory in the end. He replaces all things that hurt us to give up with much better things. I thank Him so much for that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Never Too Late To Be Blessed"

Jean's Comment's: "Never Too Late To Be Blessed": Couldn't help but post more flowers. The second day of October and they are still beautiful. 10-2-2016 Perryton, Texas This running...

"Never Too Late To Be Blessed"

Couldn't help but post more flowers. The second day of October and they are still beautiful. 10-2-2016 Perryton, Texas
This running plant is doing so good. The shaded area it is in does not let you see the gorgeous green and white leaves. Also it reaches much higher than it shows. 10-2-2016 Perryton, Texas.

My day of rest is almost over. This Sunday has gone by fast. In the morning I will be back to trying to get several articles of unfinished business going again. I did get to go out and rest near my flowers while I kept my mind of other things. I can, and I will, get everything straightened out before the week is over. Next Sunday I will be excited to watch the second presidential debate. Nothing can interfere with that. This event is enough to keep me going full force so I shouldn’t have any trouble hassling with my arbitrators. I must get it settled before the next presidential debate. That is so much more important. I am looking forward to the first vice-presidential debate coming up this next Tuesday. I wish someone would call me to be on television to say who I thought won the debate. I could tell them pretty quick. I guess I will just have to tell my blog viewers. I have a few dinner bets I will be collecting if Donald Trump wins. They have been made for over a year now. I feel like some would like to back out now, but that is not happening. I am more convinced now than ever that he is going to be our next President, that is unless Obama declares Marshall Law. I wouldn’t put it past him. I think Mr. Trump is smart enough to take care of that too if the President should try it.

I have been overwhelmed with joy today after hearing news that one close lady friend of my son, Chuck, has been extremely blessed. I will not relate the facts, but it was a miracle which I have been praying for, for years. Thank God for never giving up on us. He knows the heart and does not hold back just because we can’t seem to perfect our lives. This bit of good news sure strengthen my faith. That is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s going to be happening in the future. Life keeps getting better if we keep believing on Him. Chuck has another good friend who has asked me to pray for him. He is at the end of his rope, and just about ready to jump off. I have promised him I will stay focused on his need, and I have no doubt that he too will be receiving a great blessing soon. The other day he left a message for me to call him. He lives in another city. It sounded like a desperate need. I have tried to call him back several times, but he doesn’t answer. I am sure he is OK or we would have heard, but I understand that sometimes God works in mysteries ways. I am waiting for good news from this special friend. I have never dealt with a more humble person than this young man. He has put it all on the alter, and I know God will not leave him miserable. I’m so thankful for the little I can do to help someone in need. That is all I live for. Blessings to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Who Can We Trust Except God"

Jean's Comment's: "Who Can We Trust Except God": I love it when the sun is going down and shines through my sheer dinning room drapes. 10-1-2016 Perryton, Texas. What a day this has bee...

"Who Can We Trust Except God"

I love it when the sun is going down and shines through my sheer dinning room drapes. 10-1-2016 Perryton, Texas.

What a day this has been. What should have been good turned out to be a waste of time and expense. I hired this guy to hang an outside door at Chucks house. I ordered the door but wasn’t able to get in installed for about five weeks later. The person whom I had contracted to do it some how never came through. I got this nice guy who has done a lot of work for me, but nothing as major as installing a door. He did a good job, but after he had finished I went to look and the lumber company had sold me a wrong door. It was an outside door to the utility room, which at this time has no washer and dryer. I made sure I ordered a door that would open, like the one already there, making it possible to go in and out with a washer and dryer there. There is no possible way the door could be entered or exited unless it opened to the right with a washer and dryer installed. I saw the sales clerk write everything down on the order sheet, and it was exactly what I needed. I was busy working in the yard while the installer hung the door. I was extremely upset when I saw what we had. Good job, but wouldn’t work. I paid the installer then went straight to the lumber company that made the awful goof. I spent an hour there while they located the necessary papers to see if the order was written like I told them it was. It was exact, and they said they would have to get me another door. It was almost closing time for the store so I have to wait till Monday to see what they will do for me. I feel sure they won’t want to pay to have it installed, but I am going to demand that. Folks we are living in difficult times now. Nothing is like it used to be. This makes the third time in a few years this same company has failed me. It is a big and very busy business, but something is wrong with the employees. They just can’t seem to get it straight. I know others who have had problems with them also. I have been waiting for two months for an insurance company to pay me for a television the installer knocked off the table and broke. We agreed on a settlement, but I still haven’t received the money. I will have to start working on that issue next week also.

Through all the hassle I have been through this past year and one-half I still have victory over my problems. God has never failed to work with my tiresome struggles. So far I am extremely blessed when its all over. That does not say my troubles all ended. That won’t happen until I am with Jesus in a land where we will never grow old.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp