Wednesday, October 12, 2016

"Flowers Of Blessings"

Fall flowers are still giving me encouragement. Small butterflies are feasting on their sweetness. 10-12-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today has been about as cold as it gets before the frost. Amazing how nice the flowers still look. This flower garden has blessed me all spring and summer, but it depresses me to know that it will be gone soon. The way I know that I’m depressed is when I see something on face book that is unbearably painful I go into a quick crying spell while praying for the sad victims of great distress. This past week someone posted twin babies who were joined at the top of their heads. They were probably three months old, and had beautiful little faces, but the frustration on those tiny faces were almost more than I could bear. On the same page a picture was posted of an Alzheimer mother lying on a bed with her daughter lying beside her trying to make her mother remember who she was. The mother was looking straight into her daughter’s eyes with a big smile on her face, but with not any idea who she was. Of course I see things like this a lot, but at times it really gets the best of me. I start asking God again why, why, does these things have to happen. Then today I saw a little Syrian boy being dug out of the rubble after a bomb had been dropped on the country by another country trying to take it over. (I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not, nor do I believe anyone else knows.)The child looked lifeless, but just maybe he will pull through. Some people are not touched by these awful tragedies, but I feel great pain every time I see this. I am thankful that I do feel great compassion because I know Jesus felt pain for every human on earth so much that he suffered himself, and died just so we might be saved in the end.

Speaking of Siamese twins, I saw a picture recently of twin brothers at age twenty one who were handsome, and living a normal life after being separated at birth by Dr. Ben Carson who is now working in a campaign for Donald Trump. This doctor is a brain surgeon, and has now retired after many years of successful surgeries. He is one of many smart, intelligent, understanding, and lovable, people helping Trump to get elected for the next US president. The world is filled with evil people, but there are still many unbelievable good and honest people who are working and praying  for God’s mercy on the best. So many people have closed their eyes and ears on the actual evil that has almost overpowered our Christian founded nation. Let us not give in, nor give up on the battle to win back our great country. Let the evil ones keep their blood money, and know that we, the Christian minority will be richer by far if we continue to trust God who owns all the wealth on earth. Pain and suffering may not leave us, but neither will our God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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