Saturday, October 8, 2016

"An Agressive Life Can Be Seen"

My car in the driveway. All other cars are parents of little league football players across the street from me. 10-8-2016 Perryton, Texas
                  Part of the crowd watching little league football. 10-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Saturday little league football is a sight to behold at Perryton, Texas practice field. I can hardly get out of my drive most of the day. This is the case every Saturday come rain or shine. I’m so proud of parents who totally support their children while growing up with love and enthusiasm. Most parents have Saturday off from their work, but they never fail to come and sit out most of the day watching their little boys play football. How proud we all should be to still be living in a freedom blessed country where everyone can chose their own way of life. At least part of America is still a land of the free and the brave. We must join together to fight for a still free and proud country of the blessed. I try every day to throw at least one stone in support of my “Country Tis of Thee.” We have not one day to lose if we expect to keep our freedom.

Some days like today I did very little to say I have done a lot. But the little I did do will be multiplied ten times in the name of Jesus. Tomorrow I hope to do more. We are climbing the ladder of success one step at a time if we put forth a little effort. Most of us haven’t gotten too far off the ground, but with determination we will finally get high enough not to want to fall off and hit the hard bottom beneath us. Maybe we just might reach heaven where there is no more steps to climb. I love to dream of that. This life was destined to be hard after the great sin, but we did have the promise of God to help us if we helped ourselves. Some have clung to that promise while others didn’t want to hear it. Donald Trump made a statement today that really gave me more hope. After all the evil and lies that have been thrown at him he said to those who are asking him to drop out of the race, “there is 0 chance that I’m dropping out, that’s why” he said, “so many republicans don’t win, because they are not willing to ride out the rough tide.”  I agree with him 100 percent. Don’t fall off that ladder, keep on climbing. Victory for God’s people will come soon or later. The bible history backs that up. Miracles still happen, and I am believing for one now more than ever before. I don’t have to be on national TV to be heard by God. I have a direct line to Him, and He hears me every time I ask Him for help. His eye is upon me, and He watches over me. If I fall off the ladder He will catch me and put me right back where I was standing. So life goes on if we stumble and fall occasionally. If we fall accidentally He will catch us, but if we fall willfully be prepared to break a bone or two. “Hold onto God’s unchanging hand.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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