Sunday, October 23, 2016

"Plants With Sunshine In My House"

The little orchid by my desk will keep me smiling all winter. It never quits blooming. 10-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Sunday praise and glory to my Lord and Savior. Feeling so much better today. As the leaves keep turning yellow and falling to the ground, I keep looking up instead of looking down. Yes, I’ve already been tempted today to through a punch, but by the grace of God I won’t do it. God told us that the battle is His, and not our own. I believe that, and I will let Him fight for me. It’s really nice to have a security guard with me 24-7. It may not be so nice for those who try to harm me, but my security guard is merciful. Can I get an amen from other Christians out there. We are protected from all evil that surrounds us if we don’t try to protect ourselves. There may be times when we have to hide out, but never doubt we will rise and shine in due time. As far as friends or relatives to depend on, it just does not always prove out. God never fails us, believe me. He will tell us when it’s safe to surface. I know my worse mistake, and I think it’s others also, is to try and take vengeance on those whom have wronged us. “Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord, I will repay.” If we never had anything to hurt us, whether physical or mental, we couldn’t be so happy when the pain is gone. The doctor can’t help us without hurting us some. I believe the Great Physician has to do the same, even if it means taking our joy for awhile. I will listen to the voice of my greatest security guard, and I will suppress my feelings in some way, somehow. 

Yes, I’m back on track and I only gained two pounds while trying to fight my own battle. I am doing good today since I only ate a biscuit, one egg, and four strips of bacon as thin as a shoestring. It’s 3:15 pm and I will only have a small bowl of chili with pork skins for my last meal today. A few chunks of pineapple to supply my sugar need. I have weighed the same as when I was a new bride, now for nearly a year. My health is good at this time, and I plan to keep it my number one priority.  I get plenty of exercise along with social activities, so I should be on the right path to happiness. Thanks to internet, and some very good political minded friends and relatives, I get lots of opinion sharing. I consider myself a player in the game of life, not just a bystander. I have always liked competition, although I was taught at home and at school to be considerate of others. Obey the rules, but play to win. I am glad to say I am playing in a game now that depends upon our winning or losing to the most evil team that ever lived on earth. Vote for Donald J. Trump to make America great again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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