Saturday, October 15, 2016

"Putting On My Red PJ's"

           Good night sun light. you are beautiful in your red PJ's. 10-15-2016 perryton, Texas.

This beautiful red sunset was a thrill to look at tonight. I couldn’t have asked for a better inspirational moment. I said the sun had put on it’s red PJ’s and was going to bed. It was tucked in before I realized it. Then complete darkness covered the part of the world I live in. It is almost time for me to put on my red PJ’s and go to bed. I have had a “hard work day.” I am still helping work on Chuck’s house. Just two days a week, but it’s hard work for an old lady like me. I have to say I do enjoy it though. It’s amazing how nice an old house can look after giving it a complete make over.

When I got home I caught up on my face book news, and watched Fox News for awhile. Most of it was what I had already seen yesterday. I get more late news from my computer on week-ends than what’s on television. And more extensive, correct news. The kind that most of the television media don’t want you to hear. When it is evident to the major media that the news is out they usually will pick up on it somewhat. I’m so thankful for computers. I believe I’m right when I say this. I think Fox News is slowly becoming like all the other news channels. When it does then we concerned ,American citizens can weep even more than we do now. No Fox, no important fair and balanced news. I read an rumor that Bill O’Reilly was fixing to retire. When he was asked about it he replied he might. He said it was very hard anymore to do his job. I also heard him say journalism is dead in America any more. What he was really saying was if he couldn’t report the news like he’s done for the past twenty years then he’s quitting. Then I heard that Shaun Hannity was getting fired. Shaun has very clearly supported Donald Trump all the way. I along with thousands of others wrote to the Fox manager saying if they fired Shaun Hannity  It would be good-bye Fox News for us. Greta Van Susteren has already quit Fox. Except for Judge Jeanne the rest of Fox anchors is just as biased as all the other liberal news anchors. It’s as plain as the nose on your face we, the American people, are like a bunch of sheep heading for the slaughter. I keep praying that God will have mercy on us and allow Donald Trump to become our next president. He can and will make America Great again.

I believe with all sorrow that many people have ignored God and His teaching for so long that He has turned them over to a reprobate mind. The dictionary defines “reprobate mind” as a person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation. This if found in the bible. Romans 1:28. I hope everyone will find out for themselves whether God has rejected them or not. I had to do it many years ago. To my wonderful surprise, God still loved me and saved my soul. I never took the risk of losing that great blessing again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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