Saturday, October 22, 2016

"A Fool Is Without Honor"

                       Fall flowers have taken over. Very pretty. 10-22-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Just a glimpse of white Daisy’s perked me up this evening. I have been resting a lot today since I did too much yard work yesterday. I went to sit out in my back yard for awhile, and as usual the pretty flowers lifted my spirits. I watered them all, and came inside to write about how much better I felt after sitting with Jesus in the garden of flowers. Always when I am feeling tired, or dissatisfied is when I miss my loved ones who have gone on to Glory Land. I just need to talk to them for a minute, but it never happens. As long as I can look upon the flowers I become so calm, and feel as though I have talked with my dear mother and husband. Only Jesus knows all about our troubles and trials. He will always meet us in those dreadful times. When my body pain subsides I will be rejoicing again.

I believe the Lord lets me go through these painful times occasionally so I can better understand the pain of those who live continuously in these conditions. Our compassion for the less fortunate should never waver. We all have something in common. That is the promise of God that some day there will never be any more pain or sorrow. No more tears, no more trials. All will be joy and peace. Let us share one another’s burdens, by holding each other up in prayer. I am speaking to the Christian believers. I do feel like we have a duty to denounce any who try to trample on our Lord and Savior. While they too have a soul they do not accept the fact that Jesus came to earth and died for their sins, therefore they are trampling in His blood. Also they are desiring to put to death any who do believe in Christ. What a terrible situation that puts us all in. We have to declare those kind of humankind as enemies, both to the Christian and to Christ Himself. We still love them but cannot befriend them. This alone can cause a person to become distressed and lose their victory at times.

In this day and time we are being deceived  by the most highly seeking candidate running for president of America, Anyone who has been keeping up with the news can see through this deceit. The Lord has let His people find out just what this woman candidate is conspiring to do. Never again will we have one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. Never again will be worshiping openly Jesus Christ. One religion or none at all if this person is elected. I truly believe this person thinks she is right to think this way. But how could any American possible think this is the right way? “A fool in their own skin is worse than a fool without a skin.” “Seek the Lord while He still may be found.” Vote Trump, Pence, for president.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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