Sunday, October 30, 2016

"The Day Before Halloween"

             Part of my neighbor down the street Halloween decoration. 10-30-2016 Perryton Tx.
One-half block both directions around this cornet lot yard is decorated with ghost and goblins. 10-30-2016 Perryton, Texas
                                             A hell of a ghost. 10-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.

A neighbor who lives down the street from me always decorates to the hilt on Halloween. She lives on a large corner lot and decorates both front and side of her yard. There are so many ghosts and goblins around that place till even an adult would be afraid to walk up to the yard. She has ghosts hanging from trees, poking heads up out of trash barrels, reaching out to catch someone, and all kinds of other spooky threats. There are witches, skeletons, black cats, and weary creatures of all sorts. It really is an interesting sight to behold, but I don’t go close to it after dark. This neighbor lady is a good friend and since her children are all grown now she keeps decorating for her grand children and neighbor kids. She still has lots of spunk and enjoys telling a spooky story with her many ideas and items of Halloween related objects. I have to envy her a bit. I need to be more humor spirited instead of so serious all the time. I drive by her place slowly, and sometimes stop and take a picture. I do smile and will admit it’s a great lot of fun to view it all. Thank you neighbor for making things funny around our block. Hope you keep doing it for a long time. Thanksgiving is next, then Christmas, and the same decoration for those occasions will be put on display also.

Chuck and I had a rack of baby-back pork ribs today for dinner. I roasted  them slowly for four hours after basting them several times with my own B-B-Q sauce. They were tender and tasty. We also had baked beans and potato salad. Since this was Sunday we went whole hog. We had sandwiches most of the week since we were working on Chuck’s house. I love to cook, and I have to force myself to stay out of the kitchen because I also like to eat. Somehow the weight seems to pile on me If I don’t stick to a low calorie   diet. That would be going against my doctors advise. Sometimes I still go whole hog, and eat the whole hog. I can spend one day putting on two pounds, and four days taking it off. That doesn’t seem fair at all.

I’m counting the days till election. It’s been a long year and one-half with so much corruption going on all around us. I am ready to declare it a win for Donald Trump, and his millions of supporters, and get on with our lives. I think he will go down in history as being the hardest, and longest, worker as a presidential candidate in America. He is doing his work honestly, and not by lying and cheating like his opponent. He has equally honest, and intelligent people behind him who will never give up and join the corrupt, murderous, and artless-gullible of the other side. There are two colorless races in this world. The black and the white. The white represents snow, and the black represents tar. You and I are one of the two. Which one do you belong to? I would like to claim I belong to the white as snow like Jesus died to afford us. Washed clean by his blood.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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