Saturday, October 29, 2016

"Work While It Is Still Day"

                         Chuck's house is getting a new face lift. 10-29-2016 perryton, Texas.

Our helpers and Chuck, and I, are getting close to finishing the paint job on the house. It has been a very long tiring scrape and paint party-pooper. However the new-look makes it all worth while. We were fortunate to get some real nice guys to do this hard work. My blessings are being said for them each night. It’s been my pleasure to fix lunch for these workers every day they have worked for us. They always seem to enjoy the food so much. I feel a special concern for the entire family. They are such nice people, but seem to be always down on their luck, even though they are truly Christians. I know their blessing will start to flow soon. This family almost seems part of my own. It really hurts me to see them in such financial need. If anyone reading this feels led to remember them in your prayers, please know that it would be appreciated.

There is only nine more days left till a new President will be elected. I am believing today more than ever that God has not only heard our prayer, but has already answered it. He is not ready to destroy the greatest nation on earth yet. I believe Donald Trump will be elected even with all the rigged corruption that’s been going on. God had a plan from day one, and He is putting it in place day by day. I will never quit thanking Him for saving us from a terrible death. Some people will be quick to forget after the worry is over, but as far as I am concerned the worry never is over. God expects us to keep Him in our lives, and give praises unto him daily. He could turn the tables on us in a moments time. He kept reminding the children of Israel how he delivered them from the hands of their enemies, but they still kept forgetting. God’s patience finally ran out, and only the off-spring except a few were allowed to enter the Promised Land. I have been believing in my God for many years, and every day I get older I believe Him more. I have been so blessed, because I did not fail to thank God for saving me from my enemies. I have not had wealth and fame, but neither did Jesus. Yet He actually owned all the wealth in the world. I have never gone hungry, nor had to sleep on the street. I have never been addicted to a drug that is all that keeps me alive. Neither by self addiction, or by a doctor. Although I will say It’s always been a battle to make some people leave me alone while they thought I needed a lift by a simple pill or a dose of wine. I am not condemning neither of these helpful things. I am just saying I have never depended on anything of the kind. I take only the drugs my doctor gives me for normal blood pressure, and lower cholesterol. If I should need more drugs later on for health reasons I will be ok with that. I refused before and will continue to refuse any drug, or drink, that will make me addictive just so I can be more happy or forget my troubles. I believe we must bear our own cross. If the cross becomes too heavy, then let us lift our voices unto our Lord. That is what Jesus did.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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