Monday, October 10, 2016

"Donald J. Trump For President"

                             Myrtle Jean Sharp recent picture. 10-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Most of you don’t know me, but I am a person of great concern for the future of our country. This last year and one-half I have devoted a lot of time to help keep our country from falling into the hands of Satan’s evil power of destruction. I have spent hours upon hours trying to watch as much news as possible, then many more hours praying and trying to sort it all out. I feel very strongly that America is definitely under siege. I am one of the millions who feel the same way, but for some reason millions more fail to see the seriousness of the danger we as a nation are facing.

While reading about the Israelites in the book of exodus, and how God is speaking to Moses every day to ask Pharaoh to let his people go out of Egypt, I get stymied. The point is, God tells Moses He will harden Pharaoh’s heart so he won’t let the people go. Then God sends a terrible punishment to Egypt that is unbearable. Why does God harden Pharaoh’s heart if He is helping them to leave Egypt? Pharaoh is willing for the Israelites to go, just to get rid of the plagues, until after God lifts the plague, then He hardens Pharaoh’s heart and he won’t let them leave. God keeps sending plagues, and Pharaoh keeps hardening his heart after God lifts the Plague. This goes on for quite some time before Pharaoh finally lets the Israelites go.

Is it possible that God is hardening some American’s hearts so they won’t vote for the right person to save our country? It seems like a lot of people are changing their mind a lot. Many still haven’t made up their mind who to vote for with just four weeks left to vote. What is going on with America? God is definitely involved in this huge process. I fear many people have been hardening their own hearts till now they don’t know what to do. What a sad time for such a thing to happen! I have known from day one of the nomination who I was supporting, and I have never changed my mind nor will I ever. I expected to weather the storm of getting my candidate elected. It is never easy, but for people to not stick with their first choice is a mystery to me. I still have faith that God will save His righteous people, but possible not before much blood is shed. Egypt lost great numbers of people, cattle, and other kinds of necessary crops for living, before they finally let the Israelites go, then they decided to go after them and bring them back. Many more of the Egyptians died while pursuing the fleeing Israelites. If anyone can unravel this mystery please let me know. I do have my ideas, but I don’t like them. I believe far too many people have played around with sin too long. Run to the alter before its too late is my message to you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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