Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Nature And The Creator Of It All"

The orange flower is sporting two butterflies in harmony with each other. 10-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Someone must have opened the gate today for the butterflies. They were flying by leaps and bounds on all the flowers. White, brown, and multi-color, were making an exciting circus performance to behold. I got a picture of two on the same flower who seemed to be trying to enter-act with each other. These can be better enjoyed if double clicked on. Its almost impossible to get a shot of one with wings open because the moment they land they close their wings. Some are absolutely beautiful with wings open wide. Such thrill sometimes nature has to offer. Just wish I had a bigger yard with more attractions for more natural insects and beast, birds, and creepy creatures. Nature is the best art of all. The sun and the breeze are what makes it all so wonderful. Of course the rain and the dew adds a lot of beauty to all of God’s great displays of artful nature. I will never stop loving every once of the natural beauty of God, whether on land, air, or sea. What great man or woman could have ever matched the art work of the Great Creator? May His blessing forever be with all of us.

I would hate to count the times in a day I say, “thank you God.”  Not just mentally, but verbally. The bible tells us that from the heart the mouth speaketh. Matthew 12:34. Words spoken are not words written. There is a great difference. Had you rather get a letter from someone you love, or see them in person? When we talk to God, it is talking to a person. We may not hear Him talking back, but we can count on him to answer our prayers, because He is not deaf, nor is He untruthful when He said in his word, “ask and ye shall receive.” I encourage everyone to keep pressing on toward the prize of the high calling God. If ever we think He has forgotten us, we are totally wrong. In time He will answer all our prayers. Sometimes I cry when I know that certain things that are happening now are an answer to prayer. I think if much time has elapsed since we made the request maybe some of us sometimes changes our minds. Let us be cautious not to accuse God of mistreating us. He did answer, but maybe not until He was sure it was best for all involved. “All things work together for the good of them who love the Lord.” I must admit I am shocked at some of the things that are happening to me today. Then I remember it’s just what I asked for several years ago. I failed to hold out to the end, or maybe I am a different person now than when I asked. I accept everything God is doing for me now regardless of the elapsed time. His ways are perfect, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Praises be to His holy name.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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