Monday, October 24, 2016

"Happy Are Those Who Make Good Things Happen"

I voted today for Donald Trump. I've done my part. 10-24-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I made it to the polls today in time to register the 89th vote, I voted a straight republican ticket. I am proud to let everyone know that. Not that I’m proud of what our republican congress has done to us, but because I believe its by far the most decent party we have. It just needs to be over hauled. Donald Trump can fix it if we can get him in. I want to see our great nation come back to what the founding fathers made it to be before I say good bye to it. I want my children and grand children to have as good of life as I have had. I have seen enough blood shed these past few years right here in our own country. It will only get worse unless we can change our corrupt government. Donald Trump is that change. This is a short, but sweet blog, but I just wanted to remind everyone that your vote does count. Don’t put it off. Rush as fast as you can to the polls and vote. You will feel guilty later on if you don’t.

God Bless All, and God Bless our country.
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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