Thursday, October 20, 2016

"Who Is To Blame"

           Sweet smelling crimson red rose. Late October beauty. 10-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Hanging on till the last minute this deep red, crimson rose is so lovely. The last part of October is still allowing me to enjoy several of my pretty flowers. Leaves are steadily falling, but lots of flowers are still looking great. What a mess of dead stalks I will be looking at to clear away before long. It’s not a job I look forward to. Until such time I will keep smelling the roses, and watering the rest of the multi-color flowers. I am really getting tired of caring for them for this season. I’m ready to let them care for themselves.

I was delighted to watch the presidential debate last night between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Trump pulled the covers off Hillary, and what a shame she had been covering up. Even with the rigged election system I believe Donald Trump can come forth as gold. That’s how much faith I have in God. I am glad to be living in one of the most drastic change periods that America has ever known. I truly believe that this large radical American population could escalate into a civil war possible bigger than the American Civil War that finally freed the blacks from slavery. It was the bloodiest war in U.S. history. I feel so fearful that America is headed for another civil war even more bloody than the first. I see no way a present war could be fought in America by dividing the states like the eleven slavery states did in declaring their secession. An American civil war today would include all fifty states fighting for continued freedom as we’ve always known it. All fifty states are split with half wanting to uphold our constitution, and the other half wanting to abolish it. Half want to remain to be free to worship the way they chose, the other half want to let the most hatred people of our Lord, Jesus Christ, take control and be forced to worship only one way, the Jihad, translated as “holy war.” The sad thing about it the half that are fighting against our constitution don’t realize what they are doing. It’s like they have been turned over to a reprobate mind. We are already seeing blood shed every day among our police officers, and others who won’t agree to accept the evil way of the beastly vultures. Many are dying because of no control over the unruly. How could anyone not see this. I would be surprised if anything short of a bloody civil war will ever unite our country again. I would call all truly born again Christians to unite in their churches, homes, and any other place where they could cry out to God for mercy. Only the power of Almighty God will save this great nation. How many people can he find who truly serve Him? I hope its more than seven like the case of Sodom and Gomorrah. Wake up America! You have sleep too long.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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