Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Who Really Won The Game"

Jean's Comment's: "Who Really Won The Game": Football season is here again. Practice started today. Looks like a good bunch of dangerous players. The "Perryton Rangers" are ...

"Who Really Won The Game"

Football season is here again. Practice started today. Looks like a good bunch of dangerous players. The "Perryton Rangers" are getting ready to have their best season ever. 8-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This year has passed fast. The practice field across the street from my yard is already screaming with football coaches pushing their authority. I have to take pity for these boys who want so badly to make their parents proud of them. They get beat-up, and yelled at never giving up on the game. My age is telling off on me now as I hate to see young children go through so much hard and trying times. All for just trying to prove their strength. Girls have their share of hard times also. I suppose one should expect this kind of pain and discouragement in this life. I was made to wonder this morning why God chose to create a world and fill it with people to have to always suffer. If we let self try to figure that out we might destroy our own life quickly. Then there’s the reasonable thought of knowing when we dwell upon these kind of wonders, we are most positively depressed. Its time to push hard and go through it. We cannot change the way God planned this world to revolve no matter how much we beg Him. However, we do have the promise from Him that He will never leave or forsake us. The football players are proof that with much gruesome, endurance of pain they will become a winning team. They are looking forward to that grand entrance when the crowd rises to their feet, and the band starts drumming, and blowing away at the sight of those brave fighters who represent their school. It is at this time that pain does not any longer exist. A winner is about to be acknowledged. Everyone likes to be on a winning team whether they suffered any blows or not. But the best part is even if we yell and cheer the players on we are doing something to help win. How exciting to feel like part of a winning team.

To the best of our effort to make something good, it does not always happen. Is this to say that we were not willing to go through all the pain and hardship that football players go through? Why did we give up when we were chosen to be one of the players? These questions are asked every day by many who feel as though they have lost a great winning team to some who are second best. Are our choices always right, or do we refuse to fight the fight and stay the course. My friends life is not easy for anyone, but we often make it harder because we were self-centered and wouldn’t take the punches. Quitting the team didn’t make it any better. It just made us have to work harder and receive less glory. Eventually we will decay while we wonder why we are not blessed the way we used to be. It is true that without good coaches a team will not win any games, but who is it that pays the coaches? Who is it that fails to stand up to the coaches? I believe that includes us all. Sorry for our failure to be good board members. Think seriously upon these things and make a new start.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Fruit From Paridise For Dinner"

Jean's Comment's: "Fruit From Paridise For Dinner": I thought Rick had brought home some kind of fish yesterday. He didn't know what it was, but thought it looked good. I took it back to...

"Fruit From Paridise For Dinner"

I thought Rick had brought home some kind of fish yesterday. He didn't know what it was, but thought it looked good. I took it back to United grocery store today to inquire. They told me it was a paradise fruit from Vietnam. Too pretty to cut open. 8-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I have never eaten fruit from paradise before, but I plan on doing that today.   Rick thought it looked good enough to eat so he bought the pretty little fishy-looking thing at the grocery store. If I had a fish bowl I would drop it in there. I understand they are tar tie, so I will soon be finding out. There are more ways than one to break the day’s boredom, according to Rick. I paint for pleasure, but Rick hunts for ridicules issues. He is more professional at that than I am at painting. Retired people find it hard not to get bored with just sitting around. Even the food becomes tasteless, and uninteresting to put the mouth to. We are always looking for something different, as nothing looks good. What a change age can make in one’s life. Anyway neither of us are losing any pounds, so we must be doing good.

I used to like apple pie and ice cream, but now that doesn’t even sound good to me. I have fresh apples just begging to be made into a pie. I find it interesting that every time I go out to eat the food always taste better. It didn’t use to be that way. I always liked my own cooking best, and so did my husband. I guess that’s why I didn’t like to eat out, but now I don’t have that constant praise for my cooking. Another one of life’s robberies that never gets solved, nor can be replaced. My treasures are still many, and I am happy to have what I have. I’m not waiting for a ship to deliver me a load of gold, but I sure would like it if it did. Not so I could boast, but so I could feel like my life was worth something. My ship of gold may never come here on earth, but no doubt it will be delivered to me in heaven. I do have something to live for, and so do you.

I challenge my talents every day. I may never be satisfied with the results I get after a long day of hard work, that mostly is pleasure, but I had a lot of fun trying to beat the odds. Just let me keep up the fool’s game of trying to win. Its more fun than Old Solitaire. And at least I have friends  doing the same things I like to do. God never leaves us lonely for long. He is always there to help us have a good time. But, we must remember God does have limits as to what He will allow us to do. As long as we remember to keep His commandments, He will let us go the full course. Praise His Holly Name!  Patience is precious in God’s sight. If we lack patience let us ask of Him. He will never fail to answer our call.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, August 24, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Distress Call Is Sounding Loud And Clear"

Jean's Comment's: "A Distress Call Is Sounding Loud And Clear": A single white rose spoke tp my heart today. In reach of my front door this rose is making me happy. A few days short of September and the...

"A Distress Call Is Sounding Loud And Clear"

A single white rose spoke tp my heart today. In reach of my front door this rose is making me happy. A few days short of September and the roses are still beautiful. 8-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Then these pretty little red flowers are color perfect, and are also holding their own during this fall season. 8-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This afternoon is such a lovely day. The sun is shinning bright, but the weather is cool and still. All my flowers seem to have sprung to life again. My how I hate to give them up. Its amazing how all the variety of roses have retained their beauty. We have had so much rain this past summer till my yard is beginning to look like a jungle. Trimming time will have to be soon.

I have been content today while painting on the portrait of Donald Trump. My daughter-in-law sent me a great frame to put it in. I am excited about getting it finished and post it so everyone can see. This man is more than the average guy. He is turning our country every way but loose. I strongly feel like the Almighty Hand of God is in this picture. And if that is the case people can’t stop him. This is the time for good to overtake evil. Its way past due. I am very satisfied in the way things have been going with this GOP presidential nomination. I feel positive that things are going to change for a lot of people. Not just our country as a whole, but for individuals who have been so gullible to do the worse kinds of things possible without feeling any shame. It has led them to utter destruction. Many don’t know that yet, and are looking for something to ease their pain and frustration. They won’t find it in a bottle. The bottle only causes more of what they already have. Myself, along with many others are praying and believing God for a return of His Holy word being spoken in our schools, and around our dinner tables. Nothing less can ever restore peace and security in our land. Just as Donald Trump has spoken without stopping the intrusion of all illegal people from coming into our country, and deporting all that are already here, there is no hope for survival. It is as simple as abc. But too many of our elected officials have tried to be popular with the dead-beats, so they can make them legal and use their votes to stay in office. A day of reckoning is coming for them. They failed to do the job they were elected to do, and went their own way. It is still happening today. I pray that Donald Trump will get nominated and elected to the presidency so all of this crazy stuff will stop. I believe he is smart enough to stop all the voter fraud before it is used again  to put another evil president in office. Evil can only win by using evil tactics. That is what has happened in the past. I believe it can be stopped if people will just follow their honest opinions and act upon them. I trust that people will take part in this election, and not leave it all for someone else. Your vote does count, even if its thrown out of the bin. God saw your vote. You are cooperating with the all-out effort to make America great again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Communion With God This Morning"

Jean's Comment's: "Communion With God This Morning": I graced my communion table this morning with this arrangement of flowers. Fall is the season for this assortment. 8-23-2015 Perryton, Tex...

"Communion With God This Morning"

I graced my communion table this morning with this arrangement of flowers. Fall is the season for this assortment. 8-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This is the third year for a surviving Crepe Myrtle bush. It is growing slowly, but surely. 8-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday morning August 23,2015, I have had a special meeting with my Lord here in my home. Rick went to church, but for some reason I changed my mind and didn’t go. Shortly after Rick had left I was fully aware of why I needed to stay at home. I cannot go into details because of personal reasons involving someone else, but I can say it was a trick on Satan. He didn’t expect me to be home this morning when he pursued his plan. At first I was terrified at what I knew was progressive effort to overtake my faith in God, and completely destroy my life. With fear I called upon God when the way was clear. After several minutes of pleading with my Lord, I was directed to read my bible. At random I opened it to the 28 chapter of Ezekiel. It was a long chapter, and I though I would get a clue as to what God was trying to tell me in just a few verses. It seemed as though I was being tongue-lashed in an awfully harsh way. I kept reading for something soothing. I finished the whole chapter then refused to accept it like Satan had planned for me to do. I kept telling God I didn’t believe that message fit me. I reminded Him of all the times He had answered my prayer, and No, I had never believed I was God. Then I reached for my “Good News Bible” and read the chapter from it. I began to feel a soothing effect as I read the entire chapter from that version. After finishing the chapter I began to thank God for not failing me again, when I was in desperate need of Him. I knew immediately my fears had left for good. However I cannot say they won’t come back. I am fighting with a terrible, tough, evil spirit, that is causing me to plead every day for victory. Not for my own body, but for someone whom I love, and will fight till I die for their freedom from this evil. Their escape is impossible without a miracle from God. Because I have been made an opponent of this situation, not by force, but by choice, I have to suffer along with the victims. Jesus was an opponent for all of us, not by force, but by choice, so I will follow His path. I may not be able to speed in life like I have for so many years, but I certainly will be coasting along with a promise of reaching my destiny.

This world has become filled to the brim with evil. I must tell you that I truly believe all of us will be desperately begging for help from God before we leave this ugly place. The Word tells us people will be crying for the mountains to fall on them to get them out of their misery. Revelation 6:16. If you haven’t learned already to trust God for all things, I urge you to do so quickly. “Don’t be taken by force!”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Courting Song Of The Cicada"

Jean's Comment's: "The Courting Song Of The Cicada": An interesting subject to talk about today.  A cicada eating from my asparagus plants. Be sure to double click this little creature to see...

"The Courting Song Of The Cicada"

An interesting subject to talk about today.  A cicada eating from my asparagus plants. Be sure to double click this little creature to see the full effect of its wings. 8-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I discovered an unusual over-grown insect today on my asparagus plants. I called Rick to come and identify it. He quickly told me it was a cicada. I had my camera ready and after taking some pictures Rick explained to me what the weird looking thing was. He gave me a quick run down of these insects life-style making it sound very interesting. I decided to google the cicada and see if what Rick was telling me was right. It sounded so impossible. Rick was right, and I couldn’t stop reading about the life and character of the cicadas’. I mainly was interested about the cicadas’ song, not knowing that it was leading me into a lesson of cicada sex. As I read it got more interesting.

It started telling how, with a genus description of the parts of the male cicada, it could sing a pattern in which it combines the clicks to produce its own distinctive mating songs and acoustic signals ensuring that the song attracted only appropriate mates. ???. It continued to say, although only males produce the cicada’ sound, both sexes have tympana membranous structure by which they detect sounds of both courtship and calling. No monkey business with these cicadas. And to say the least, they are born with the doctorate degree that humans have to study years to get. Do you still want to try to explain God’s intelligence? Just let me be fed and clothed, with a simple, and fun filled life. Don’t sing any song to me. I didn’t get that far in music.

Another day of not knowing what would happen to trigger my ambitious desire to write. Something always pops up if I decide to let the day slip by without any words. These are the times I am made to believe God had a plan all along, but I had to relax and open my eyes to it. All I can apply this little lesson to is this. There is more to life than meets the eye. Stop, look, listen, and inquire as to what the stupid things we think we are seeing is really stupid at all. Only a genius would say anything is stupid, and I know I don’t fit in that category, so I best quit saying the word. Smart people don’t say anyone is stupid. Just geniuses’ say that. I must search for another word to replace “stupid“. I haven’t known all this time I was elevating myself so highly. What an embarrassment. The insect that I thought looked stupid was really an object of a great lesson for me. It had more musical talent than I could ever explain, or understand if I heard its song. I’m glad though, that I’m not a cicada. I like my way of life, and hope to live for many more years. I also hope you feel the same about your’s.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, August 21, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Rise Above The Storm Cloud"

Jean's Comment's: "Rise Above The Storm Cloud": The morning glories are blooming full blast now. They are growing on a big portion of my yard. 8-21-2015 Perryton, Texas. This large pla...

"Rise Above The Storm Cloud"

The morning glories are blooming full blast now. They are growing on a big portion of my yard. 8-21-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This large planter is holding a cox comb plant that is about 5' tall. It is starting to bloom, but has been slow. 8-21-2015 Perryton, Texas.

We here in Perryton, Texas are having an early fall. It is very cool, and cloudy today. My late flowers are looking good, and I can enjoy the back yard for awhile yet. It is a real problem for me to give up my summer for a long, dreary, fall and winter. I can adjust, but not without giving a big sigh now and then. I cannot be closed in my home for very long at a time. It will be travel time for me soon.

I plan to meet two of my sisters at a place where we always like to share some time together in about two weeks. I am really needing this time of getting away for awhile. I am so thankful that I still have all three of my sisters living. I have lost all three of my brothers, and my mom and dad. I have all four of my children and am so thankful for them. My life changes every year, but I can say the Lord has truly blessed, and is still blessing me. I appreciate all my friends and readers of my blog. I send prayers up every day for all of them. I lose a friend quite often to death, but I have been able to thank God for all the time I got to share with them. It is hard, but the love of God always covers my grief. Like the fall of the year the fall of life comes to us all.

Each day that I awake I start to figure out what I am going to do with the rest of my life. I mean like major changes. If we feel like we have come to a stand-still, then I thing its time to make a change. But what do we change. Prayer and more prayer sometimes don’t seem to change things much. It is then that we sometimes have to step out on faith. I ask myself a million questions when I think about making a big change in my daily life. I keep believing a miracle is going to happen just any tine, but would I even recognize a miracle? Sometimes we are blind to the biggest miracle God could ever give us. So mostly I think I need to pray for wisdom to know the difference in what I receive, and what I want to receive. I believe contentment is a real miracle in the day and time we are living in now. Everyone seems to be dashing to and fro trying to find something to satisfy. That will never happen, so like the apostle Paul wrote we need to be content in whatever state we are in. “Trust in the Lord with all your might and He will direct your path.” What I long for is probably not what I need, so I will continue to be content with what I have. I have to add if what I long for was what I needed, I would have been given it already, lest I’m not trusting God. Like my mother said to me many times when I was bored growing up, “go outside and play.” “Thanks mom, I love you.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Be Still And Hear My Voice"

Jean's Comment's: "Be Still And Hear My Voice": This little frog was not afraid of me today. It sit still while I took its picture. My pets are becoming acclimated to me. 8-19-2015 Perry...

"Be Still And Hear My Voice"

This little frog was not afraid of me today. It sit still while I took its picture. My pets are becoming acclimated to me. 8-19-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Another nice rain last night has brought the frogs out again. This one I am posting didn’t run from me like they usually do. It sit still and even turned its head toward my camera. I haven’t seen an ant all summer so I think they are doing a good job of swallowing them down. They sure look stuffed. I think my pets are becoming acclimated to my back yard, and are starting to be more friendly with me. The birds has been extra friendly lately. As long as I don’t see a snake I am pleased to have all the little creatures joining me in praise and admiration to our creator. I haven’t welcomed the squirrels back yet because they are a real pest. They demand to live in my attic, and I won’t share my home with any pets. My son, Chuck, is raising chinchillas now. I have gone over and seen them not knowing just how beautiful they really were. They look like a big ball of dark fur. I have to admire them, but I don’t want any myself. Anything that requires being closed in I don’t want. However, if Chuck’s chinchillas raise any babies, I want to be the first to see them. I’m sure I would have to argue with myself about bringing one to my house to look at daily. I won’t let it happen.

This afternoon I sit here at my computer wondering what I am suppose to write. There are so many things of importance on my mind, till I can’t seem to stop the wheel from spinning. I try to be as calm and relaxed as possible every day so I won’t miss the voice when it speaks to me about what to write. To some this may sound foolish, but I am sure that most of the time my messages come directly from God. He speaks through His children, and never gets it wrong. So many of us don’t really want to be bothered by helping God do His work. We would rather do our own thing. I have failed so many times to listen, and obey, the voice that calls out to me asking for my help. It may be coming from one of my own children or grandchildren, a friend, or even a stranger, but all in all it is the voice of God calling unto us from any of these such desperate, helpless souls. Too often we dismiss it as a mentally ill person whom no one can help. My prayer will continue to be, “Lord please don’t ever let me give up on that person, be whoever it may.” Life doesn’t end with depression. It just gets tougher for the victim to keep living without any hope. I find the answer from God in situations like these. It’s known as the “Golden Rule.” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We cannot fail if we truly obey this rule. It is really saying to others, your life is just as important as mine. I will treat you with all the love I can possible obtain from God. Even if you hate me, I will love you. I now know I have delivered the message God gave me today. “Thank you Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, August 17, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "From Start To Finish This Tree offers Its Fruit"

Jean's Comment's: "From Start To Finish This Tree offers Its Fruit": Apple tree is shaded but can see a few red apples. 8-17-2015 Perryton, Texas. The apple tree is loaded with red apples, but they are jus...

"From Start To Finish This Tree offers Its Fruit"

Apple tree is shaded but can see a few red apples. 8-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

The apple tree is loaded with red apples, but they are just falling off going to waste. I remember the times when almost any housewife would have done anything to get their hands on apples like these to can and feed their family through the winter. Those days are all past and gone also, just like the morals we used to cherish. I have offered my apples to anyone who wanted to come and pick them, but most people thought it was too much trouble. They would rather pick them up at the store with food stamps. It is the same with fresh laid hen eggs. I have friends who have chickens laying nice large eggs daily. They have even brought them into town in egg cartons to give away, but everyone would rather have store boughten ones. I don’t even try to understand the reason for all the change in lives that has happened in the past generation or two. I know that God said people would get weaker and wiser, but it seems to me like they are getting weaker and less wiser. Of course some folk are touching the moon with their wisdom, but do they know how to put their shoes on? I doubt because they are used to having someone else do all the simple things for them. I imagine the astronauts never undress while in space. If these are the kind of things that people have to endure in order to become as smart as God, then leave me out. I am satisfied with the things God let me be born with, no more, no less. I am smart enough to know that time has always changed everything, and always will. But I am saying I just hope God will let me continue to be happy with my family, my friends, and my few belongings. Nothing in this world could be more important to me than those things. Except that God lets me keep my sound mind. I am extra proud for the mind I still have that lets me believe God for all things. Its working today just like its worked for many years. Trust and believe in God, and all things shall be in His power. I have no doubt at all about that.

Today I claim victory for the umpthteen time over a disagreement with some whom I love more than anything in this world, but will not give up my God given love for all humanity. I don’t believe we have a choice to love people, but we have a command to love them. I do often disagree with some, but never will I kick them out of my life, or stop praying for them. I cannot offer myself for a doormat to be trampled on by some people, Jesus did not do that, but He did offer His love to one and all who would repent and call upon His name. My door is always open, but I will not try to open yours if that is what its going to take. Jesus offered, but He didn’t force anyone to accept His love.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "I Am Thine Oh Lord"

Jean's Comment's: "I Am Thine Oh Lord": This bird is leading Sunday morning prayer for several others that weren't in the picture. It was a quick one, but very sincerely give...

"I Am Thine Oh Lord"

This bird is leading Sunday morning prayer for several others that weren't in the picture. It was a quick one, but very sincerely given. 8-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.
If this looks like the moon to you, it isn't. It is the bright sun giving hope and encouragement to me this morning. Last night was a darker night for me than usual. 8-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Before the day ended yesterday I was thrown a curve. The day had been so good, and I was winning big time, but finally the surprise came. A curve ball was thrown at me, and I missed. I didn’t strike out, but I came down a notch or two. This Sunday morning I stayed home from church, because I had been up since 2:00 this morning. Rick went on to church. I met with my Lord here in my home and He lifted me up. Later I went to the back yard to get a fresh breath of air, and I watched the birds as they had their regular Sunday morning devotional. The sun couldn’t have been any brighter. “Thank you Lord.” I then recited the  entire 23 Psalms.

“The Lord is my Sheppard I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in paths of righteous for His name sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I always repeat the phrase, “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” several times. I know our Father has to discipline  us, but only because it’s best for us. I thank Him that He still cares for us even though we make mistakes.

I feel as though I was supposed to stay home this morning so God could deal with me personally. I truly did get a blessing through it all. I have been lifted up, and encouraged to keep on believing in spite of all the obstacles that get in the way. Every human being is given their share of hardships. Some more than others, so I am always thankful for my problems being as easy as they are. I will be slipping off to find a relaxing good time very soon. I know when I need to be excused from my regular normal chores. A few days of total pleasure can work miracles in our lives. God created all things even the pleasures in life. I believe He is pleased when I get away to a place where I can forget all my worries and enjoy myself for awhile. In the meantime I will finish the work I have started, and shove on to a happy environment. I will meet my friends again when I get back from my recreational spot of interest. We all need that time of thinking things through.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Light Is Shinning Through"

Jean's Comment's: "The Light Is Shinning Through":          Oh what a beautiful morning, every things going my way. 8-15-2015 Perryton, Texas. Waking up at 4:00 in the morning is a good ...

"The Light Is Shinning Through"

         Oh what a beautiful morning, every things going my way. 8-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Waking up at 4:00 in the morning is a good thing to do when you feel like jumping into the day with the sun shinning in your heart. I had time to fix my breakfast and drink two cups of coffee while the daylight came in. I glanced out my dinning room window and saw two pretty birds walk up to each other and kiss. Yes, I know a “bird kiss” when I see one. That added to my, already good day, then a short time later I looked out my living-room window and saw this gorgeous sun rise. I am sure heaven’s portals are beckoning me in. But I have to wait till I get the portrait of Donald Trump finished. This day is reserved for enhancing that face. I have put my best translation of his character into the panting. I won’t try to explain this feeling about him, but I believe he is the new world change that is going to happen according to God’s word. Even if he doesn’t get elected to the presidency he still is changing this world completely. No one person had anything to do with that. A new worldly power needed to rise up to counteract the cutting off of heads that ISIS has been doing. I truly believe that is happening now with the slam-bang of Donald Trump. He is not disorderly with anyone except those who need to be put in order. That he will do, no doubt. I don’t believe I’m just preaching to the choir. I think millions of people are getting this dynamic message, but probably only a few will believe. The rest will perish with the doubters of Almighty God.

As I have said before Donald Trump will not save the world, but he is an explosive force that will clean up a lot of corruption that has filtered the world. I hate to see blood shed from anyone, even the evil doers, but the word of God declares that is what will happen. Revelation 14:20 tells us there will be enough blood shed to come to the horse’s bridle. I believe this time is not far off. I am not a friend of modern prophets, but I do believe in ministers preaching the word of God which includes what the prophets of old prophesied. The bible is a live source of nourishment that this body needs in order for the brain to function normally, as well as earthly food we need daily.  Matthew 4:4. Then Jesus spoke and said, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God. Is your diet balanced? Are you thanking God for both the earthly food and the spiritual? If you and I want to keep our minds sound we must eat from the word of God daily. We cannot put it away and save it for later. We must feast on the Word daily. “Keep your bibles open.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "New Hope For My Babies"

Jean's Comment's: "New Hope For My Babies": Myself and my youngest great granddaughter, Avery Twilligear. age 10 months. Daughter of Arron and Connie Twilligear. 8-12-2015 Perryton, ...

"New Hope For My Babies"

Myself and my youngest great granddaughter, Avery Twilligear. age 10 months. Daughter of Arron and Connie Twilligear. 8-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.

It was a happy day for me when a couple of months ago I got to meet my two youngest great granddaughters for the first time. I just received this picture yesterday. It is myself and youngest great granddaughter Avery Twilligear, 10 months old. She is my grandson ,Arron and wife Connie’s, first child. As you can tell she stole my heart at first sight. The other little great granddaughter is two years old, and I will be posting her picture as soon as I get it. She also stole my heart. She is a beauty that never slows down with her entertainment. Ellie is grandson, Josh, and Hillary’s first child also. The little family reunion we had was wonderful. I am still basking in the joy from it. God has been so good to me. I can never thank Him enough.

I attended the Senior Citizen’s luncheon today. As usual I ate too much of the good food the cooks always serve there. I came home and took a nap instead of doing the work I had planned to do. I had missed the luncheons several times, so it was good to be back today. There are no nicer people in the world than they who belong to our Senior Citizens club. The happy smiles are flashing everywhere. The food is always delicious, and the humor is coming from every direction. There is always a display of beautiful art hanging on the wall from members of the club. Mine will be going on display starting September the 1st. How blessed Perryton is to have such a nice place for seniors to meet and enjoy their golden years.

Now for the more important thing in my life. Watching the TV to find out how much Donald Trump has moved up in the polls. I am hurrying with this blog so I can watch the news. I mentioned to the president of our club today that I would have my portrait of Donald Trump ready by the time I exhibit my art. She asked me which hair style I chose for him. I told her I changed it three times and finally chose the better combed, white style. I wanted to do him as much justice as possible. He is a character all of his own who don’t need much changing in anything about him. I just picked the image that I liked best. I, like millions of others, are so fired up over him till I can’t hardly focus on anything else. He is telling the leaders of our country, who have totally destroyed our power and respect, exactly what I have been wanting to tell them. “You are through. Go tell it to the devil. We are going to make America great again.” I believe this is the man God has sent to rectify this Christian nation. I am one of the millions who believe this about Donald. We didn’t give up, and we are not going to give up. The move is on.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Uh What Did I Do"

Jean's Comment's: "Uh What Did I Do":                     Four birds and an apple is what you see here.8-11-2015 Perryton, Texas. It seems as though every time I go out in t...

"Uh What Did I Do"

                    Four birds and an apple is what you see here.8-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.

It seems as though every time I go out in the back yard in the evening to rest awhile birds start swarming around me. Sometimes I think they are going to land in my lap. Today while I was relaxing four little birds all landed at the same time on a line not far from where I was sitting. I couldn’t take their picture without getting an apple  hanging on the tree. The birds must think I am their best friend. I do like them very much. They have had plenty of fruit to peck on all summer. The young ones are just learning to fly good. They are so cute. I soon will have to cut myself off from the birds as cooler weather is already here. I expect an early winter. More rain today has really cooled things off.

Today has been one of my better days. I did a lot of painting, made a peach pie, cooked brown beans with ham, and watched the next president of the United States again back a lot of people into a corner. Donald Trump is leading higher in the polls than ever. He has a huge army behind him, and I believe he is here to stay. Move over wind-up toys, and let Donald use his own power. He is always wound up and needs no help to unwind. I will be the first to say that I never expected it to be this way, but whatever it takes to destroy the hindrance that is still giving our country over to the enemy, let it be done, in Jesus name. I see no change that can be made by electing any of the candidates who are trying to be president. They all are puppets being pulled by strings from big money puppeteers. Donald Trump has no strings attached to anyone. I am doing a portrait of Donald now. I am very excited about it. I will be showing it in my art exhibit starting September 1, 2015 at the Senior Citizens Center  in Perryton, Texas. I will also be posting it on my blog. I am just so encouraged to rebuild my faith in America, and let God do what He needs to do. Never doubt, there will be the biggest heinie  bashing that any of us has ever seen. People will hate Donald Trump more then than now, but unruly children have to be put back in line somehow. I am already starting to shape up. For all of those who don’t believe in the bible, well I bet they will believe it before this “shape-up” session is over. I already believe the bible, and that’s why I’m worried about what I know is coming. There is no need for any of us to blame someone else for our problems. We had a choice to make all of our own. We stand alone in that day of judgment. Dad or mom will not be there for us. Say a prayer tonight before going to bed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, August 10, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Never Nothing This Big Before In My Time"

Jean's Comment's: "Never Nothing This Big Before In My Time": Flower bed is looking wooly. Too much green and not enough color. Can't complain though, they shared me with beauty all summer. 8-10-2...

"Never Nothing This Big Before In My Time"

Flower bed is looking wooly. Too much green and not enough color. Can't complain though, they shared me with beauty all summer. 8-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I can’t believe how close fall is to my house. I don’t want it, but its coming anyway. It has been a very nice summer for me. We had a bountiful supply of rain, and all my flowers were extra beautiful. I will spend the winter now enjoying my fake flowers. They are less trouble, and need only to be dusted occasionally. The worse thing about winter is having to stay inside so much. I do love the sunshine and rain. The bright blue skies, and the gorgeous golden moon. The stars, and the planets that appear at times. I like to watch the birds as they fly from tree to tree, and even walk on my lawn while I am sitting out. These are quite times for me when I hear my God speaking to me. I cherish these times more than anything else in the world.

The next best thing I cherish is keeping up with the news on TV so as not to be surprised at anything that happens. I can feel informed, and know how to deal with, what I believe to be,  the next big decision I need to make. We have a mind for one purpose. That is to use it, and not let someone else use it for us. It is after we hear all the details, both pro and con, concerning an important matter which is significant in guarding our nation against evil forces, that we can say we were fair to all. I never want to be guilty of blaming someone else for my mistakes. Pity be to those who used someone else’s advise instead of their own. I will not vote if I can’t vote my own conscience. I fear that our nation has almost come to that point. The candidates running for an office must be politically correct or we are told not to vote for them. “Get behind me Satan.” My advisor comes from on high. I will listen to Him even though I may have doubts. What He says is the right thing to do no matter if it seems wrong to me. If I follow His will I will be protected from any evil that may follow. It nearly always takes the bad things to make the good things happen. There is no other way but God’s way. I have made an important choice in my choosing of our next U,S. President. I am battling daily with certainty of that choice, but I feel beyond all doubt that God is leading the way in this huge turn-a-round society, and I will never try to figure it out. My choice is the one candidate that I would have never considered until something moved me after hearing his remarks on announcing his candidacy. I am here to stay with him no matter how challenging the situation may get. It is God’s plan for this man to be the next president no matter how deadly the country may become. Donald Trump without still no bump, is here to take us back to our roots.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Message Sent By Feathers"

Jean's Comment's: "A Message Sent By Feathers": This Sunday afternoon this little pretty bird landed right in front of me on the lawn. I was sitting in a lawn chair with my camera. She s...

"A Message Sent By Feathers"

This Sunday afternoon this little pretty bird landed right in front of me on the lawn. I was sitting in a lawn chair with my camera. She seemed to say "take my picture." 8-9-2015 Perryton, Texas.
She even turned around and faced me so I could take her pretty red breast. 8-9-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I took a break from my panting awhile ago and went out to sit in the yard. This beautiful little bird landed on the lawn right in front of me and waited till I took her picture. Then she turned and faced me as if to say take a shot of my pretty red breast. I was pleased to be greeted so nicely, and surprised that this cute little bird was so brave to land so close to my chair. I am thinking it might have been a messenger bird, and I have been waiting on God to send me a message about a special request I made to Him. Since this little cutie was so fearless I am thinking she was telling me to, “fear not for God is with you.”

I have been deeply involved in the GOP presidential nominees till I can’t leave the TV long enough to get anything else done. I am convinced that this is the most important presidential election coming up that America has ever had. I want to see and hear every word that’s said on TV about the 17 nominee’s. I also want to hear what all of the nominee’s have to say. You would think my life depended on it the way I take so much time and pain to see and hear the full coverage. And it might just do that. I truly believe God is involved in this process even more than myself. I think one would have to be very naïve not to realize that our lives are being ripped apart daily by the evil powers that fill our world today. Those who sit by and say, “let someone else worry about that, I’m having too much fun to worry about taking up arms to defend our country,” they are the ones who unbeknown  to them will suffer the most. I had a dear Christian friend only 50 years old to be stricken suddenly with a fatal heart attack last week while buying groceries. I haven’t heard all the details, but this friend lived in Elk City, Oklahoma after being transferred there by his company. I did hear that he had some heart problems before, but was able to hold down a very responsible job. He had three children who were still depending on him for partial support and advise. Its hard to understand something like this, but I fully believe God was letting this nice guy escape many more hard trials like he had lived through before. Most people believe that the wrath of God is being poured out upon us today. That is to say, most Christians believe that. Others believe its just a way of life caused by dumb leaders who have failed to protect our sovereignty. It is truly a fact of both beliefs, but it all is happening because of the wrath of God. The bible bears this out completely.  Acts 7: 51-52. “Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised  in heart and in ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? And they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:  How can anyone read this and not be touched?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, August 7, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Truth Must Be Told Not Hidden"

Jean's Comment's: "Truth Must Be Told Not Hidden":               Donald Trump. Showing his true feelings as he speaks. 8-7-2015 Perryton, Texas. Its late for me to be writing a blog toni...

"Truth Must Be Told Not Hidden"

              Donald Trump. Showing his true feelings as he speaks. 8-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its late for me to be writing a blog tonight, but I have been busy today, and I wanted to comment on the GOP candidate debate held last night. I thought it was the best I have ever seen, but obviously because Donald Trump was on the platform. He is in a fight with politically correct moderators and TV host show celebrities.  Many of whom are having their real skills tested now. They have faced of with a real person of reality traits. Donald’s character stands out above all the rest as being an American reality speaker. He does not flatter anyone just to make an impression. I would not say he never speaks good of anyone whom he really sees a lot of fault in, but  neither does he hesitate to point out their unfavorable dislikes to him if that person rubs him wrong.  I call this honesty, not hypocrisy. He is ready to take it upon himself to defend his country just like he would defend one of his children regardless of what it takes.

It was clearly noticeable last night that every moderator was out to stop Donald Trump from gaining in the polls. They had bragged that they would throw the right stone to bring him down. They felt sure they even had a back-up plan that would work if all else failed. How wrong they were. I have a strong opinion of how I think the debate should have been judged. I believe without a doubt, that Donald Trump dominated the desire of the crowd, and totally won the debate. He faced those three, highly rated, moderators, and told them exactly how he felt. They didn’t like it, but they couldn’t stop him no matter how hard they tried. The best part about it was everything he said was the truth. Some people just don’t like to hear the truth. I for one, am ready to turn him lose and let him tell ISIS, and all the other power-seeking countries just what he told the Fox News moderators last night. In my words he said, “you powerless provokers of dignity and success, you all should be ashamed and get fired from your jobs.” I expect that to happen to some, or if not fired demoted.

I am trusting God to save this nation, but I do believe He will unleash a host of hell’s angels to punish those who failed to listen to His wisdom, and let evil rule and reign. I am positive that the God of this universe is going to prove His word as given in the bible. Whoever wins the presidential election will not stop God from having the last word, but it could help to lessen His anger just a bit. I will be working full time to send out the message of Jesus Christ when He said, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and to every nation.” I believe that message is what Donald Trump is endeavoring to do except it is a much broader message than a lot of people understand. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Is It Real Or Imitation"

Jean's Comment's: "Is It Real Or Imitation": Butterflies were fling everywhere this afternoon, but none would lad but for a brief second. One of these flowers has a butterfly atop it,...

"Is It Real Or Imitation"

Butterflies were fling everywhere this afternoon, but none would lad but for a brief second. One of these flowers has a butterfly atop it, but its not too clear. 8-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This little pen wheel has done a good job of keeping the birds away from the grapes. The grapes are now ripe. 8-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its very hot today, after a rain day before yesterday. Lots of butterflies were zooming around, but few ever landed. I took a picture of one, but it wasn’t very plain. The flowers are showing signs of aging, and are beginning to fade away. I don’t enjoy the season of things dying out. Death is the worst word in the dictionary, and probably the best word God ever created. Everything that lives has to die or there would be no meaning to life. One of the songs that was sung at the Clinton Jamboree this past week-end was, “Everybody wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.” That is so true. Sometimes I wonder if some people think they will never die. I wonder this because of the way they treat others. Absolutely unbelievable how some can switch from good behavior to bad in a moments time. One or two words is all it takes sometimes to kill a soul that was seated next to God. God does heal, but the scar never goes away. Apologies does not help the scar to disappear. After a lifetime of hateful expressions, some never have learned the art of “loving kindness.” They turn it off and on. That’s because they do not know that, that button should never be turned off. There can be a time of silence, but never a time of “heart stabbing.” A true Christian can endure the pain, but the launcher of the sharp knife can not endure for long. God does take care to see that all is treated equally. Accidents are bound to happen, but bad intentions are never accidents. Sin will be treated as such no matter who is the offender. I never knew this was going to be my topic today, but I’m glad it was. Surely some one besides me needed it. The answer to all of the questions from God’s children is just an effort away. The strongest point of sin in this  message is jealously. How much jealously controls some lives is monstrous. I believe jealousy is harder to be ridden of than cancer. Yes, it is a disease that can kill just like cancer. God is ready to heal anyone from this disease, but one must be ready to give it up. Jealous free, is a priceless diamond that you should be proud to wear. The sparkle will always catch the eyes of any within seeing distance. If you have a diamond such as this guard it with all your heart. If you don’t possess such a one, seek until you are awarded one. Again I want to cite my favorite quote. “An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” Don’t let it happen if it don’t seem good. Also think seriously when something seems good, but a little voice says “leave it alone,” I will assure you that these two “mind challengers” will keep you happy, and free from jealous involvements.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, August 3, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Salute To The Next American Hero"

Jean's Comment's: "Salute To The Next American Hero": A beautiful Creape Myrtle bush at the motel where we stayed in Clinton, Oklahoma. 8-3-2015 Perryton, Texas. Yes, the flag is still wavin...

"Salute To The Next American Hero"

A beautiful Creape Myrtle bush at the motel where we stayed in Clinton, Oklahoma. 8-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Yes, the flag is still waving at the American people encouraging all to stand firm in keeping it waving. 8-3-20115 Perryton, Texas.

I was especially proud to see the American flag waving high at the motel were we stayed in Clinton, Oklahoma this past week-end. Friends, our flag is vastly disappearing in the nation that it has proudly represented for over two hundred years. How can you and I have a hand in stopping this from happening? The only way I know is to vote for the person who is not afraid to tell it like it is, Donald Trump, for President. I’m not saying Donald can save America, but I do believe he is the nearest to anything that can at this point. He is making people mad by the thousands, but he is making people happy by the ten’s of thousands. Most American people are fed up with all the garbage the Congress has let this administration dump on us. We are tired of politics as usual. Donald Trump is the only candidate who is not depending on someone else’s money to put him in power. He will come face to face with every leader of every country and tell them what we, the American people will do, no more or no less. I do not believe any of the GOP candidates will come close to doing that. And of course everyone knows President Obama and Hillary Clinton have already given most of American’s freedom away to her worst enemies. Some may deny knowing that, but In my opinion they are just not truthful. I believe Donald Trump is fed up with Congress also.  If President Obama was able to by-pass Congress and use his own power to get his way, I think the next president should do the same thing. A new Congress is badly needed at this time. Most Americans want to keep our constitution sound, but its been abused so much till it would take more than, “An act of Congress,” to repair it.

I will be the first to say that America will never be the same, but I believe God will show mercy to the people who will stand up in troubling times, and put a leader in office who will call the shots like they are. Hero’s included. There are such things as ex-hero’s, just like ex-presidents, but they are now finished with their service, and need to step aside and let someone else become a hero. The hero to be, is putting his life on the line to take America back. I will guard him in any way I can while he mows down the evil that has engulfed our nation. Friends, this is not a joking matter. This is the most serious decision you probably will make the rest of your life. Your act of consideration in making this decision will be handed back to you with either an A plus, or an O minus. The test is in your hands. If you think you know all the answers already, God bless you. I am acting by faith entirely for the right answers. My strength, and my help cometh from on high. Please take this message for what it is, “A very serious matter.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "I Said Good-Bye And Cried"

Jean's Comment's: "I Said Good-Bye And Cried": Clinton Western Jamboree Clinton, Oklahoma.  8-2-2015 Perryton, Texas.  It’s good to be back home after two days away on an exciting tri...