Friday, August 21, 2015

"Rise Above The Storm Cloud"

The morning glories are blooming full blast now. They are growing on a big portion of my yard. 8-21-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This large planter is holding a cox comb plant that is about 5' tall. It is starting to bloom, but has been slow. 8-21-2015 Perryton, Texas.

We here in Perryton, Texas are having an early fall. It is very cool, and cloudy today. My late flowers are looking good, and I can enjoy the back yard for awhile yet. It is a real problem for me to give up my summer for a long, dreary, fall and winter. I can adjust, but not without giving a big sigh now and then. I cannot be closed in my home for very long at a time. It will be travel time for me soon.

I plan to meet two of my sisters at a place where we always like to share some time together in about two weeks. I am really needing this time of getting away for awhile. I am so thankful that I still have all three of my sisters living. I have lost all three of my brothers, and my mom and dad. I have all four of my children and am so thankful for them. My life changes every year, but I can say the Lord has truly blessed, and is still blessing me. I appreciate all my friends and readers of my blog. I send prayers up every day for all of them. I lose a friend quite often to death, but I have been able to thank God for all the time I got to share with them. It is hard, but the love of God always covers my grief. Like the fall of the year the fall of life comes to us all.

Each day that I awake I start to figure out what I am going to do with the rest of my life. I mean like major changes. If we feel like we have come to a stand-still, then I thing its time to make a change. But what do we change. Prayer and more prayer sometimes don’t seem to change things much. It is then that we sometimes have to step out on faith. I ask myself a million questions when I think about making a big change in my daily life. I keep believing a miracle is going to happen just any tine, but would I even recognize a miracle? Sometimes we are blind to the biggest miracle God could ever give us. So mostly I think I need to pray for wisdom to know the difference in what I receive, and what I want to receive. I believe contentment is a real miracle in the day and time we are living in now. Everyone seems to be dashing to and fro trying to find something to satisfy. That will never happen, so like the apostle Paul wrote we need to be content in whatever state we are in. “Trust in the Lord with all your might and He will direct your path.” What I long for is probably not what I need, so I will continue to be content with what I have. I have to add if what I long for was what I needed, I would have been given it already, lest I’m not trusting God. Like my mother said to me many times when I was bored growing up, “go outside and play.” “Thanks mom, I love you.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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