Friday, August 7, 2015

"Truth Must Be Told Not Hidden"

              Donald Trump. Showing his true feelings as he speaks. 8-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its late for me to be writing a blog tonight, but I have been busy today, and I wanted to comment on the GOP candidate debate held last night. I thought it was the best I have ever seen, but obviously because Donald Trump was on the platform. He is in a fight with politically correct moderators and TV host show celebrities.  Many of whom are having their real skills tested now. They have faced of with a real person of reality traits. Donald’s character stands out above all the rest as being an American reality speaker. He does not flatter anyone just to make an impression. I would not say he never speaks good of anyone whom he really sees a lot of fault in, but  neither does he hesitate to point out their unfavorable dislikes to him if that person rubs him wrong.  I call this honesty, not hypocrisy. He is ready to take it upon himself to defend his country just like he would defend one of his children regardless of what it takes.

It was clearly noticeable last night that every moderator was out to stop Donald Trump from gaining in the polls. They had bragged that they would throw the right stone to bring him down. They felt sure they even had a back-up plan that would work if all else failed. How wrong they were. I have a strong opinion of how I think the debate should have been judged. I believe without a doubt, that Donald Trump dominated the desire of the crowd, and totally won the debate. He faced those three, highly rated, moderators, and told them exactly how he felt. They didn’t like it, but they couldn’t stop him no matter how hard they tried. The best part about it was everything he said was the truth. Some people just don’t like to hear the truth. I for one, am ready to turn him lose and let him tell ISIS, and all the other power-seeking countries just what he told the Fox News moderators last night. In my words he said, “you powerless provokers of dignity and success, you all should be ashamed and get fired from your jobs.” I expect that to happen to some, or if not fired demoted.

I am trusting God to save this nation, but I do believe He will unleash a host of hell’s angels to punish those who failed to listen to His wisdom, and let evil rule and reign. I am positive that the God of this universe is going to prove His word as given in the bible. Whoever wins the presidential election will not stop God from having the last word, but it could help to lessen His anger just a bit. I will be working full time to send out the message of Jesus Christ when He said, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and to every nation.” I believe that message is what Donald Trump is endeavoring to do except it is a much broader message than a lot of people understand. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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