Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"Fruit From Paridise For Dinner"

I thought Rick had brought home some kind of fish yesterday. He didn't know what it was, but thought it looked good. I took it back to United grocery store today to inquire. They told me it was a paradise fruit from Vietnam. Too pretty to cut open. 8-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I have never eaten fruit from paradise before, but I plan on doing that today.   Rick thought it looked good enough to eat so he bought the pretty little fishy-looking thing at the grocery store. If I had a fish bowl I would drop it in there. I understand they are tar tie, so I will soon be finding out. There are more ways than one to break the day’s boredom, according to Rick. I paint for pleasure, but Rick hunts for ridicules issues. He is more professional at that than I am at painting. Retired people find it hard not to get bored with just sitting around. Even the food becomes tasteless, and uninteresting to put the mouth to. We are always looking for something different, as nothing looks good. What a change age can make in one’s life. Anyway neither of us are losing any pounds, so we must be doing good.

I used to like apple pie and ice cream, but now that doesn’t even sound good to me. I have fresh apples just begging to be made into a pie. I find it interesting that every time I go out to eat the food always taste better. It didn’t use to be that way. I always liked my own cooking best, and so did my husband. I guess that’s why I didn’t like to eat out, but now I don’t have that constant praise for my cooking. Another one of life’s robberies that never gets solved, nor can be replaced. My treasures are still many, and I am happy to have what I have. I’m not waiting for a ship to deliver me a load of gold, but I sure would like it if it did. Not so I could boast, but so I could feel like my life was worth something. My ship of gold may never come here on earth, but no doubt it will be delivered to me in heaven. I do have something to live for, and so do you.

I challenge my talents every day. I may never be satisfied with the results I get after a long day of hard work, that mostly is pleasure, but I had a lot of fun trying to beat the odds. Just let me keep up the fool’s game of trying to win. Its more fun than Old Solitaire. And at least I have friends  doing the same things I like to do. God never leaves us lonely for long. He is always there to help us have a good time. But, we must remember God does have limits as to what He will allow us to do. As long as we remember to keep His commandments, He will let us go the full course. Praise His Holly Name!  Patience is precious in God’s sight. If we lack patience let us ask of Him. He will never fail to answer our call.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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