Saturday, August 22, 2015

"The Courting Song Of The Cicada"

An interesting subject to talk about today.  A cicada eating from my asparagus plants. Be sure to double click this little creature to see the full effect of its wings. 8-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I discovered an unusual over-grown insect today on my asparagus plants. I called Rick to come and identify it. He quickly told me it was a cicada. I had my camera ready and after taking some pictures Rick explained to me what the weird looking thing was. He gave me a quick run down of these insects life-style making it sound very interesting. I decided to google the cicada and see if what Rick was telling me was right. It sounded so impossible. Rick was right, and I couldn’t stop reading about the life and character of the cicadas’. I mainly was interested about the cicadas’ song, not knowing that it was leading me into a lesson of cicada sex. As I read it got more interesting.

It started telling how, with a genus description of the parts of the male cicada, it could sing a pattern in which it combines the clicks to produce its own distinctive mating songs and acoustic signals ensuring that the song attracted only appropriate mates. ???. It continued to say, although only males produce the cicada’ sound, both sexes have tympana membranous structure by which they detect sounds of both courtship and calling. No monkey business with these cicadas. And to say the least, they are born with the doctorate degree that humans have to study years to get. Do you still want to try to explain God’s intelligence? Just let me be fed and clothed, with a simple, and fun filled life. Don’t sing any song to me. I didn’t get that far in music.

Another day of not knowing what would happen to trigger my ambitious desire to write. Something always pops up if I decide to let the day slip by without any words. These are the times I am made to believe God had a plan all along, but I had to relax and open my eyes to it. All I can apply this little lesson to is this. There is more to life than meets the eye. Stop, look, listen, and inquire as to what the stupid things we think we are seeing is really stupid at all. Only a genius would say anything is stupid, and I know I don’t fit in that category, so I best quit saying the word. Smart people don’t say anyone is stupid. Just geniuses’ say that. I must search for another word to replace “stupid“. I haven’t known all this time I was elevating myself so highly. What an embarrassment. The insect that I thought looked stupid was really an object of a great lesson for me. It had more musical talent than I could ever explain, or understand if I heard its song. I’m glad though, that I’m not a cicada. I like my way of life, and hope to live for many more years. I also hope you feel the same about your’s.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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