Saturday, August 15, 2015

"The Light Is Shinning Through"

         Oh what a beautiful morning, every things going my way. 8-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Waking up at 4:00 in the morning is a good thing to do when you feel like jumping into the day with the sun shinning in your heart. I had time to fix my breakfast and drink two cups of coffee while the daylight came in. I glanced out my dinning room window and saw two pretty birds walk up to each other and kiss. Yes, I know a “bird kiss” when I see one. That added to my, already good day, then a short time later I looked out my living-room window and saw this gorgeous sun rise. I am sure heaven’s portals are beckoning me in. But I have to wait till I get the portrait of Donald Trump finished. This day is reserved for enhancing that face. I have put my best translation of his character into the panting. I won’t try to explain this feeling about him, but I believe he is the new world change that is going to happen according to God’s word. Even if he doesn’t get elected to the presidency he still is changing this world completely. No one person had anything to do with that. A new worldly power needed to rise up to counteract the cutting off of heads that ISIS has been doing. I truly believe that is happening now with the slam-bang of Donald Trump. He is not disorderly with anyone except those who need to be put in order. That he will do, no doubt. I don’t believe I’m just preaching to the choir. I think millions of people are getting this dynamic message, but probably only a few will believe. The rest will perish with the doubters of Almighty God.

As I have said before Donald Trump will not save the world, but he is an explosive force that will clean up a lot of corruption that has filtered the world. I hate to see blood shed from anyone, even the evil doers, but the word of God declares that is what will happen. Revelation 14:20 tells us there will be enough blood shed to come to the horse’s bridle. I believe this time is not far off. I am not a friend of modern prophets, but I do believe in ministers preaching the word of God which includes what the prophets of old prophesied. The bible is a live source of nourishment that this body needs in order for the brain to function normally, as well as earthly food we need daily.  Matthew 4:4. Then Jesus spoke and said, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God. Is your diet balanced? Are you thanking God for both the earthly food and the spiritual? If you and I want to keep our minds sound we must eat from the word of God daily. We cannot put it away and save it for later. We must feast on the Word daily. “Keep your bibles open.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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