Wednesday, August 19, 2015

"Be Still And Hear My Voice"

This little frog was not afraid of me today. It sit still while I took its picture. My pets are becoming acclimated to me. 8-19-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Another nice rain last night has brought the frogs out again. This one I am posting didn’t run from me like they usually do. It sit still and even turned its head toward my camera. I haven’t seen an ant all summer so I think they are doing a good job of swallowing them down. They sure look stuffed. I think my pets are becoming acclimated to my back yard, and are starting to be more friendly with me. The birds has been extra friendly lately. As long as I don’t see a snake I am pleased to have all the little creatures joining me in praise and admiration to our creator. I haven’t welcomed the squirrels back yet because they are a real pest. They demand to live in my attic, and I won’t share my home with any pets. My son, Chuck, is raising chinchillas now. I have gone over and seen them not knowing just how beautiful they really were. They look like a big ball of dark fur. I have to admire them, but I don’t want any myself. Anything that requires being closed in I don’t want. However, if Chuck’s chinchillas raise any babies, I want to be the first to see them. I’m sure I would have to argue with myself about bringing one to my house to look at daily. I won’t let it happen.

This afternoon I sit here at my computer wondering what I am suppose to write. There are so many things of importance on my mind, till I can’t seem to stop the wheel from spinning. I try to be as calm and relaxed as possible every day so I won’t miss the voice when it speaks to me about what to write. To some this may sound foolish, but I am sure that most of the time my messages come directly from God. He speaks through His children, and never gets it wrong. So many of us don’t really want to be bothered by helping God do His work. We would rather do our own thing. I have failed so many times to listen, and obey, the voice that calls out to me asking for my help. It may be coming from one of my own children or grandchildren, a friend, or even a stranger, but all in all it is the voice of God calling unto us from any of these such desperate, helpless souls. Too often we dismiss it as a mentally ill person whom no one can help. My prayer will continue to be, “Lord please don’t ever let me give up on that person, be whoever it may.” Life doesn’t end with depression. It just gets tougher for the victim to keep living without any hope. I find the answer from God in situations like these. It’s known as the “Golden Rule.” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We cannot fail if we truly obey this rule. It is really saying to others, your life is just as important as mine. I will treat you with all the love I can possible obtain from God. Even if you hate me, I will love you. I now know I have delivered the message God gave me today. “Thank you Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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