Sunday, August 9, 2015

"A Message Sent By Feathers"

This Sunday afternoon this little pretty bird landed right in front of me on the lawn. I was sitting in a lawn chair with my camera. She seemed to say "take my picture." 8-9-2015 Perryton, Texas.
She even turned around and faced me so I could take her pretty red breast. 8-9-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I took a break from my panting awhile ago and went out to sit in the yard. This beautiful little bird landed on the lawn right in front of me and waited till I took her picture. Then she turned and faced me as if to say take a shot of my pretty red breast. I was pleased to be greeted so nicely, and surprised that this cute little bird was so brave to land so close to my chair. I am thinking it might have been a messenger bird, and I have been waiting on God to send me a message about a special request I made to Him. Since this little cutie was so fearless I am thinking she was telling me to, “fear not for God is with you.”

I have been deeply involved in the GOP presidential nominees till I can’t leave the TV long enough to get anything else done. I am convinced that this is the most important presidential election coming up that America has ever had. I want to see and hear every word that’s said on TV about the 17 nominee’s. I also want to hear what all of the nominee’s have to say. You would think my life depended on it the way I take so much time and pain to see and hear the full coverage. And it might just do that. I truly believe God is involved in this process even more than myself. I think one would have to be very naïve not to realize that our lives are being ripped apart daily by the evil powers that fill our world today. Those who sit by and say, “let someone else worry about that, I’m having too much fun to worry about taking up arms to defend our country,” they are the ones who unbeknown  to them will suffer the most. I had a dear Christian friend only 50 years old to be stricken suddenly with a fatal heart attack last week while buying groceries. I haven’t heard all the details, but this friend lived in Elk City, Oklahoma after being transferred there by his company. I did hear that he had some heart problems before, but was able to hold down a very responsible job. He had three children who were still depending on him for partial support and advise. Its hard to understand something like this, but I fully believe God was letting this nice guy escape many more hard trials like he had lived through before. Most people believe that the wrath of God is being poured out upon us today. That is to say, most Christians believe that. Others believe its just a way of life caused by dumb leaders who have failed to protect our sovereignty. It is truly a fact of both beliefs, but it all is happening because of the wrath of God. The bible bears this out completely.  Acts 7: 51-52. “Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised  in heart and in ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? And they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:  How can anyone read this and not be touched?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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