Wednesday, August 26, 2015

"Who Really Won The Game"

Football season is here again. Practice started today. Looks like a good bunch of dangerous players. The "Perryton Rangers" are getting ready to have their best season ever. 8-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This year has passed fast. The practice field across the street from my yard is already screaming with football coaches pushing their authority. I have to take pity for these boys who want so badly to make their parents proud of them. They get beat-up, and yelled at never giving up on the game. My age is telling off on me now as I hate to see young children go through so much hard and trying times. All for just trying to prove their strength. Girls have their share of hard times also. I suppose one should expect this kind of pain and discouragement in this life. I was made to wonder this morning why God chose to create a world and fill it with people to have to always suffer. If we let self try to figure that out we might destroy our own life quickly. Then there’s the reasonable thought of knowing when we dwell upon these kind of wonders, we are most positively depressed. Its time to push hard and go through it. We cannot change the way God planned this world to revolve no matter how much we beg Him. However, we do have the promise from Him that He will never leave or forsake us. The football players are proof that with much gruesome, endurance of pain they will become a winning team. They are looking forward to that grand entrance when the crowd rises to their feet, and the band starts drumming, and blowing away at the sight of those brave fighters who represent their school. It is at this time that pain does not any longer exist. A winner is about to be acknowledged. Everyone likes to be on a winning team whether they suffered any blows or not. But the best part is even if we yell and cheer the players on we are doing something to help win. How exciting to feel like part of a winning team.

To the best of our effort to make something good, it does not always happen. Is this to say that we were not willing to go through all the pain and hardship that football players go through? Why did we give up when we were chosen to be one of the players? These questions are asked every day by many who feel as though they have lost a great winning team to some who are second best. Are our choices always right, or do we refuse to fight the fight and stay the course. My friends life is not easy for anyone, but we often make it harder because we were self-centered and wouldn’t take the punches. Quitting the team didn’t make it any better. It just made us have to work harder and receive less glory. Eventually we will decay while we wonder why we are not blessed the way we used to be. It is true that without good coaches a team will not win any games, but who is it that pays the coaches? Who is it that fails to stand up to the coaches? I believe that includes us all. Sorry for our failure to be good board members. Think seriously upon these things and make a new start.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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