Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"Is It Real Or Imitation"

Butterflies were fling everywhere this afternoon, but none would lad but for a brief second. One of these flowers has a butterfly atop it, but its not too clear. 8-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This little pen wheel has done a good job of keeping the birds away from the grapes. The grapes are now ripe. 8-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its very hot today, after a rain day before yesterday. Lots of butterflies were zooming around, but few ever landed. I took a picture of one, but it wasn’t very plain. The flowers are showing signs of aging, and are beginning to fade away. I don’t enjoy the season of things dying out. Death is the worst word in the dictionary, and probably the best word God ever created. Everything that lives has to die or there would be no meaning to life. One of the songs that was sung at the Clinton Jamboree this past week-end was, “Everybody wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.” That is so true. Sometimes I wonder if some people think they will never die. I wonder this because of the way they treat others. Absolutely unbelievable how some can switch from good behavior to bad in a moments time. One or two words is all it takes sometimes to kill a soul that was seated next to God. God does heal, but the scar never goes away. Apologies does not help the scar to disappear. After a lifetime of hateful expressions, some never have learned the art of “loving kindness.” They turn it off and on. That’s because they do not know that, that button should never be turned off. There can be a time of silence, but never a time of “heart stabbing.” A true Christian can endure the pain, but the launcher of the sharp knife can not endure for long. God does take care to see that all is treated equally. Accidents are bound to happen, but bad intentions are never accidents. Sin will be treated as such no matter who is the offender. I never knew this was going to be my topic today, but I’m glad it was. Surely some one besides me needed it. The answer to all of the questions from God’s children is just an effort away. The strongest point of sin in this  message is jealously. How much jealously controls some lives is monstrous. I believe jealousy is harder to be ridden of than cancer. Yes, it is a disease that can kill just like cancer. God is ready to heal anyone from this disease, but one must be ready to give it up. Jealous free, is a priceless diamond that you should be proud to wear. The sparkle will always catch the eyes of any within seeing distance. If you have a diamond such as this guard it with all your heart. If you don’t possess such a one, seek until you are awarded one. Again I want to cite my favorite quote. “An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” Don’t let it happen if it don’t seem good. Also think seriously when something seems good, but a little voice says “leave it alone,” I will assure you that these two “mind challengers” will keep you happy, and free from jealous involvements.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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