Sunday, August 23, 2015

"Communion With God This Morning"

I graced my communion table this morning with this arrangement of flowers. Fall is the season for this assortment. 8-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This is the third year for a surviving Crepe Myrtle bush. It is growing slowly, but surely. 8-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday morning August 23,2015, I have had a special meeting with my Lord here in my home. Rick went to church, but for some reason I changed my mind and didn’t go. Shortly after Rick had left I was fully aware of why I needed to stay at home. I cannot go into details because of personal reasons involving someone else, but I can say it was a trick on Satan. He didn’t expect me to be home this morning when he pursued his plan. At first I was terrified at what I knew was progressive effort to overtake my faith in God, and completely destroy my life. With fear I called upon God when the way was clear. After several minutes of pleading with my Lord, I was directed to read my bible. At random I opened it to the 28 chapter of Ezekiel. It was a long chapter, and I though I would get a clue as to what God was trying to tell me in just a few verses. It seemed as though I was being tongue-lashed in an awfully harsh way. I kept reading for something soothing. I finished the whole chapter then refused to accept it like Satan had planned for me to do. I kept telling God I didn’t believe that message fit me. I reminded Him of all the times He had answered my prayer, and No, I had never believed I was God. Then I reached for my “Good News Bible” and read the chapter from it. I began to feel a soothing effect as I read the entire chapter from that version. After finishing the chapter I began to thank God for not failing me again, when I was in desperate need of Him. I knew immediately my fears had left for good. However I cannot say they won’t come back. I am fighting with a terrible, tough, evil spirit, that is causing me to plead every day for victory. Not for my own body, but for someone whom I love, and will fight till I die for their freedom from this evil. Their escape is impossible without a miracle from God. Because I have been made an opponent of this situation, not by force, but by choice, I have to suffer along with the victims. Jesus was an opponent for all of us, not by force, but by choice, so I will follow His path. I may not be able to speed in life like I have for so many years, but I certainly will be coasting along with a promise of reaching my destiny.

This world has become filled to the brim with evil. I must tell you that I truly believe all of us will be desperately begging for help from God before we leave this ugly place. The Word tells us people will be crying for the mountains to fall on them to get them out of their misery. Revelation 6:16. If you haven’t learned already to trust God for all things, I urge you to do so quickly. “Don’t be taken by force!”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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