Monday, August 24, 2015

"A Distress Call Is Sounding Loud And Clear"

A single white rose spoke tp my heart today. In reach of my front door this rose is making me happy. A few days short of September and the roses are still beautiful. 8-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Then these pretty little red flowers are color perfect, and are also holding their own during this fall season. 8-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This afternoon is such a lovely day. The sun is shinning bright, but the weather is cool and still. All my flowers seem to have sprung to life again. My how I hate to give them up. Its amazing how all the variety of roses have retained their beauty. We have had so much rain this past summer till my yard is beginning to look like a jungle. Trimming time will have to be soon.

I have been content today while painting on the portrait of Donald Trump. My daughter-in-law sent me a great frame to put it in. I am excited about getting it finished and post it so everyone can see. This man is more than the average guy. He is turning our country every way but loose. I strongly feel like the Almighty Hand of God is in this picture. And if that is the case people can’t stop him. This is the time for good to overtake evil. Its way past due. I am very satisfied in the way things have been going with this GOP presidential nomination. I feel positive that things are going to change for a lot of people. Not just our country as a whole, but for individuals who have been so gullible to do the worse kinds of things possible without feeling any shame. It has led them to utter destruction. Many don’t know that yet, and are looking for something to ease their pain and frustration. They won’t find it in a bottle. The bottle only causes more of what they already have. Myself, along with many others are praying and believing God for a return of His Holy word being spoken in our schools, and around our dinner tables. Nothing less can ever restore peace and security in our land. Just as Donald Trump has spoken without stopping the intrusion of all illegal people from coming into our country, and deporting all that are already here, there is no hope for survival. It is as simple as abc. But too many of our elected officials have tried to be popular with the dead-beats, so they can make them legal and use their votes to stay in office. A day of reckoning is coming for them. They failed to do the job they were elected to do, and went their own way. It is still happening today. I pray that Donald Trump will get nominated and elected to the presidency so all of this crazy stuff will stop. I believe he is smart enough to stop all the voter fraud before it is used again  to put another evil president in office. Evil can only win by using evil tactics. That is what has happened in the past. I believe it can be stopped if people will just follow their honest opinions and act upon them. I trust that people will take part in this election, and not leave it all for someone else. Your vote does count, even if its thrown out of the bin. God saw your vote. You are cooperating with the all-out effort to make America great again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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