Monday, August 17, 2015

"From Start To Finish This Tree offers Its Fruit"

Apple tree is shaded but can see a few red apples. 8-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

The apple tree is loaded with red apples, but they are just falling off going to waste. I remember the times when almost any housewife would have done anything to get their hands on apples like these to can and feed their family through the winter. Those days are all past and gone also, just like the morals we used to cherish. I have offered my apples to anyone who wanted to come and pick them, but most people thought it was too much trouble. They would rather pick them up at the store with food stamps. It is the same with fresh laid hen eggs. I have friends who have chickens laying nice large eggs daily. They have even brought them into town in egg cartons to give away, but everyone would rather have store boughten ones. I don’t even try to understand the reason for all the change in lives that has happened in the past generation or two. I know that God said people would get weaker and wiser, but it seems to me like they are getting weaker and less wiser. Of course some folk are touching the moon with their wisdom, but do they know how to put their shoes on? I doubt because they are used to having someone else do all the simple things for them. I imagine the astronauts never undress while in space. If these are the kind of things that people have to endure in order to become as smart as God, then leave me out. I am satisfied with the things God let me be born with, no more, no less. I am smart enough to know that time has always changed everything, and always will. But I am saying I just hope God will let me continue to be happy with my family, my friends, and my few belongings. Nothing in this world could be more important to me than those things. Except that God lets me keep my sound mind. I am extra proud for the mind I still have that lets me believe God for all things. Its working today just like its worked for many years. Trust and believe in God, and all things shall be in His power. I have no doubt at all about that.

Today I claim victory for the umpthteen time over a disagreement with some whom I love more than anything in this world, but will not give up my God given love for all humanity. I don’t believe we have a choice to love people, but we have a command to love them. I do often disagree with some, but never will I kick them out of my life, or stop praying for them. I cannot offer myself for a doormat to be trampled on by some people, Jesus did not do that, but He did offer His love to one and all who would repent and call upon His name. My door is always open, but I will not try to open yours if that is what its going to take. Jesus offered, but He didn’t force anyone to accept His love.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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