Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Feast Is On"

Jean's Comment's: "The Feast Is On": The robins are enjoying the plums that have fallen on the ground. I enjoy them too before they fall. 7-30-2015 Perryton, Texas. A wonder...

"The Feast Is On"

The robins are enjoying the plums that have fallen on the ground. I enjoy them too before they fall. 7-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

A wonderful shower this morning has caused a lot of joy around here. The birds are having a picnic with all the ripe plums that have fallen off the trees. I was able to sit out in the fresh cool breeze and watch them eat and fuss with each other about getting their plums. Several red-breasted robins were the rulers of the plums this morning. They wouldn’t allow any other bird to join in the picnic. The temperature is in the low 70’s. The grass is wet, and the yards are mowed as of yesterday.

I have my chosen art pieces ready to put on display the month of August. I will be hanging 14 paintings at the Citizen’s Center. I am excited about that, as several friends have made me that way. I am already gloating about all the remarks I know will be made. It is going to be fun for sure. I am expecting some pretty funny words coming from some I know already what they are going to say. I know them as well as they know me. It takes all of us to make a great atmospheric crowd. I love all these people so much. If anyone needs their spirits lifted, they know to come to the Center. Everyone is crazy, but not so much that they cannot run a large crowd of seniors and furnish them great food and lots of laughter. All age groups can come and enjoy. The meals are reasonable, and much of the help is donated, as well as money to operate with. Membership dues are low, and members get their food discounted. Every city needs a place like this for their special retired people who have worked hard all their life to finally get to relax and have fun. And I might add all older people are SPECIAL. They have made it through a lot of tough places in their life. They are the wise that follows the stars, and not movie stars. Those under 50 remember your senior years are very near depending on your honesty.

The entire month of August is filled with all kinds of festivities celebrating the birth of the town of Perryton, Texas. This is an yearly event, and one that is very enjoyable. I will not attend everything on the event calendar, but I will share in some of them. Everyone who has lived in Perryton for the past 50 years gets treated like royalty. I like that part the best. All food is free, and it gets served to you on a silver platter. Special places to sit, and air-conditioned dinning rooms. You get to see people you haven’t seen for years. It must be almost like Heaven. As far as rodeo’s, demolition derbies, watermelon feast, dances, flee markets,  TV and radio station interviewers, and many more such fun, food, and entertainment I can do without. I think I will be contented to stay at home for awhile. That is in Perryton. All is welcome if anyone would like to come.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Everything But Humans Have Stuck To Their Nature"...

Jean's Comment's: "Everything But Humans Have Stuck To Their Nature"...: An empty bird cradle fell out of the tree this morning while I was trying to take a picture of it still hanging in the tree. It was a larg...

"Everything But Humans Have Stuck To Their Nature"

An empty bird cradle fell out of the tree this morning while I was trying to take a picture of it still hanging in the tree. It was a large nest with two small holes, so I assume two mother birds shared the same nest. 7-28-2015 Perryton, Texas
How many trips from ground to tree did it take to build this huge nest? 7-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

My back yard was used this summer for bird sex, and having babies. I saw the action of proof, now I have the evidence lying on my sidewalk. An empty cradle, or forsaken bird nest. I congratulate these birds for sticking to their natural sex drives, and reproducing. If only humans would do that, our world would not be so chaotic. The OLD GLORY flag is being replaced with the rainbow flag that God is terribly up-set about. What a disgrace to God’s original perfect world. Everyone in favor of this kind of corruption is just as guilty as the partakers of such evil. I stand firm with Donald Trump in telling it like it is. America finally has an “promised leader” who will not be bought off. Thousands, and even millions, are giving God the Glory for making this happen. If this evil nation stands undefeated by the uprising of a Godly and unbiased leader such as Donald Trump, then the fire and brimstone must be poured out. Donald is fair, but he will not allow inefficient people to remain in positions which is managed by politics. He declares action and not speeches. Proof, and not hearsay. Constitutional Law, and not dictatorship.  Love for our country, before other countries,. He will demand that law and order be put back in power in the USA. Our own country law has been turned over to criminals. How could this possible have happened? Because of so-called good people wanting to be nice to God’s law-breakers, and letting them openly have their evil way. Little did they realize that no one human, or humans, can ever break God’s law and get away with it. What in the world has blocked the minds of supposedly intelligent people? A continuous drive to be more sinful, and satisfy lust. Yes, Satan did make them do it as you have heard before, but Satan will not pay their fine to get them out of jail. He just keeps putting heavier locks on their door. When he has gained full control of their mind, then he lets them out Scott-free. What a horrible day that will be when their Jesus they don’t see.

Jesus spent a life time on earth telling people how to live a good life. It didn’t resonate to many, but to some it did. I don’t expect to get reaction from many, but if I can but touch one or two, it will be worth my effort. Jesus knows our hearts. He knows what we have done to help His message continue on long after He departed this earth. If people want to mock, and disclaim God’s word, I will not be held responsible for their refusal. I can rejoice even in someone’s else’s misfortune. God won’t allow it to be any other way. He will not let His messengers suffer for what they couldn’t convince others of. Somehow the hearts of those who loved the sinners, but hated the sin, will be sealed against all sorrow. May you all be touched by an angel before its too late.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 27, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Memory That Now Can't Be Lost"

Jean's Comment's: "A Memory That Now Can't Be Lost": This is my latest painting finished 7-25-2015. It is the Sharp"s cabin built by the Sharp family in 1985 along the front of the Purga...

"A Memory That Now Can't Be Lost"

This is my latest painting finished 7-25-2015. It is the Sharp"s cabin built by the Sharp family in 1985 along the front of the Purgatoire River near Stonewall, Colorado. Am hoping to inhance it some later. The camera or the lighting one, didn't do this painting justice.7-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.
A close-up of mother and baby deer. This is the way the entire picture should be. 7-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I am so glad to have completed this painting of the Sharp cabin near Stonewall, Colorado. I worked on it for quite some time, but got side tracked several times. The size of the painting is 48x24 inches. I could not get any more of the interesting objects in this painting. Everywhere you looked on this location was an interesting point. I put on the closest points of interest, but there are so many more farther in the distance. I loved, and still love, this dear mountain ex home. My spirit still lives within those walls. Building this cabin was the thrill of our families life. We designed everything about it. The contractor who did most of the manual work was able to take any suggestion we made and make a reality out of it. This is the biggest, and most expensive piece of art I ever worked with. The contractor assured us that after all other cabins in the area was gone, the Sharp cabin would still be standing. I can say first hand that he was right. The entire structure was overly braced for wind, or rising water. My most concern was fear of a wood pecker eating it up. Someone  actually made me believe that. I was ready to sell right away, then some kind gentleman laughed me into believing it was a joke, although there was wood peckers picking at it some. Over all other worries this turned out to be the least. I have visions of this cabin in heaven, but I know it won’t compare to my heavenly home. I may ask God for an extension on my life so I can paint more interesting sights.

My heart is in all my paintings whether they be portraits, still life, or land scapes. I am there telling it like I see it. I always try to see the best in everything. I do not call this dishonest, but seeing the special quality that others might not see. Of course when it comes to painting evil things, I may go overboard on being dishonest. I am an emotional person after all. I never know what may strike my mind to paint next. I’m just as surprised as others at some of my decisions. I just do what I feel like needs to be done. I have a portrait of president George W. Bush. I would like to compare it to one he did of himself, since he specializes in doing portraits. Maybe that will be possible someday. He paints the personality. I paint the dignity, and leave off the personality. I find it too hard to put them both together on canvas. Someday I might try that. As for now I will stick with doing what ever comes natural. I am that person whom I cannot paint myself honestly. I just am not the person who I want others to see the real me. That person is hid behind the face of a made-over person. I can only say God did a good job of reshaping my life and psyche. “Behold old things pass away and all things become new.“

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "I Missed The Plane"

Jean's Comment's: "I Missed The Plane": High up in the sky, apples fry. Pie anyone? they're free. They are so good. 7-27-2015 Perryton, Texas. Another hot day is making me ...

"I Missed The Plane"

High up in the sky, apples fry. Pie anyone? they're free. They are so good. 7-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Another hot day is making me not-so-cool. I like the out doors and its too hot to be outside. All the fruit is needing refrigerating, but that is not going to happen. Its regretful to see so much good fruit going to waste. I refuse to put any more in jars or freeze any either. I have had to throw out too much in the past. What an abundance of blessings God gives us. Sometimes more than we can handle. At least I feel the love of His great big hand reaching down to me.

I was in the yard long enough to see a low-flying plane go over my head. I didn’t have my camera ready so couldn’t get a picture. It was bigger than a single engine plane that people use for their own transportation. It seemed to be slightly above the high line wires. The Perryton airport is only a couple of miles away. I’m sure it was fixing to land. Every time I go into my back yard I see something interesting. The sky is the limit, and believe me I see a lot up there, both day and night. My big back yard is a zoo for all kinds of birds, squirrels, butterflies, honey bees, frogs, snakes, spiders, mosquito’s, lizards, rabbits, and many other animals who visit frequently. I haven’t seen a skunk yet, but some people have. I have seen red fox’s and ducks. My next door neighbor has a fish pond, and three or four ducks found it. My good neighbor was so happy, but after one day the ducks disappeared. He checked to see if they came over here, but I hadn’t see those that came to his pond. He thought some cats had killed them and drug them off, but we never saw a feather anywhere. We welcome them back. I gave all my fish to him and filled in my pond with dirt. I do miss them, but they were too much trouble.

Excitement, excitement. That’s what I have every morning when I wake up. I never want to go to bed because I like being active. By my own will power I finally make it to bed about 11:00 o’clock. I fall asleep somewhere around 2:00 o’clock. I am always ready to arise and get going with my fun, and dutiful things. If I get tired and have to sit down for awhile, I can always think of someone to call. Usually those whom I call are having more fun than I, and I get jealous. But to tell the truth I wouldn’t trade places with them, because I like my home pleasures too much to leave very often. I love company, and will be having a friend from Oklahoma City, coming to visit me this week-end. I must get that fresh apple pie baked. I already have the ice cream. This friend has been loved by me for over fifty years. I was saddened when she moved to Oklahoma City a year ago. She wanted to be close to her children. God bless her is my prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Which World Do you Live In"

Jean's Comment's: "Which World Do you Live In": More plums than we can eat. They are sweet and delicious. 7-26-2015 Perryton, Texas. A lonely little cloud in a very hot sky. Tree tops ...

"Which World Do you Live In"

More plums than we can eat. They are sweet and delicious. 7-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.
A lonely little cloud in a very hot sky. Tree tops are showing above my patio roof. 7-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. It is 98 degrees in Perryton, Texas. The sky is clear blue with just a few small clouds. The flowers are scorching, after all the rain we have had this past week. I am so thankful for an air-conditioned home. God is good all the time. I need to harvest the plums, but don’t know what to do with them. Money is still fairly plentiful around here and people are choosing to buy their fruit instead of picking it off trees. I remember the times when women would grab every plum or any other kind of fruit and can them. Now no one wants to put out the effort. Myself included. I wonder how long we can expect to be blessed.

I am indeed blessed just having my two oldest sons back in the house with me much of the time. It almost seems like when they were small and never did leave. Charles and I always enjoyed our family so much, and it was hard to see them move away after they graduated from high school. All but one lived almost four hundred miles from us most of that time. Sometimes it would be a year before I saw some of them. Now it is almost like God is gathering us all back together. It is a priceless gift, and I thank my Lord so much. I don’t always understand why things happen like they do sometimes, but I do understand that God is still king of our household, and He will always look out for us. Most of my tears have dried up since Charles left us, and I am sure the children helped that to happen.

I look out over many worlds away, and I see nothing that can even be imaginable to my tiny spoon-full of brains. The minister touched on the same thought this morning that I had been dealing with recently. I haven’t been keeping up with all the latest news, but it seemed like the pastor had been reading about some kind of discovery by scientist  pertaining to many more worlds than just the ones we now know about. It was a coincidence, or was it, that I had been drifting way out in that direction. I do not want anything more in this life than a peaceful day and night, with God’s arms wrapped around me. I am convinced that man can never know the mysteries of God no matter how many millions of years they try. I am thankful that I do know that God will hold us accountable for every deed we did on earth that was against His will. I do worry about that, and try daily to please my Lord. I have never believed, nor will I ever believe that God is only love, and will not chastise His children. He would not have given us the bible if we had not of needed to know what was right and what was wrong. May we all realize that we are only dirt of this earth, and will soon pass away. Only the soul will enter into God’s kingdom.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Unworthy But Worthy"

Jean's Comment's: "Unworthy But Worthy": Look who came to my door this morning. Looking in need of something. It wasn't crippled, but it never moved when I opened the door. ...

"Unworthy But Worthy"

Look who came to my door this morning. Looking in need of something. It wasn't crippled, but it never moved when I opened the door. When I left it flew away. What message did this bird leave for me today? Let's find out. 7-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "High Above The Ground Sit A Hierogram"

Jean's Comment's: "High Above The Ground Sit A Hierogram": Pretty bird sitting 100 feet upon an antena tower  No sight of humming bird yet. Chuck told me I will not see one in Perryt...

"High Above The Ground Sit A Hierogram"

Pretty bird sitting 100 feet upon an antena tower 

No sight of humming bird yet. Chuck told me I will not see one in Perryton. He said what I thought has been humming birds are not. He called them something else. They looked like little hummers to me. 7-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This morning is lovely and ready to be enjoyed. I did my usual walk through the yard checking out the flowers and fruit. The birds seemed to be enjoying as much as I. I took a picture of a pretty bird with colorful breast feathers sitting high upon an antenna tower. The colors didn’t show well but it was really pretty. I sat for awhile hoping to see a humming bird come by, but finally gave up. Their non-alcoholic beverage is poured and ready for them. I think they will find it soon.

July is almost gone for 2015. Where the time has gone, I don’t know. I just need to hurry along and finish a lot of work I have started. After reading the seventh chapter of Micah last night, I learned that a man’s enemies are the men in his own house. Verse 6. I have been thinking that ISIS was my worse enemy. Now I need to think a lot deeper to understand this scripture. Are we Christians so naïve that we cannot recognize our worse enemy. If my worse enemy is in my own household, I love them anyway. I will conquer that hate and disrespect somehow. I am sure I have no person in my household who would cut off my head, or even wish someone else would. I will study this chapter in Micah a lot more. I know we are very child-like in our Father’s eyes, but don’t we ever grow up? I will hold onto His hand even though I think I am pretty big. Micah was one of the twelve minor prophets in the old testament. I am much less than a prophet, but I thought I was living a good live for God. After reading this seventh chapter of Micah, I have decided I need to prepare myself for judgment day. Verse 9, Micah says, I will bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against Him, until He plead my cause. And execute judgment for me: he will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold His righteousness.  Please read how the dictionary defines indignation. Strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base: righteous anger. Does this make us wonder if we are pleasing God by denouncing what we understand the bible to say is the worse kind of sins. Murder, same sex relationship, tattoos, idol worshiping, and many more? I just have to believe Micah was not claiming to be the perfect man of God. I think he knew he was human and could not claim perfection in his earthly life, just as none of us can. Yes, we all will be judged, but hopefully I will not be guilty of ignoring God’s word by not proclaiming it to the world. We do not say we are sinless. We say we read God’s word and try to obey His teachings, and share with others the message we believe in.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Just A Listening In The Rain"

Jean's Comment's: "Just A Listening In The Rain": Patio couch at Kent and Angela's house. The patio is covered but the sides are open. They sit out when its raining but not a drop o...

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Study Of The Mind Can Produce Happiness"

Jean's Comment's: "A Study Of The Mind Can Produce Happiness": Flowers and more at my house still. Enjoy them so much. Wish they would never die. 7-21-2015 Perryton, Texas Cloudy skies are covering u...

"A Study Of The Mind Can Produce Happiness"

Flowers and more at my house still. Enjoy them so much. Wish they would never die. 7-21-2015 Perryton, Texas

Cloudy skies are covering us today. A few drops of rain have fallen this morning, but looks like more is coming. It is so cool that I need my sweater to go outside. Yes, it is nice and beautiful out this morning. I am so ambitious today I have already painted for two hours and gone to the art supply store and gotten a few things I needed. I will be finishing a painting that should have been completed three months ago. I have been really hung up on it, and I am now ready to say it’s finished. I will be getting the frame ready today, then as soon as the paint dries on the painting I will be posting it on my blog. It is a large painting of the cabin the “Sharp family,” built near Stonewall, Colorado, a few years ago, I hope you can see why I still long to have it back. It was a wonderful life for us while we owned that cabin, but times changed making it necessary for us to sell it. The next best thing to having the cabin back is to have a 36x48 inch painting of it hanging in my living room. I have put many hours into this piece of art, but I am proud to say I enjoyed every minute of it. I hope others will be able to view it and enjoy it also. Some of my art will be going on display in about two weeks at the Citizens Center here in Perryton. They have been patient with me while I finished the cabin on the river front.

Don’t let anyone tell you that paintings of art is easy and cheap. I know several artists, some of whom I have taken lessons with, and they all work hour after hour on one piece before it is acceptable to put out for view. Art supplies are very expensive, and it takes a lot of different stuff to complete a panting. Not to mention the many hours of stressful work that goes into it. I get the benefit of mental therapy while I am working with art, and also the pleasure of signing a piece that I am proud to show off. Art is a personal thing, and no one can ever explain the mind that created it; Although it has been tried with every piece of successful art. It can be imagined, but not proven. Only the artist can know that secret. My mind is forever seeing things I want to paint, but when only the mind sees, and not the eyes, It’s very hard to settle with only that concept. If the eyes didn’t see it, how can the artist know if its real or just wish it was real? Then there is the idea of not knowing if someone would be interested in having a piece of art that tells a mysterious story. I do plan in the near future to expand upon this idea, and let the chips fall where they may.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 20, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Hear Ye Children Avoid All Fake Messengers"

Jean's Comment's: "Hear Ye Children Avoid All Fake Messengers": I love these lovely pink snap dragons. I have about four different colors of them. Yellow, white, orchid, and pink. 7-20-2015 Perryton, Te...

"Hear Ye Children Avoid All Fake Messengers"

I love these lovely pink snap dragons. I have about four different colors of them. Yellow, white, orchid, and pink. 7-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The tall limb you see is shooting up from my cherry tree. I thought it unusual to see a limb growing about three feet above the top of the tree. 7-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

After a light rain last night everything in my yard has greened up again. The flowers are so pretty, with all of them showing their true colors. The trees, the grass, and everything else is as green as it gets. I had to notice a three foot limb growing straight up above the top of my cherry tree. I wonder what it will turn into. It reminded me of some of the trees I pant, a little unusual. The rain did cool things down also. It had been extremely hot here for almost two weeks. The fruit has all ripened except for the apples and grapes. I eat several delicious plums every day. At first I was afraid of eating too many, but so far I haven’t gotten sick. I have several pecan trees growing in my yard now because the squirrel’s planted the seeds before my neighbor eradicated them. The trees are about one foot tall, and are growing fast. I hope I can find someone to give them to because they are paper shell and very delicious. The tree my neighbor has next door furnishes enough pecans for the whole neighborhood. Rick told me he saw another squirrel in the apple tree the other day, so I am going to have to tell my good neighbor he needs to bring back his slang-shot. They had taken my attic over before the neighbor finally figured out how to get rid of them. I am so grateful for his perfect performance.

I am so thankful for friends who I can share my joy’s and concerns with. I am speaking of friends who are in conversation with me either by telephone or email. It is not always that a person can open up and talk freely on face book or twitter, not to mention that everyone aren’t fortunate enough to have friends whom they can trust. I do feel so blessed to have the sweet fellowship of  many friends. I pray I will always realize the wealth of having these kinds of friends, and never wish for something more. I am a firm believer that God has messengers He uses daily to send His message. Everyone knows He had them in bible times, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone to hear He still has them today. How does God answer our prayers without a messenger to deliver? How feeble is the mind that cannot see through that? Many times people will scoff at a message sent to them by God, only to run head-on with a disastrous situation. How daring can one get before they wake-up and hear the reality whistle blowing? The difference in knowing the true messenger and the fake one, is to know the Word of God, and to respect Him for accepting you into his kingdom, if you have been accepted. If you haven’t been accepted yet, then your chances of hearing from God is zero, except for that messenger He sent to invite you to join Him. Without a membership you cannot participate. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Fool Is A Fool But God Is A Friend Indeed"

Jean's Comment's: "A Fool Is A Fool But God Is A Friend Indeed": My daughter-in-law got me a new humming bird feeder. Hoping to attract more birds now. 7-19-2015 Perryton, Texas. With all the flowers s...

"A Fool Is A Fool But God Is A Friend Indeed"

My daughter-in-law got me a new humming bird feeder. Hoping to attract more birds now. 7-19-2015 Perryton, Texas.
With all the flowers surrounding the feeder surely the humming birds will come to eat. 7-19-2015 Perryton, Texas

I came home from church this morning feeling very depressed. The small crowd was due to a split resulting from the US Supreme Court taking the law into their own hands and passing one that they called a decision. They do not have the authority to make laws. They decided by a small majority to make it legal for same sex marriage. This was the last hope for America. The Supreme Court Justice has always been there to settle disputes. Now they have caused the biggest dispute that America has ever lived through. Church members are now taking sides so much that many are leaving because everyone won’t accept the Court’s decision. What a shameful disgrace for America. I believe according to God’s word, only the Christians who stand firm against this, “God forbidden nonsense,” will come through the most trying times America has ever known. Those times  are coming, you can be sure of that. Those who talk about a loving, merciful God will see that The Almighty God does not back down on His Word, no matter who people think they are. Too many people have thrown their bible in the fire, and are living their own life the way they want. What a fool they have become. Those kind of people have made it necessary for all of us to suffer the consequences. I know God told us it would be this way, but He had nothing to do with those making that decision. It was by their own choice that humankind have dug their own graves without knowing it. Many will beg to be put in those graves so to have some peace, but they will find that death will flee from them. They will cry for the rocks, and the mountains to fall on them, but suffering will linger on and on. All of this I’m saying is in the bible, but I know the bible is a book that has long been removed from many homes. Just last night I was reading in the book of Micah that God will not hear the prayers of those who call evil good, and good evil. Does this not say to you that are fearless of God, that you better become afraid?

Our pastor this morning presented God’s Word to tell those who are still believing in it, that all people will be given a part of the blame for all the sinful wrongs going on today. Even those who turned their heads against seeing such ungodly sin, because they should have spoken against it instead of not wanting to offend someone. I have been guilty of that for sure. Oh! How we want to be nice and ignore condemning someone for what we know is against God’s law. I did that far too many years. I was one of those who thought I just had to answer for myself. How wrong that kind of thinking was. No one held back any pity for us when we were learning the true word of God. Preachers used to tell it like God said it, but that has been gone with the wind for many years. I’m fighting for a come back, but I don’t know how far I will get. I am ready to lay down my life, if and when, God says I no longer am needed by Him. At this point I feel safe and secure in His arms. I pray that any who cannot say that will make a move to become just such a person.

God Bless
Myrtle jean Sharp

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Back From The Belly Of The Whale"

Jean's Comment's: "Back From The Belly Of The Whale": I see the brightest sun this morning that I have ever seen. I am no longer in the belly of the whale. 7-18-2015 Perryton, Texas. As usua...

"Back From The Belly Of The Whale"

I see the brightest sun this morning that I have ever seen. I am no longer in the belly of the whale. 7-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.

As usual when I went to bed last night I was empty minded as to what I would write about today. I had hit a snag, and was off the internet with my blogs for three days. Something had hindered me from posting my last blog, and in the confusion of trying to correct the problem, I deleted the entire message. I had felt good about this subject, and had spent hours releasing my mind of, what I thought, was important. I am still having trouble having had to let it go. Something seemed to tell me that I was not suppose to have posted that blog. I agreed to that thought, and tried hard to forget it. The fact is, that willingness to forget didn’t leave me alone. I kept trying over and over to find some way to retrieve that message. I was sure God had helped me to write that message, and I knew I could never come close to rewriting it again. In all the years I have been writing a blog I have never deleted one that I wanted to keep. I remember I had used the story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale, as a part of the message. I also remember writing something about that story that I had never been made aware of before. Oh! how important I felt, that I share the new light with others. That didn’t happen, and I am having trouble trying not to argue with God just like Jonah did. God did change His mind about destroying Nineveh after Jonah was spit out of the whale’s mouth  It angered Jonah that he had been put in the belly of hell, all for nothing, so much that he told God about it. How often do we want everything our way even if it displeases God? I feel like something in the deleted message was interfering with the message God wanted me to write. It took three days for me, like Jonah in the belly of the fish, to get spit out. I had thought I might quit writing blogs, and was blank about anything to write. Then this morning I was surprised with the brightest sunshine I had ever seen, both in the sky, and in my heart. I will keep on keeping on trying to be my best until I die. We all need a good scolding once in awhile. I am glad it was nothing more than a simple scolding. I was reminded of the scolding’s I used to get from my earthly father. Never the belt, just a scolding. It always made me to remember I was still a child, and would be treated like one.

So if you have missed me it’s because I have been in the belly of a whale. I am free now, and will continue on with the words that my Heavenly Father gives me.

To all of my viewers in other countries, I want to apologize for not being able to return your messages. I get them written in your own language and cannot read them, nor I cannot find a way to send back a message to you. Please pray for my improved knowledge on how to correspond more widely. I do appreciate your interest, and you are always in my prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Family Fun And Festivities"

Jean's Comment's: "Family Fun And Festivities": Breakfast at Kent & Angela's house was like eating breakfast at The Flamingo Inn in Las Vegas. I couldn't begin to name all th...

"Family Fun And Festivities"

Breakfast at Kent & Angela's house was like eating breakfast at The Flamingo Inn in Las Vegas. I couldn't begin to name all the variety of things we had, even blueberry biscuits along with buttermilk biscuits.7-14-2015 Perryton, Texas.

The china cabinet made an interesting accent. It was filled with beautiful china, crystal, and all kinds of other lovely glassware. 7-14-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Family reunion days at Abilene, Texas was one of the best I have ever attended. The roomy home we stayed in was so nice and comfortable, but most of the time was spent on the large covered patio. It was as cool out there as was inside. Many chairs, a couch, several stuffed arm-chairs, some rocker recliners, and tables made a perfect atmosphere for relaxing and sharing family stories. The dinner was prepared by Kent and Angela with nothing being left off a long menu. Most of us brought extra dishes of finger foods, cakes, melons, and other goodies. Brisket and pork ribs were the meat favorites. Baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and baked beans were the vegetable mix. Everything was cooked to perfection.

For breakfast the next morning we had two kinds of biscuits. Blueberry and buttermilk. There were both bacon and sausage for meat. Scrambled eggs and gravy topped it off. Fresh fruit, jams and jellies were good to spread on the biscuits. Juice, coffee, and any other drink one might want was also available. I made a remark about the breakfast being equal to a continental breakfast at the Flamingo Inn in Las Vegas. Soon after breakfast most everyone began to get ready to leave. It is always sad to say good-bye to loved ones not knowing when and if you will ever see them again. Rick and I stayed an extra night because Kent wanted to show me around Abilene. He just recently moved his family there from Gainsville, Texas. They had spent eight years there, and now was going to have to adjust to a totally different style of life. Abilene is a much larger city than Gainsville. His job is much more complex, and stressful. He received a much greater benefit by accepting the job, but with more money comes more stress. Everything is working to his advantage, and the entire family love the hospitably attention they have been getting. I don’t think I would have any trouble living in Abilene, but until my Lord tells me I can move, I must be contented here in Perryton, Texas which has been my home for fifty-nine years. I am feeling good about staying here, although I never planned to live here but a short time when we moved here. Somehow we were suppose to stay in Perryton according to my husband. He has now deceased, but I cannot feel free to move even though. If I wanted to be honest I would have to say this is the only place in the world I feel safe and secure at this time. That should be what everyone is seeking in this day and time. I have many friends here whom I can depend upon anytime. Friends that have known me for many years, and seem almost like family. I thank God for giving me peace and happiness in the place I’ve called home for fifty-nine years. If any of you are wondering where God lives, He lives in Perryton, Texas, USA.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 13, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Earthly Pleasures Will Pass Away But God's Word W...

Jean's Comment's: "Earthly Pleasures Will Pass Away But God's Word W...:  My granddaughter-in-law, Connie, grandson, Arron, grandson, Josh holding his and Arron's little girls, Ellie, & Avery, my daughte...

"Earthly Pleasures Will Pass Away But God's Word Will Not Pass Away"

 My granddaughter-in-law, Connie, grandson, Arron, grandson, Josh holding his and Arron's little girls, Ellie, & Avery, my daughter, Rhonda, with son, Kent at the grill. 7-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.
My son, Rick resting comfortable in the cool breeze on the patio. Family reunion in Abilene Texas. 7-13-2015 Perryton, Texas

Earthly pleasures will pass away but god’s word will not pass away
I took a lot of pictures at the family reunion this past week-end. I will be sharing some of them. It was a wonderful two day get-together with my children and grandchildren. I mentioned before the place where we met was at my son and daughter-in-law’s house in Abilene, Texas. The spacious house was very modern and comfortable. It was a pleasure to be treated like a queen-mother while others did the cooking and cleaning. I met two little great granddaughters whom I hadn’t seen before. They were so precious and seemed to know that I was their great grandmother, although one is 22 months, and the other 10 months. Three of my four children were there. My oldest son, Chuck, couldn’t make it, but he lives in the same town I live in so I see him daily. I count my blessings every day and name them one by one. Every child, grandchild, and great, great grandchild, is a precious blessing to me. I have one great, great, great, granddaughter that I haven’t met. She is also precious to me. I don’t want to think beyond this life, but I surely want to enjoy the life I am now living, and being with my family is the most enjoyable time I could ever ask for. The love of God is forever shinning on me, and I share it with my family. I need to speak more and more of His love to others. Everyone needs Jesus in their life, but if we fail to teach others what we have learned about Him many will go to their grave lost and undone. I am guilty already. I pray I will do more than I have in the past to lead someone to Jesus.

I have had a great, unbelievable prayer answered this past week. I had almost forgotten that I had been praying for it. Then, whammo! I heard the good news. I was ashamed when I acted so surprised at hearing about this. I don’t know how God could keep having patience with some of us. After all the bible tells us that our Heavenly Father loves us even more than our earthly father, and is able to give us even more. I don’t know how He could love me more than my earthly father did, but I understand how He could give me more. Our biggest enemy is our own selves. We just have trouble believing God for answering our prayers. We find too many reasons why He might not answer, but I stand on these words. “Whatsoever ye ask in my name, that shall ye also receive.”  John 14:13. There is no if and, and’s  about it. If we really want something that makes sense to God He will give us the desires of our heart. There is no stopping place once we get our prayer answered. We must continue to trust God to lead us all the rest of our lives. “Happy are those who trust in God.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Thank God For Earthly Wealth"

Jean's Comment's: "Thank God For Earthly Wealth": My self, Jean, and son, Kent Sharp. at my son's home in Abilene Texas. 7-12-2015 Perryton, Texas. My daughter-in-law, Angela, and on...

"Thank God For Earthly Wealth"

My self, Jean, and son, Kent Sharp. at my son's home in Abilene Texas. 7-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.
My daughter-in-law, Angela, and one of her sweeties, Lizzie. 7-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I just got home from a three day family reunion at my son and daughter-in-law’s house in Abilene Texas. I had a great time, and got to see two little great granddaughters for the first time. The joy of being with family is just not describable. You just want to stay together forever. But we had enough time together to blend all our humor  along with a few serious moments. My son, Kent, and wife, Angela, and their two children have just moved into a lovely home in Abilene Texas. It was so nice to sit out on the large covered patio every day and enjoy the cool breeze. Their patio looked like the lounge of a huge, “state of the art” sophisticated motel. I will be showing more pictures later. The food they prepared was wonderful, and as usual I ate too much. My son gave us a tour of the large city, and I was very impressed with so much beautiful architectural sights, and awesome buildings called houses. If I lived in one of the mansions he showed us, I would demand at least ten guards to protect me. Then I would feel alienated from my friends. Its good that I have no desire to be living in one of those places. Although it is good to visit one, and just inhale the thrill of touching the actual walls, and imagining the feeling of owning such a domain. I was certainly made more aware of how simple, and how insignificant my own home is, but it didn’t make me think less of it. The particular house I’m speaking of is vacant and is being completely refurbished. I was told that an well-known architect designed this house, and that is why it is worth so much more money than just a house built by another builder with a similar blueprint. I don’t know the age of this house, but I would guess it’s probably 75 years old, although the design looks even post-dated. I do appreciate Abilene more now than I did before going on this tour.

It was good to be back in my own home after three days of being gone. I need to rest up before hitting the old routine, but I will be there soon. My most important catch-up is with the news. After three days I know I have missed out on a lot. We are living in an exciting world now, and one needs to pay attention to the news. I think the daily news is what makes me plan my daily work load. Of course I am my own boss so I can work accordingly. I may not want to work on something today that seems less important after hearing the news. Sometimes I need to be quite, and just meditate upon the Lord. He will lead us into all truth, and remind us of what we have failed to recognize when He answered prayer for us. I never want to fail to thank God for answering my prayers. I feel like it is absolutely necessary to do so if we are to continue to request things from Him. It doesn’t even hurt to thank Him more than once when He so graciously answers our prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Oh For Wisdom To Be My Guide"

Jean's Comment's: "Oh For Wisdom To Be My Guide":  The cluster of plums are finally turning red. There was 17 of these when I first took a picture. I believe they are all still there. Hard...

"Oh For Wisdom To Be My Guide"

 The cluster of plums are finally turning red. There was 17 of these when I first took a picture. I believe they are all still there. Hard to count without knocking some off. 7-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.
 The lonely sunflower is weeping this morning because there is no sun. 7-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The lilies are slowing opening because they like sun too. 7-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I had to put my sweater on this morning when I went out to stroll through the yard. It is 63 degree with no sun at all. A slight chance of rain is predicted. We really need it. All the fruit and flowers are doing well, but they do need some moister to continue their best sweet taste, and beautiful smiling faces. This summer has been such a blessing to me, We had lots of rain earlier and everything in my yard just took off like wild fire. Never have I seen it more beautiful. I am going to miss all the bright, colorful, flowers and tasty fruit when the cooler days set in, and turn into cold winter. I’ve never been a friend to winter, but I may have to change that this time. I don’t like being shut-in for long periods of time. Something pleasing is surely waiting for me this winter. I trust that I will be sound-minded enough to know what is good, and what is not, when it comes to making choices that involve change. Even the wise ole owls sometimes get fooled when they close their eyes. Never does that evil old Satan cease to lead you astray. Any change he puts before you could be bad, even though it seems so wonderful at first. I realize that is something we have to pray about a lot before making the change.  I am a firm believer that God will never let us go wrong if we keep our prayer life up. Its when we forget to let God be the answer to our desire of change, that we get into trouble. Several times I have walked away from something that nearly killed my heart because I wanted it so badly. I even felt guilty for hurting someone else by walking away. But a certain bit of wisdom will tell us when a change is not good for us even though we want to grab it and hang on. I am thinking of the sweet old song, “I am Thine ole Lord, I have heard thy voice, and it told thy love to me. And I long to be in the arms of faith, and be closer drawn to Thee.” Sometimes this feeling can be applied to a earthly love, but when do we know the difference in real lasting love or temporary? Every day is a challenge for us, but not for long, because time is running out for most of us. We are making choices daily even though we don’t realize that. If we chose not to change we have made a choice. If we chose to make a change we have made a choice. The question remains, are we making the right choices daily? When I met my husband to be, I was young and didn’t give a thought as to what I might be getting into. I just knew he loved me and showed it in many ways. Now that I’m single again, and have been challenged to make a choice to accept another love, or not to accept, I feel so concerned about a possible mistake. I haven’t fully gotten over the first love I walked away from after losing my husband. I still feel like it was the right choice, but sometimes I long for something about it.  I am talking to God about this challenge daily. I am sure he will guide me in the right direction.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Ten No More Or No Less"

Jean's Comment's: "Ten No More Or No Less":  If anyone is bored with my flowers, I'm sorry. I just love sharing them. 7-6-2015 Perryton, Texas. Every day brings me a new bouqu...

"Ten No More Or No Less"

 If anyone is bored with my flowers, I'm sorry. I just love sharing them. 7-6-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Every day brings me a new bouquet. So many different varieties, I can't name them all. 7-6-2015 Perryton, Texas

It is such a nice and cool morning. I did a lot of yard work before it started to get warm. Then I rested while enjoying all my colorful flowers. I ate a ripe plum while resting, after eating a sausage and toast sandwich early this morning. The plum was a mixed apricot and yellow plum. It was very good and juicy. It was big enough for my fruit supply today. I have work to do inside, but I would rather be outside. The cool breeze is too inviting. It is when I am sitting out on the patio that I dream wonderful dreams. Rick tells me it is too calm and peaceful out there to come back into the house. I do agree, except my art studio is inside. I am busy at it every day. Also we do not like fast-food orders, so I have to do some cooking. Then every once-in-awhile I have to run the sweeper and change the sheets. Just can’t make some things disappear. I do enjoy my home also. I’m so thankful that I can still maintain it. I have no desire to ever leave it and move into an easier way of life. I learned to work at a young age, and I’ve enjoyed it every since. I like the results of what I see after my hands have been busy for a long time. A few pains are good for the up-keep of the body. A winner never thinks about the pain till the game is over. Then it is too exciting to hold it in your lap while you rock away to pity land. I could not do what I do without a lot of rest, maybe more than when I was young, but I always long to get back to work. Whether it’s hard labor, or back-breaking fun games, I have room for them all. It takes both to give the body and mind a balance in life. I am anxious to take a trip with a friend after she heals from a severe neck surgery. She, like myself, have big plans for the future. We both have worked hard all our lives, and we both like to, “live it up,” pretty often. Another of God’s blessings that He so graciously gives those who love and trust Him. We both are needing a get-away, to reorganize our minds. God has given both of us miracles, and we plan to keep on living a good life, while helping others in some way to have a good one also. I believe those who boast of all the good things they do are like the Gentiles who prayed in the streets so everyone could see them. Jesus condemned them, and He will do the same to those who desire attention today. The most God-given commandants for us today are still the original 10. If we will keep those ten, and live by them daily, I believe our bodies will be miraculously healed, and with healing comes happiness. I feel safe in saying that I doubt but a few people can quote the 10 commandants today. How can we live by them if we don’t know them, not part, but all of them? An assignment you should give yourself today is to memorize those laws God gave Moses to give to the people. Exodus 20. They may be taken down from our public places where they have been hanging forever, but they cannot be taken from our minds if we memorize them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Answer Not A Fool According To His Folly"

Jean's Comment's: "Answer Not A Fool According To His Folly": A little humming bird can be seen in center of pic sitting on a limb. Trying to decide on what flower to suction from today. 7-5-2015 Perr...

"Answer Not A Fool According To His Folly"

A little humming bird can be seen in center of pic sitting on a limb. Trying to decide on what flower to suction from today. 7-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I finally was able to snap a picture of a humming bird today, but not while sucking nectar. It kept coming back and landing on the fence like it was trying to decide which flower to eat from. It propelled for awhile, but I was not able to get a picture with it in air. I will be waiting for that perfect pic. It is too hot this afternoon to be outside very long.

People are still celebrating Independence Day week-end. We had a small crowd at church today. The sermon was food enough for a full flock, but much was wasted. The pastor tossed it all out, and couldn’t retrieve any of it. What a shame, but like the Lord told the prophet, Ezekiel, he must take the word even to the rebellious, and whoever don’t want it will not be punishment for Ezekiel. The pastor gave the message, the people failed to be there to benefit from it. The pastor’s reward will be the same. The few that were there were totally overwhelmed by the true, word of God, that was chosen to be delivered by Ezekiel to the rebellious Israelites. Read the scripture  Ezekiel 2:1-10.

Almost every sermon being  delivered by pastors today are focusing on the frightful things that are empowering our own county. The one and foremost important thing I got from the sermon today was this. “For many years people have said they believe certain things about their religious doctrine, but soon they will have to live those things instead of just saying them.” It will be then that people will be called true believers, or hypocrites. This sounded like test time to me. I do also believe this time is very close. I cannot put my bible down lest I fail to remember the questions. I need the extra strength the Holy Spirit gives me when I read my bible daily and pray for guidance. The closer we live to God, the closer He lives to us. My greatest fear is for those I love so dearly, but are living their lives recklessly. It doesn’t even stop there. I fear for all, even those I don’t know,  who are not living close to God. This Godly love I possess cannot be measured. How thankful I am to own that divine love. It wasn’t something I earned, but a gift from God that I will always be grateful for. Yes, I believe this is one of the test we will have to take, and pass, before we can enter into God’s Kingdom. Is it real, or is it hypocritical? If we don’t possess that kind of love, then we cannot fool our Almighty God. He knows all things, and He knows what’s in our hearts. The carnal mind will have to be ejected from this mortal body before we can express that kind of love. That is what the Holy Spirit does when we yield to me our all. “Keep me true dear Lord, keep me true.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Showing A Symbol Of Who I Am"

Jean's Comment's: "Showing A Symbol Of Who I Am": Bachelor Buttons honoring Old Glory this morning. July 4, 2015 Perryton, Texas. God bless our veteran's.   I was especially thankful t...

"Showing A Symbol Of Who I Am"

Bachelor Buttons honoring Old Glory this morning. July 4, 2015 Perryton, Texas. God bless our veteran's.  
I was especially thankful this morning while relaxing near my flower garden, to remember the history of our great nation. A declaration of independence was signed over two hundred years ago giving you and I the liberty to be choosers of our own religion. A fight between England and the newly formed thirteen colonies had been ongoing for over a year. Finally a declaration of independence was drawn up, and Thomas Jefferson was appointed to be given authorization to legally sign it. Since that time disagreements and continued battles have been part of this Great USA. The fighting among the US citizens has subsided over the years to a country where many foreign citizens want to make it their home. It took several wars with other countries, as well as among US citizens, to escalate America to the Greatest Power on earth. Today, July the 4, we are celebrating the freedom of this Great Nation by honoring all men and women who fought and gave their lives for what we now call “America The Beautiful.”  I pray that every living citizen today will not only raise their flags, but fight to keep them raised. The most vicious  war America has ever fought is going on now. Many refuse to believe that, but I stand firm in my belief that the Army of Armageddon is in full force. Our greatest enemy is within our own borders. The virgin America has fallen. The fate there of is in God’s hands and nothing can stop that. We who have been soldiers of the cross will die like all other good soldiers before us, but we have the promise of a home in paradise. Many will go down still denying the power of God. Please read this passage of scripture. Maybe some will rethink their self-righteous, but I fear few, if any, will. Amos 5: 1-2.  Hear ye this word which I take up against you, even a lamentation, O house of Israel, The Virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up. Some may not know this, but what we call America today is the off spring of Israel. We who call ourselves Christians have been grafted into the Jewish decent. Christians believe the Messiah has come, and Jews are still looking for Him to come, The same prophecy that was given to the Jews applies to Christians. That is why the well read bible scholars are not denying that Israel will be saved in the end against any nation, or nations even though they all join forces against Israel. If we are loved by God, we love Israel. He does not make a distinction.  The sooner we quit trying to tell God, “You said,” and start respecting Him for whatever He does, the sooner we will be well in body, mind, and soul. Yes, punishment is for all who disagree with the Heavenly Father. Please, if you never remember anything else I’ve said today, remember that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 3, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Lovely Art And Artist Are Indispensable"

Jean's Comment's: "Lovely Art And Artist Are Indispensable":  My neighbor's patio with the adjoining fish pond is quite, peaceful. and very inviting today. A fountain of water running in the pond...

"Lovely Art And Artist Are Indispensable"

 My neighbor's patio with the adjoining fish pond is quite, peaceful. and very inviting today. A fountain of water running in the pond keeps the fish alive. Just a fence separates this lovely sight from my own flower garden. 7-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.
My lonely sunflower needed some attention. I gave it a drink of water. 7-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.

After being absent two months from the Citizen’s Center I finally made it back today. My summer so far has been a busy one, and with Rick being with me, I don’t have the extra time I used to have. (far which I’m glad.) I was glad to be back with old friends, and I enjoyed a great lunch. Another of our several artists had her work on display, and it was nice to study the precise images of her talented depiction. Every artist has their own style, but the last two I viewed have almost the same expression of taste. I am hesitate to follow their displays since I am more bold and original than they. I am the next artist on the list for display, so I have to brave-up and be ready for plenty of jokes. That I am, and will laugh along with the others. I love what I do, and the way I do it. I believe that fit’s the character of most artists. It is just fun to eat and enjoy an atmosphere of originality no matter what the subject or the depiction there of. Not all people are interested in the same things, therefore we have a variety of style and mode. I try to speak loud and clear with my paintings while others are soft-spoken, and gentle to the touch of the brush. The comparison could be an eloquently sounding orchestra versus a roaring beat of a hard-rock band. There is a listener for both. There is a desire for all art.This day is very hot, and I heard my neighbor working on his house across my fence. I looked over to see him perfecting the mortar between some of the bricks. He never leaves any needed repair undone. It was while I was watching him that I decided to take a picture of his pretty patio with the interesting fish pond adjoining it. As hot as the sun feels to the body, the covered patio was nice and cool. I appreciate the pride of neighbors on both sides of me who keep their places neat and comfortable. I sometimes fail to match their equality. I do try, but its very hard for me to keep up with the up-keep on a large place such as I have. Rick has been a lot of help, but he too is limited to what he can do. I am happy to be where I am, and to keep things in fairly good shape. All I ask is that God will let America continue to celebrate its greatness for a long time more. We are free today to pop firecrackers and shout out songs of praise for this great nation, but I feel like we are threatened and may not be able to do so next year. Tomorrow is the Fourth of July, the Independence Day that we love so much to celebrate. Let us all appreciate it now more than ever before. God Bless America, and God Bless you all.                                 
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "We Little People Of Oz"

Jean's Comment's: "We Little People Of Oz": The sun made a quick appearance then vanished this morning.  7-2-2015 Perryton, Texas. An overcast in the sky this morning speaks of rai...

"We Little People Of Oz"

The sun made a quick appearance then vanished this morning.  7-2-2015 Perryton, Texas.

An overcast in the sky this morning speaks of rain. While I was sitting out I felt a few drops and waited for the sun to appear so I could snap a picture. I finally got a shot, but it quickly went back behind a cloud. We could use more rain at this time. It was 100 degree here yesterday. Its very cool this morning. Wheat harvest is about over, and now is a good time to re-water the ground. What the farmers had hoped for, a bountiful wheat crop, turned out to be fairly good. They are thankful. All the rain we were blessed with earlier this summer is still keeping the pastures green. This is a good year to remember in our prayers of thanksgiving. While the world tumbles and fumbles, we tiny people of Oz will stay behind the curtain and not even peep out. We have a land of our own and enjoy what’s left of our freedom. That’s not to say we are not concerned, but only to realize we must not over-react to something that God is allowing to happen. Prayer is our best weapon. Every day that leaves us with a sound mind is another battle won. A sound mind that needs no strong knock-out help to sleep in peace. The days can sometimes get dreary, but the sound minded can always sit through it. Tomorrow is sure to bring new hope, and happiness, for all who keep their minds clear from poisonous drugs. Pain is here to stay for all living humanity, but that too can be controlled with mild doses of God approved remedies. Let us never forget that our pain is mild compared to what Jesus suffered. Many of us are guilty of bringing a lot of our pain upon ourselves. Jesus was the guiltless one who suffered for the guilty. Just knowing that He held out to the end without backing down, should make us all feel less pain in our own bodies. I am a firm believer that adult pain is about half self pity that advances into uncontrollable suffering if permitted. I heard a testimony once given that I have never forgotten, A Sunday School attendant in our class said when she was going through a divorce a lady in the church who had terminal cancer told her she was praying for her. What a wonderful act of Godly love! I wonder how many of us can match that. The beloved, concerned, Christian lady died, and the divorced one remarried a man that was second to best that any woman could hope for. Let us remain the little people of Oz, and enjoy our glorious sunlight, and moon shine, as long as God will let us. If we will always put others before ourselves I am convinced we will never suffer more pain than we deserve. We may die, but without pain. When its our time, we should be willing to go and count it a blessing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp