Thursday, July 23, 2015

"High Above The Ground Sit A Hierogram"

Pretty bird sitting 100 feet upon an antena tower 

No sight of humming bird yet. Chuck told me I will not see one in Perryton. He said what I thought has been humming birds are not. He called them something else. They looked like little hummers to me. 7-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This morning is lovely and ready to be enjoyed. I did my usual walk through the yard checking out the flowers and fruit. The birds seemed to be enjoying as much as I. I took a picture of a pretty bird with colorful breast feathers sitting high upon an antenna tower. The colors didn’t show well but it was really pretty. I sat for awhile hoping to see a humming bird come by, but finally gave up. Their non-alcoholic beverage is poured and ready for them. I think they will find it soon.

July is almost gone for 2015. Where the time has gone, I don’t know. I just need to hurry along and finish a lot of work I have started. After reading the seventh chapter of Micah last night, I learned that a man’s enemies are the men in his own house. Verse 6. I have been thinking that ISIS was my worse enemy. Now I need to think a lot deeper to understand this scripture. Are we Christians so naïve that we cannot recognize our worse enemy. If my worse enemy is in my own household, I love them anyway. I will conquer that hate and disrespect somehow. I am sure I have no person in my household who would cut off my head, or even wish someone else would. I will study this chapter in Micah a lot more. I know we are very child-like in our Father’s eyes, but don’t we ever grow up? I will hold onto His hand even though I think I am pretty big. Micah was one of the twelve minor prophets in the old testament. I am much less than a prophet, but I thought I was living a good live for God. After reading this seventh chapter of Micah, I have decided I need to prepare myself for judgment day. Verse 9, Micah says, I will bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against Him, until He plead my cause. And execute judgment for me: he will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold His righteousness.  Please read how the dictionary defines indignation. Strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base: righteous anger. Does this make us wonder if we are pleasing God by denouncing what we understand the bible to say is the worse kind of sins. Murder, same sex relationship, tattoos, idol worshiping, and many more? I just have to believe Micah was not claiming to be the perfect man of God. I think he knew he was human and could not claim perfection in his earthly life, just as none of us can. Yes, we all will be judged, but hopefully I will not be guilty of ignoring God’s word by not proclaiming it to the world. We do not say we are sinless. We say we read God’s word and try to obey His teachings, and share with others the message we believe in.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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