Sunday, July 26, 2015

"Which World Do you Live In"

More plums than we can eat. They are sweet and delicious. 7-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.
A lonely little cloud in a very hot sky. Tree tops are showing above my patio roof. 7-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. It is 98 degrees in Perryton, Texas. The sky is clear blue with just a few small clouds. The flowers are scorching, after all the rain we have had this past week. I am so thankful for an air-conditioned home. God is good all the time. I need to harvest the plums, but don’t know what to do with them. Money is still fairly plentiful around here and people are choosing to buy their fruit instead of picking it off trees. I remember the times when women would grab every plum or any other kind of fruit and can them. Now no one wants to put out the effort. Myself included. I wonder how long we can expect to be blessed.

I am indeed blessed just having my two oldest sons back in the house with me much of the time. It almost seems like when they were small and never did leave. Charles and I always enjoyed our family so much, and it was hard to see them move away after they graduated from high school. All but one lived almost four hundred miles from us most of that time. Sometimes it would be a year before I saw some of them. Now it is almost like God is gathering us all back together. It is a priceless gift, and I thank my Lord so much. I don’t always understand why things happen like they do sometimes, but I do understand that God is still king of our household, and He will always look out for us. Most of my tears have dried up since Charles left us, and I am sure the children helped that to happen.

I look out over many worlds away, and I see nothing that can even be imaginable to my tiny spoon-full of brains. The minister touched on the same thought this morning that I had been dealing with recently. I haven’t been keeping up with all the latest news, but it seemed like the pastor had been reading about some kind of discovery by scientist  pertaining to many more worlds than just the ones we now know about. It was a coincidence, or was it, that I had been drifting way out in that direction. I do not want anything more in this life than a peaceful day and night, with God’s arms wrapped around me. I am convinced that man can never know the mysteries of God no matter how many millions of years they try. I am thankful that I do know that God will hold us accountable for every deed we did on earth that was against His will. I do worry about that, and try daily to please my Lord. I have never believed, nor will I ever believe that God is only love, and will not chastise His children. He would not have given us the bible if we had not of needed to know what was right and what was wrong. May we all realize that we are only dirt of this earth, and will soon pass away. Only the soul will enter into God’s kingdom.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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