Thursday, July 30, 2015

"The Feast Is On"

The robins are enjoying the plums that have fallen on the ground. I enjoy them too before they fall. 7-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

A wonderful shower this morning has caused a lot of joy around here. The birds are having a picnic with all the ripe plums that have fallen off the trees. I was able to sit out in the fresh cool breeze and watch them eat and fuss with each other about getting their plums. Several red-breasted robins were the rulers of the plums this morning. They wouldn’t allow any other bird to join in the picnic. The temperature is in the low 70’s. The grass is wet, and the yards are mowed as of yesterday.

I have my chosen art pieces ready to put on display the month of August. I will be hanging 14 paintings at the Citizen’s Center. I am excited about that, as several friends have made me that way. I am already gloating about all the remarks I know will be made. It is going to be fun for sure. I am expecting some pretty funny words coming from some I know already what they are going to say. I know them as well as they know me. It takes all of us to make a great atmospheric crowd. I love all these people so much. If anyone needs their spirits lifted, they know to come to the Center. Everyone is crazy, but not so much that they cannot run a large crowd of seniors and furnish them great food and lots of laughter. All age groups can come and enjoy. The meals are reasonable, and much of the help is donated, as well as money to operate with. Membership dues are low, and members get their food discounted. Every city needs a place like this for their special retired people who have worked hard all their life to finally get to relax and have fun. And I might add all older people are SPECIAL. They have made it through a lot of tough places in their life. They are the wise that follows the stars, and not movie stars. Those under 50 remember your senior years are very near depending on your honesty.

The entire month of August is filled with all kinds of festivities celebrating the birth of the town of Perryton, Texas. This is an yearly event, and one that is very enjoyable. I will not attend everything on the event calendar, but I will share in some of them. Everyone who has lived in Perryton for the past 50 years gets treated like royalty. I like that part the best. All food is free, and it gets served to you on a silver platter. Special places to sit, and air-conditioned dinning rooms. You get to see people you haven’t seen for years. It must be almost like Heaven. As far as rodeo’s, demolition derbies, watermelon feast, dances, flee markets,  TV and radio station interviewers, and many more such fun, food, and entertainment I can do without. I think I will be contented to stay at home for awhile. That is in Perryton. All is welcome if anyone would like to come.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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