Thursday, July 2, 2015

"We Little People Of Oz"

The sun made a quick appearance then vanished this morning.  7-2-2015 Perryton, Texas.

An overcast in the sky this morning speaks of rain. While I was sitting out I felt a few drops and waited for the sun to appear so I could snap a picture. I finally got a shot, but it quickly went back behind a cloud. We could use more rain at this time. It was 100 degree here yesterday. Its very cool this morning. Wheat harvest is about over, and now is a good time to re-water the ground. What the farmers had hoped for, a bountiful wheat crop, turned out to be fairly good. They are thankful. All the rain we were blessed with earlier this summer is still keeping the pastures green. This is a good year to remember in our prayers of thanksgiving. While the world tumbles and fumbles, we tiny people of Oz will stay behind the curtain and not even peep out. We have a land of our own and enjoy what’s left of our freedom. That’s not to say we are not concerned, but only to realize we must not over-react to something that God is allowing to happen. Prayer is our best weapon. Every day that leaves us with a sound mind is another battle won. A sound mind that needs no strong knock-out help to sleep in peace. The days can sometimes get dreary, but the sound minded can always sit through it. Tomorrow is sure to bring new hope, and happiness, for all who keep their minds clear from poisonous drugs. Pain is here to stay for all living humanity, but that too can be controlled with mild doses of God approved remedies. Let us never forget that our pain is mild compared to what Jesus suffered. Many of us are guilty of bringing a lot of our pain upon ourselves. Jesus was the guiltless one who suffered for the guilty. Just knowing that He held out to the end without backing down, should make us all feel less pain in our own bodies. I am a firm believer that adult pain is about half self pity that advances into uncontrollable suffering if permitted. I heard a testimony once given that I have never forgotten, A Sunday School attendant in our class said when she was going through a divorce a lady in the church who had terminal cancer told her she was praying for her. What a wonderful act of Godly love! I wonder how many of us can match that. The beloved, concerned, Christian lady died, and the divorced one remarried a man that was second to best that any woman could hope for. Let us remain the little people of Oz, and enjoy our glorious sunlight, and moon shine, as long as God will let us. If we will always put others before ourselves I am convinced we will never suffer more pain than we deserve. We may die, but without pain. When its our time, we should be willing to go and count it a blessing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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